Confronting the Demon

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I'm frozen in place, partially because I hurt everywhere, and also because I'm scared shitless. Neil lumbers into the living room, obviously drunk. He notices me and turns to my mother, faking a smile. "Susan. I thought we decided Maxine would be best...elsewhere," he says, clenching his jaw and letting out a deep breath. 

I look back and forth between him and my mom, the tension could kill. I push myself up and grimace from the pain, "I can leave," I say, trying to sound confident. But I feel small. He makes me feel that way. 

I start to head to the front door but when I walk past Neil he reaches out and grabs my shoulder, turning me around, his nails digging into my skin. I try to shake him off but his grip is tight. He chuckles, "Maxine. Where do you think you're going? You came back, let's have a visit. Wouldn't you like to catch up?" 

"No," I punch him, but he grabs my wrist and twists. I look to my mother, silently pleading for help. 

Neil takes his hand off my shoulder and grabs my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "You should know better than that. Eye contact is a key part of a conversation. Don't you think?" 

I knee him in the groin and he collapses to the ground, but rather than grabbing me he stays there, immobile. As Neil struggles, confused as to what's happening to him, I feel a presence behind me. El. She doesn't look at me though, all of her focus is turned on Neil. Blood is running out of her nose. I go from relieved to fearful again, "El?" There's a choking noise, I turn to Neil, his eyes are filled with fear. My eyes flicker to my mother, who's frozen. She's watching Neil, just watching, not trying to help. I hate the asshole but I can't let El kill him. "EL. STOP," I say firmly. 

El looks at me and then back to him, "He. Hurt. You." I reach out and slowly place my hand on her arm. 

I let my voice go soft, "I know babe. He did hurt me. But if you do this he doesn't pay, he doesn't go to jail. He's just gone." 

El lets out an exhale, frustrated. "He has been hurting you. Why is he not there yet? Why, Max? I have to do this. No one else will." 

I shake my head, "No. You don't have to. He can go to jail. Please El. I want him to go to jail. Listen to ME. I'm telling you what I want. Please, listen to me." I move my hand to her cheek, "Look at me." El turns her face and looks into my eyes. "You don't have to do this. I don't want you to do this," I whisper. 

A few seconds go by and El drops her arm, releasing Neil, who takes big gulps of air. I walk over to him and stare him in the eyes. My mother is standing there, and even though she's not going to do anything I know that deep down she wants me to get revenge for what he's done to us. I'll do it for us. I don't spare a moment, kicking him in the ribs, Neil groans and tries to get up. But I'm on top of him before his head is an inch above the floor, pummeling him. 

I don't know how long I beat on him for, but I know that by the time Hopper pulled me off him my hands were bloody and Neil was unconscious. Right now El and I are in the back of Hopper's car, my head on her lap. "Max?"

I flip over on my back to face her, "Yeah?" 

She looks at me, her face colored with concern. "Are you...ok?" 

I nod slowly, "I will be. I have you."

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