Perfect Combo

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A/N: Ok, so first off...HOLY SHIT THE PHOTOS OF SADIE FOR THE GIVENCHY CAMPAIGN! SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY I CAN'T RN! Also, for this pretend that the Byers and El didn't move away. 

It's my first day of 10th grade and my feet hit the floor the second my alarm is goes off. Usually I'd press snooze for school, but today is special. It's El's first day going to school. And I promised her that I would meet her out front of the school so I could help her find her classes, and a promise is a promise with El. I packed my bag and laid out my clothes the night before, so all I have to do is eat and bathroom stuff. I'm ready in about 45 minutes. After I finish tying my vans and grab my backpack I head outside to grab my bike and get to school.

I lock my bike to the bike rack and look around. El is standing by the front door. She seems nervous. I wave to catch her attention, smiling as I near her. I can see her body relax when we make eye contact. When I get to her I take her hand, "Follow me." 

El looks confused but she obeys. I pull her to the side of the building where we're out of sight and wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her. El's hands find their way around my neck. When pull away from the kiss we lean our foreheads together. "Max?" El whispers. 

I smile at her voice, "Yeah babe?" 

She bites her lip, "I don't want to ruin the kissing, but, where is my period 1?" 

I pull away and chuckle, "Yeah, okay. Let's go." Before we round the building I put my hand on El's shoulder. 

She turns towards me, "What?" 

I give her a sweet kiss, "I just had to get one last one in." 

El blushes and looks down, "Okay. Ready now?" 

I let out a sigh, "I guess I have to be." 

We go into the building and put our stuff in out lockers. I help El find hers and she already knows how to open it, Jonathan taught her how on a combination lock. After we put our bags away El shows me her class schedule that she got in the mail. I explain how to find her classrooms. "See the letters before the numbers?" 

El nods, "Yes." 

I motion towards the lockers, "There are 3 hallways. Each with either purple, blue, or green lockers. If the letter is P the classroom is in the hallway with the red lockers. If it's B it's in the hallway with blue lockers. If it's G it's in the hallway with green lockers. Got it?" 

El nods again, "I got it." 

Then I point to the numbers, "Then there are the numbers next to the letters, like this 15. Look above the doors, see the numbers?" 

El looks around at all the closest doors, "I see them."  

I go on, "So, the number 15 will be above your classroom door. Can you tell what hallway it's in?" 

El studies the paper for a few seconds, "Purple?" 

I smile at her correct answer, happy I came through to her. "Perfect. You got it." El smiles back at me, proud of herself. Then the 5 minute warning bell rings and people start to head to class. El starts to look nervous again. "Hey, you'll do great," I reassure her. 

El smiles appreciatively and looks at her schedule, "I have to go to purple 15 now. I have geometry." 

I nod, "Okay, I'll see you next period in bio. That's in 22." 

El gives me am amused look, "I know Max." She squeezes my hand and walks away to find her class, giving me a small wave and smile before she goes through the door.

When first period is over I head to health and wait for El outside the door. She walks up to me. She looks a little down. "What's wrong?" I ask, concerned. 

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