Happy Birthday Babe

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I wake up to a loud tapping on my window. I get out of bed and rub my eyes, "Will?" I open my window and give him a look, "It's 8 in the morning. We said 9. You're ONE HOUR EARLY." 

Will puts his hands on his hips, "MAX. It's your girlfriends first birthday where she's actually going to have a real party. Plus this is a special birthday since she's turning 16. We need to get ready. Are you coming or not?" 

I sigh, "I hate you. Turn around, I need to change." Will gives me a pleased smile and I shoot a sarcastic one back at him, motioning with my hand for him to spin around. I already picked out my outfit for today, it's my favorite. El told me I looked pretty in it, that's the only special thing about it.  "Will, you can look at me now," I say as I go to search under my bed. I feel the small cloth bag that I was looking for and pull it out. It's El's birthday present. I got an antique locket at the pawn shop and put a picture of us inside. It's cheesy, but hey, I know El will love it. 

As I get off the floor Will holds up his wrist at me so I can see his watch, "Hurry up. You're taking forever." 

I lean out the window and pull his his wrist towards my face so I can see his watch, "It's literally been 3 minutes." I playfully shove him away and grab my backpack. Will offers me his hand as I go to climb out the window and I give him a look. When I jump out my feet plant firmly on the ground and I smirk. I take my bike from its place against the side of my house and turn to Will as we get on our bikes, "Race you."

First we head to the general store to get some stuff for the party. I think it's safe to say that Hopper doesn't have a junk food stash so we have to get some candy. We park our bikes outside and head in. I walk around and Will comes over to me with candles, "Should we get the ones that look like numbers or a bunch of the tiny rainbow ones?" 

I look at them for a second, "We should get the little ones, they're more fun to blow out." 

Will pinches my cheek, "It's so cute that you're thinking about what would be more fun for her." 

I smack him away, "Shut up." 

Will laughs, "You're blushing! Aww, and there's a smile!" 

I roll my eyes, "Let's go get some candy." 

Will smirks at me and goes to put the rejected candles away. 

We end up getting those little rainbow candles, a shit ton of candy, and those stupid party hats. Will had to talk me into those. 

As we exit the store Will turns to me, "Where to next?" 

I smile, "The bakery. For some reason El has never had frosted sugar cookies before so that's my second gift.." Will gives me a cheeky smile and I glare at him, "What?" 

He lightly hits my shoulder, "How many presents did you get her?" 

I sigh, "I planned on 3, it isn't that many." 

WIll raises his eyebrows, "What's the third?" 

I smirk, "It's a secret."

We bike over to the bakery and go in. When I open the door a familiar face is there cleaning the counter, "Hey dinguses." 

I smile, "Hey Robin." She puts her rag down and leans against the wall and smirks,  "Are you here for your girlfriends cake?" 

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm here for the cookies. Joyce is taking care of the cake." 

Robin tilts her head, "Get it...her cake?" 

I sigh, "Yes Robin. I know you're talking about her butt." Robin chuckles, then I hear a quiet laugh behind me and turn to it, "You too Will?" 

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