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A/N: This is the last part of a three-part segment that included "Max > Mike" and "Snowball 2.0."

I wake up to a loud knocking noise at the door. El and I are spooning on the couch, she's still asleep. "El? There's someone at the door," I say, tapping her shoulder. Then it really sinks in, El and I, two girls, are cuddling on a couch in a room where we obviously had a date. And there's someone at the door. Shit! I don't want to wake up El so I climb over the back of the couch and walk to the front window. I look out and see Will. 

He's knocking louder now, I hear El stir, "Max? Who's at the door?" 

"Will's here," I respond. She starts to get up and walk towards the door. I stop her, "Are you crazy? He'll know what's going on." 

El looks confused, "What's going on?" 

I grab her arm, "El, remember? Some people aren't ok with two girls kissing? People like Mike. Will's BEST FRIEND. He might tell him about us, we could get in trouble." 

El shakes her head, "Will wouldn't tell. Trust me." 

I take in a nervous breath and let go of her arm, "Ok." 

El walks over to the front door and opens it wide, "Hi." 

Will looks at El and then me, his eyes scanning the room. "Hi..." El motions for Will to come in and closes the door. "Hey Max." 

I can feel my face heat up a little, "Hey." 

Will walks over to the couch and sits down on one end, "Can we talk?" 

Now I'm very nervous. I swallow, "Both of us?" 

Will nods. I walk over to the couch and sit down at the opposite end, my back up against the armrest. To my surprise, El sits in front of me and leans her head onto my chest. I avoid eye contact with Will, if he didn't suspect anything yet he sure as hell will now. El breaks the awkward silence, "What did you want to talk about?" 

Will takes a deep breath, "Mike and he told me he dumped you, El. I asked him why he told me..." 

El looks nervous, "Are you mad?" 

Will shakes his head, "No it's not that...I understand." El looks deep in thought. Will nervously continues her, "El? Do you know what I mean?" 

She looks up, "You want to kiss boys?" 

Will blushes and looks down, "Yeah." 

Then he looks at me and El, seemingly looking for an explanation "Max?" he questions me.

I take El's hand and swallow, "Friday night when El told me what happened with Mike I told her that I...understand, now we're..." 

El squeezes my hand and finishes for me, "Girlfriends." 

Will smiles, "I'm happy for you guys." Then he motions to the cabin's decorations and our outfits, "What happened here? You guys obviously just woke up." 

El and I look at each other and laugh, "Max? Tell him." 

I kiss her head look up at Will. "Max! You softie," he teases. 

I shoot him a mock death stare and begin to speak, "We did a dance, kind of like a snowball 2.0. We got dressed up, had party food, danced, and passed out on the couch...then you woke us up with your obnoxious knocking." 

Will laughs, "Sorry, I just wanted to see if El was ok. I know if it had been me I would have wanted someone who understood." 

El smiles, "Thank you. Max, can we have food?" 

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