The battle of the bands.

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"Daughter?" Charlotte turned around to face the men in behind her. "Are you alright my child?" She looked down before picking herself back up.
"It's nick father... I think he's in love with Sabrina..." caliban stepped forward holding a hand out for her.
"Charlotte you don't look well." She stumbled slightly shaking her head.
"I'm fine. Really."
"You merged didn't you? With the other half." Charlotte smiled a little.
"I figured I could stop being so weak." Lucifer smiled at her and caliban grew concerned.
"Well... daughter this is a surprise. I would love to say and chat but- wait... no." He edged closer. "There is a battle of the bands taking place. Go, expose your sister and young Nicholas. See it so they're not trusted get your revenge." She closed her eyes for a moment allowing them to turn black. With a smile on her red painted lips she nodded.
"Yes father." Caliban frowned walking out of the room.

"Caliban? What are you doing here?" Sabrina walked to him with nick growing concerned.
"I don't know what petty argument you've had with Charlotte but you better fix things. She's down in hell right this moment planning revenge with lucifer himself." The two frowned and Sabrina began to panic.
"I don't have time for this. Nick you need to find her and make things right."
"But I-"

The group stood in the crowd of people ready for battle of the bands. Everyone seemed to be having fun when the music cut and the lights died.
"Good evening everyone..."
"It's Charlotte." Nick spoke out stepping forward to go to her when Sabrina stopped him.
"You'll look like the bad guy if you go and drag her down."
"I'm here to kick off this battle with something slow... tell me has anyone here been hurt?" The crowd cheered and she appeared as the lights hit her. She wore a dark red dress and a smile. "Well then... you may enjoy this." The music began to play as she held the mic closing her eyes for a moment.

I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I saw you
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine

The music was sweet and hunting everyone around them went quite as she sung.

Do you know what prudence said
When I told her what you'd done?
She said
"You have married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun"

"Oh Nicky you've really pissed off the wrong witch." Prudence chuckled watched her friend. As the song grew the more the crowd was bought to life. And the more angry she was... the more heartbroken they seemed.

Take another step in my direction
I can't be trusted around you
Don't think you can talk your way
Into my arms, into my arms

She finally looked at them. Her eyes finally falling on nicks... but they weren't her eyes. They weren't warm and welcoming anymore. They were cold and filled with fire.

I'm burning the letters you wrote me
You can stand over there if you want
I don't know who you are
I have so much to learn

I'm re-reading your letters
And watching them burn
I'm watching them burn

Nick shed a tear as he listened, this time there was no winning her back from this.

Heaven forbid someone whisper
"He's part of some scheme"
Your enemy whispers
So you have to scream

She sunk to her knees while singing leaning closer to nick in the front row as she sung her next line.

I know about whispers
I see how you look at my sister

Her eyes shot to Sabrina and she stood up shaking her head at them.
"That's not true is it nick?" Prudence looked at the two in shock

I'm not naive
I have seen women around you
Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms
All your charms

Nick began to back away feeling the anger from his friends being directed to him.

I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Charlotte reacted
When you broke her heart
You have thrown it all away
Stand back, watch it burn
Just watch it all burn

She dropped the microphone and smiled as the stage went black again.
"Sabrina? Awnser me. Is it true?" Prudence asked louder and again she didn't Awnser, instead she went looking for nick.

She found nick by the entrance of the mines getting some air he looked to Sabrina and huffed.
"Nick. We have to face them."
"No Sabrina! You should be facing them! This is your fault!"
"Nick I-"
"I WAS HAPPY SABRINA! Then you came to me and made me say those things to you. Now I love you and I've lost her!"
"Nick you... but...."
"I love both of you okay. And you did that. You ruined what me and her had." Sabrina was taken back deciding she couldn't deal with it. The girl turned on her heels seeing a rather attractive football player kissing a girl against a wall. He pulled away with a bloody lip after the girl bit him.
"Nick." He looked over seeing that it was Charlotte and felt his heart shatter.
"Lottie what are you doing." She looked over turning her attention away from the boy who was now kissing her neck. A smirk appeared as she pulled her gloves off holding the boys face.
"Lottie don't." She looking at the boy before letting go and pushing him away to walk to her sister at nick. "Why are you doing this." Nick begged a little allowing himself to cry.
"Because... you made me this way. It's your fault Nick. Not Sabrina's. It's. On. You." And with that she disappeared.

Clap.clap. Clap. Clap.
"Now that! Was a performance!" She kept her back to her father and caliban taking heavy breathes as her face drained of colour. "Honestly Charlotte you should've seen the warlocks face! He- Charlotte?" Caliban stepped forward slowly placing a hand on her shoulder. The moment his hand came in contact she let out a horrific scream dropping to her knees. Caliban looked to lucifer who seemed disturbed.
"What is it?"
"It's the merge... Caliban... you need to get her to the witches... if they can't separate her dark half soon she-" he choked on his words.
"She'll die?"

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