The trial

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"I have a question." Nick spoke up as him a Sabrina walked covered in maple from the fair. "Who's the guy that looks like Thor that stole that crown." She gulped.
"Nick... I have to tell you something. In order to get you home... Charlotte became the queen of hell..."
"She what." He stopped and looked at Sabrina with anger in his eyes.
"She did it for you. I'm supposed to be her right hand and deliver her souls but... that guy caliban wants that job... and if he wins these trials... he'll marry her and rule hell with her as the king." Nick turned around punching a fence.
"And not one of your decided to tell me! The girl I love is supposed to get married and is ruling hell! My whole life with her depends on you not messing up! Again!" Sabrina raised an eyebrow looking at him.
"It was a lie wasn't it. What you said infront of my dad." Nick scoffed walking forward.
"Yes Sabrina I like you. Yes I wouldn't mind something with you but I love your sister. I have done for years. And I refuse to loose her to that asshole."

Nick sat in the chair at dorians waiting for the demons to walk in there was a flash of black and Charlotte stood there in her underwear.
"Hi nicky..." he gulped looking at her.
"Your engaged." She walked over, her heels clicking on the floor.
"No. He proposed. I told him only if he wins... and he won't. I'd never love him nicky... not like you." She took the bottle from his hand taking a sip.
"He planned it all didn't he? He made you leave so you could rule hell."
"He used us both. And now he has what he wants. And I... I'm about to have what I want..."
"Which is?" She sank to her knees in front of him with a smile.
"You already know the awnser to that."

Charlotte turned around to see caliban stood there.
"Come quickly." She ran to the throne room seeing her sister covered in a sticky substance. And caliban wearing the crown.
"Oh dear." She laughed a little and looked around.
"Round 1 to caliban. Round two is to be announced tomorrow. Now if you will forgive me. I'm retiring for the night." She walked back to her chambers and huffed.
"Are you alright my queen." She hummed looking over at caliban.
"I'm sorry. Who allowed you in here?" He walked to a chair and gestured.
"May I?" She nodded taking off her crown and undoing her hair. "You look drained. My queen is everything alright." She smiled in the mirror at him and placed her brush down.
"I am fine caliban. Thank you for your concern." He walked over placing his hands on her shoulders and began to rub. She groaned and he chuckled.
"You're tense. Is my proposal really bothering you that much." She scoffed closeting her eyes as he rubbed the back of her neck.
"Don't flatter yourself."
"Would marrying me be that bad?" She huffed finally opening her eyes and pulling away.
"You forget yourself caliban. Again." He chuckled to himself and held up his hands.
"Well then I shall take my leave. Goodnight my queen. Rest well." She gave him a nod and he left the room.

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