The goodbye

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"What do we do about father Blackwood. He plans to sacrifice Sabrina." Zelda began to fret at the notion.
"Don't worry auntie." The room turned around to face Charlotte. She held a sword up examining it closely. "I'll take care of blackwood." Ambrose looked at the girl was was stood caked in blood.
"Is that..."
"Caliburn... the most powerful sword known in this realm... and the holiest. It even has the power to kill those who bare the mark of cain." Ambrose nodded and looked around the room.
"We will win."

The day came. Charlotte stood outside the caves almost shaking with emotion.
"You nervous?" She hummed at the question.
"No..." she stepped forward only to hear that sweet name fall from his lips.
"Lottie..." she turned to face him.
"Yes Nicholas."
"I have to tell you something-"
"No. We survive this... you tell me after." He stepped closer.
"And if we don't? Can I at least say goodbye?" She looked at him with a moment of fleeting warmth in her eyes.
"If we survive this... will you choose her...." he pressed his lips in a tight line, he still wasn't ready to reveal what the spell had shown.
"You'll have to survive to find out." He stepped closer leaving a kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye little Lottie."
"Goodbye Nicky." The two then walked into the cave racing to where Sabrina lay. Blackwood stood over her with a blade as Ambrose tempted him with the rest of the void. They all stood in pure nervousness before Charlotte let out a breath. Then. She ran. The girl jumped over the table plunging her blade through his neck letting out a scream. He choked on his blood and she let him fall to the ground.
"That's for trying to sacrifice my sister." She turned around looking at Sabrina who was now sat up right looking at her.
"I'm sorry Charlotte but that is exactly what you're going to have to do." The crowd listened to what Sabrina had to say about the void and how they planned to get it out of her, and the people she made disappeared. They were to bleed it out of her. Sabrina devised her plan and listened to nicks protests about leaving her. Charlotte turned her back as Sabrina kissed him. "Charlotte will be here with me. Right Charlotte?" She gave a nod with her back still turned.
"Of course sister."

"I love you spellman. I'll see you on the other side." Nick spoke shooting a look at Charlotte as he spoke to Sabrina. She gave him a nod and he left letting Charlotte take his place. She took her sisters hand folding it tight as Zelda began the bleeding. The void began to drain as the aunts began to speak a spell of protection.
"It's okay Brina. We're here okay." Charlotte began trying not to cry as the girl began to close her eyes. "No no no come on keep them open. Look at me come on." Sabrina looked at her sister as she began to say her goodbyes to everyone she knew. "No! Sabrina! You stop that! You're not leaving! Stop it!" She pressed her forehead to Sabrina's.
"I love you Charlotte..." Sabrina held her hand tightly and Charlotte began to sob.
"I love you sister.... I'm sorry okay.... I'm really sorry." The proton closed and so did Sabrina's eyes. Everyone stopped celebrating when Charlotte screamed. "Sabrina! Sabrina wake up!" Nick raced over.
"Lottie. Lottie" she continued to shake her sister as Zelda helped nick to pull her.
"Lottie she's gone!"
"No! She didn't hear me! I didn't get to say sorry! No! Sabrina!" She was finally pulled away and nick held her as she sank to the floor sobbing and screaming.
"It's okay lottie... she knows... she knows..."

They stood at her funeral as Zelda spoke. It was the first time anyone had seen Charlotte in week. She stood at the front a single red rose in her hand. She walked over placing it on the grave and then she continued to walk.

Knock knock. Charlotte opened the door looking at nick. He held out a image of her and Sabrina. The one that used to hang in the hall. There was a red stain in the centre circling one of the faces. She looked at nick in surprise.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He walked into her room and she looked at the picture again.
"I didn't know how... but I've had the last few weeks to plan it out in my head... granted it was going to be a lot cooler." She scoffed sitting down to listen to him.
"So what did you plan on saying?"
He smiled coming to kneel in front of her.
"I was foolish... I was blind... it's always been you... my little Lottie." He took her hands in his placing a kiss on each. "And no one will ever change that again." She looked at him with sad eyes and smiled.
"You took your time Nicky..." he placed a sweet kiss on her lips letting their foreheads press together.
"I know lottie. I'm sorry."
"Shhh shhh shhhh... just hold me Nicky... I just want you to hold me..."
"Whatever you want Morningstar."
"I love you Nicky."
"I love you too lottie."

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