Need it

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For 2 years Charlotte stayed away. Day and night Blackwood would be with her attempting to rid her of the curse. Now it only affected her at night and her hands were the only with that would burn. She was allowed out for her lessons and studies now that she could control it.
"Lottie?" Nick walking into the classroom to see her talking with prudence and the sisters she smiled a little and he walked over. "Where have you been we-" she hugged him tightly being about to do this without breaking away quickly felt like a blessing he lowered his arms around her and pulled her closer. "The curse..."
"Blackwood... he's been helping me. Nick it's almost gone." He didn't pull away instead he rests his chin on her head and closes his eyes.

It's like with for a while now. The girl and her friend share moments of embrace whenever they wish, the teens are closer than ever until her 15th birthday. They stood in lesson talking about something irrelevant.
"Yeah erm... sorry nick im really tired..." he frowned almost seeing what was about to happen. He legs became weak and he helped her sit.
"Are you feeling okay?" She nodded a little as a drop of blood hit his hand. He saw it pouring from her nose and frown. "Prudence... can you go and get Blackwood" she walked over taking one look at her friend and gasped running from the room.
"I'm okay..." she mumbled as her eyes began to roll back. Nick attempted to keep her from falling out of the chair and Blackwood raced in.
"Charlotte what has happened." He knelt next to nick holding her face to get a better look.
"It's happening again..." he huffed.
"Mr scratch would you pick her up and follow me I'm afraid she can't walk in this state." He nodded doing as Blackwood asked following to the top floor of the school, Blackwood stopped opening a door and nick took her inside. After laying her down on the bed he looked at blackwood.
"You're taking her away again?" Blackwood huffed at nick and nodded.
"We need to get her better nick. Her dark baptism is in a year I must have her fit for that. You and the sisters may visit from time to time as long as she is doing well. Don't fret she will be okay. I will make sure of it."
"Is there anything we can do?" He looked at the young girl barely conscious on the bed.
"Prey mr scratch. Prey the dark lord will deliver her from this curse."

Months after this there was no difference in her state. She lay on the bed barely able to move, this was when he arrived. The dark lord stood before her.
"My child..." she opened her eyes and wheezed a little from the pressure on her lungs. "I am sorry for this misfortune but don't worry... I am here now." With a wave of his hand she sucked in a deep breath suddenly being able to move. She sat up looking around and gulped a little.
"Am I dead?" He chuckled lightly and looked at her.
"No my child... I have something to ask of you and if you do it I shall return and rid you of this curse... there will come a time when you will be asked to take something from your sister. Do it and the curse will lift. Disobey and it will kill you..." she thought about it for a moment and nodded.
"Yes dark lord." He placed a hand on her cheek, his hot breath fanning over her face made her slightly sick.
"We have much to talk about Charlotte. We will speak again but for 7 days your curse is lifted do all that you need to do in this time. Go forth my child sign the book of the beast." And just like that he was gone. She looked down slowly slipping the gloves off touching her own wrist. He was right. It was gone. She quickly changed into her dress and walked out of the room, Blackwood stood in the hall waiting.
"How are you feeling." She smiled and gave a nod. Blackwood offered his hand and she took it as he lead her out of the school and to the woods were she would sign her name. He walked inside and she paused for a moment thinking about what the dark lord had said and then she walked into the arch and saw everyone stood watching.
Nick stood looking at her as she walked to the book. She was taller now, her hair was longer and well she had gotten pretty -not that she wasn't before - she had changed. As had nick, in the few months they hand been apart they had both grown he couldn't focus on what she was saying as she took her vows, only her red lips. She picked up the pen and began to sign a drop of ink fell onto the page snapping him from his thoughts. And just like that. It was over. She had signed as had he a few months ago. Charlotte turned around as people clapped father Blackwood kissed her gloved hand, but, she kept her eyes on nick. Her voice echoed in his head.
Meet me at dorians 10 minutes

"I was worried you wouldn't come." He turned around to look at her as she leant against the door closing it behind him.
"Of course I came lottie..." for once he was lost for words, captivated by her." She pulled her gloves off and held out her hand. "Lot-"
"It's gone... you can touch me." He stepped forward quickly talking her hand to pull her into him, as quickly as he'd grabbed her his lips caught hers. Nick felt like he had been waiting forever for this.
"Can I?" He asked looking at her deeply and smiled and nodded.
"I have a week until it comes back. In that time you can do whatever you wish nick." He smiled laying her into the bed.
"I intend to lottie."

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