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The challenge was complete the demons were banished and the church of night stood in awe of what to do.
"Before you all leave we have an announcement." Sabrina and nick took a seat and listened still waiting to find out who had won the honer of being top boy. They all looked at Blackwood waiting for his words.
"I give this news with a heavy heart. After today's festivities. Tonight when the moon is high there is to be an execution. The dangerous witch Charlotte spellman is to be burned as a heretic. She has been detained after a dangerous capture that nearly left some of our strongest members seriously injured." Nick and Sabrina looked at eachother. The whole church was in disbelief. That was when Sabrina stood up.
"This isn't right! Charlotte wouldn't hurt anyone!" Blackwood gave a huff looking at the defiant girl.
"I assure you miss spellman, your sister has taken a very dangerous turn. Just ask mr scratch of the injuries she inflicted on him. And it has been bought to my attention she attempted to have relations with a mortal boy. As I say I am very sorry for this news. Let prey to the dark lord he has mercy on her soul." The man left the church and Sabrina, nick and the rest of the spellman gathered.
"This is crazy." Sabrina said sitting down. "There's no way Charlotte hurt anyone." Ambrose cleared his throat before looking up from the floor.
"Actually cousin. I saw Charlotte yesterday. Down in the cells under the academy. Her hands were covered in blood and she looked like she had gone out of her mind." Zelda held her chest looking at her nephew in shock.
"You knew about this and you didn't tell us. Ambrose your cousin is facing execution and you thought it would be best not to tell us." The boy looked haunted at the thought and stood up.
"In all due respect auntie she made me promise not to tell a soul. I didn't want to disobey her final wish." And with that Ambrose left Sabrina looked at the people around her and sighed.
"So how can we save her. Aunties we are not going to let them kill a spellman." As she spoke a voice came from behind them.
"We may be able to help." The sisters stood there creepily close to the group.
"You would help?" Nick looked at prudence in a kind of shock.
"Charlotte is our friend. She has helped us many a time she help Agatha pass conjuring class and has been a good friend to us. Plus my father has been unfair to her. On many an occasion. So tell us Sabrina. What do we do."

The coven gathered in the woods the stake infront of them while they prepared the wood and father Blackwood read from the book. He said a short prayer and looked up.
"Bring the damned." Nick refused to look behind him as the brung her. The man held her arm dragging her closer she shoved him off and gave a dangerous look. She then stood straight and began to walk herself. Her white dress trailing behind her like some kind of twisted wedding. Father Blackwood took her hand helping her step to the platform to where she would meet her end.
"Charlotte spellman. You have been found guilty of heresy and sentenced to death by burning. Do you have anything to say." She looked around the room gasping as they tied the restrains to hard and her eyes fell on nick and her family she stopped dead and looked straight at them.
"I'm sorry."  A single tear slipped down her cheek and the torch was laid by her feet she looked down as the flames rose above her face. She didn't make a sound. Blackwood frowned and with that nick stood up he took a deep breath and walked to the flames.
"Mr scratch! What are you doing!" He held out his hand to the roaring flames and hissed as the heat began to make him sweat. As if out of no where a hand reached through the flames and grabbed him. Slowly the young witch walked through the flames unharmed she stepped down and looked at nick in shock.
"How..." Blackwood spoke and nick looked at him.
"My fellow coven. This has been a set up by father Blackwood. Edward spellmans curse was never a curse. It was a spell of protection. The curse was placed on her my Blackwood to ensure Edward would loose everything. He lied about Charlottes capture. Charlotte came with no fight and it was only her and Blackwood in the room. Miss spellman familiar was the one who told us. No one was injured by miss spellman and father Blackwood never mentioned any of this to the council as far as they know Charlotte is home safe." Nick said this proudly his gripping her hand tightly. Zelda stood up walking the her niece.
"The spell my brother placed on Charlotte ensured she would never me harmed by the flames. He did this after blackwoods sister set fire to Charlottes room when she was a babe. A attempt we all know saw the execution of the late Blackwood. Father Blackwood has always resented my niece and our family. There will be no execution today and definitely not one of a spellman."

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