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"Sabrina. Why don't you walk down to the academy? Check in on your sister?" Sabrina stopped looking at her aunts.
"I don't think that's a good idea auntie... she's still angry with me..."

Charlotte woke up looking around the library rubbing her eyes.
"Surely you didn't sleep here lottie?" She looked up and gasped.
"Nicky... but. But how." He smiled placing a hand on her shoulder.
"You're not here are you..." he shook his head with a soft smile.
"It's time to wake up... bring me home lottie."
Charlotte shot up in her bed. She jumped at the sight of Dorkus and Agatha.
"What the hell!" 
"Your sister has summoned you."
"I don't want to see her." The girls smiled and she climbed out of bed pulling her dress on. Then she was in the spellman house where Sabrina stood facing her. "What do you want."
"We're going to get nick. But we need you. You're the queen of hell."  Charlotte scoffed rolling her eyes.
"No Lilith is. I stepped down. I stepped down because you told me we couldn't get him out unless we were all together. It's a year later and he's still down there brina." Sabrina felt bad in that moment. She looked around.
"Just come with us. We'll bring him back."

Charlotte sat on a rock laughing at them all as they washed up on the beach. She was perfectly dry, her black dress flowing in the wind.
"Turns out I still have some footing here." They 4 stood up looking at Charlotte
"What are they?" Theo pointed star the cages of people.
"They're the souls of the damned. They drown as the tide rolls in" Charlotte stood up looking at the young blonde man who came out from behind the rocks. "Over and over again. For all eternity."
"Hi we're looking for Lilith." Sabrina said. The man looked Charlotte up and down and smiled.
"All blood flows to pandemonium. Follow the blood red road where it flows, and there you'll find the throne of hell." Charlotte smiled raised an eyebrow.
"Well that's delightful. And you are?" He smiled at her and winked.
"Never step off the road. It's clear you're wearing dead men's shoes, though... any demon worth his salt can smell mortal flesh a mile away." He smiled again and walked away Charlotte looked at her sister.
"Well wasn't he a ray of sunshine."

The 5 wondered through hell and Charlotte stood waiting for everyone to join her. She grew rather tired of waiting and saw the young man from the beach duck in the woods. She frowned walking over to look at him.
"You're following us." She stated. The man stopped and looked at her with a smirk.
"Perhaps. Perhaps I'm following you."
"Me?" She frowned.
"Charlotte! Come on!" She looked over at her sister and the mortals further up the path. She looked back and the man and frowned. He was gone. They all walked to the path outside the castle and walked in.
"Sabrina... Charlotte... oh and you bought the mortals."
"You know why we're here Lilith."
"Oh you mean mr scratch he's right over there." Charlotte looked over at the boy bound in chains and ran over.
"Nick. Oh Satan. Nicky."
"Oh do step away dear. Let's eat first."
"What's happening to him" Charlotte looked up at Lilith in tears.
"Well I'm sure he and the dark lord are having all sorts of conversations within that handsome little flesh Acheron. Now come along. The lot of you."
They all sat down at the table looking at Lilith just waiting for her to say something. Sabrina sat talking to Lilith but Charlotte sat looking at nick.
"I want to take him home." Charlotte mumbled and they all looked at her.
"Okay fine. On one condition."
"Which is?" Charlotte frowned.
"The hierarchy of hell has been in the tiniest state of turmoil. Lately, the infernal kings refuse to recognise my authority because I'm not a Morningstar. But it would calm the dark waters if one of you simply... crown me queen of hell."
"Didn't I already do that?" Charlotte frowned looking up from her plate.
"Well I need you to do it again. Here. Publicly, to make me legitimate in their eyes."
"Fine. Whatever as long as we can take him home."
"Excellent!" Lilith smiled.

They all stood waiting as the court gathered.
"Infernal court, I bid you welcome. The city of pandemonium has an honoured guest. May I present Charlotte and Sabrina Morningstar. Daughters of Lucifer Morningstar. They both stepped up to the platform. Sabrina stood nervously looking at hells subjects. Charlotte in the other hand stood proudly. A smile on her face and a grace about her which was something she always had shown. She looked like a true queen. "In his absence, they have come to declare me queen of hell. Isn't that right girls?"
"Yes that is right." Sabrina spoke loudly. The kings then spoke up about their distaste and Charlotte frowned.
"The realms are in chaos, and the earth, the pit, the heavens, the cosmos, they all reject Liliths claim to the throne." Charlotte couldn't help but laugh a little.
"And who do you propose would rule?" Lilith looked at Charlotte and the idea struck her.
"All hail caliban. Prince of hell. Moulded from the clay of the pit itself. Native son of the inferno, born to restore and rule our dark domain." Charlotte smirked at the man before her as he looked at her.
"Hello again." Lilith looked around.
"And what is this?"
"This is salvation. Since the dark lords desertion, the nine circles of hell have been breaking down. I, caliban, will restore stability and do what Lucifer failed to do... conquer the earth. Remark it as our tenth circle. And enslave the tribes of mortal and witch." Charlotte looked at the man and her jaw tightened. They were stuck in a unbreakable eye contact, almost battling eachother. She smirked and looked around.
"I am Charlotte Morningstar. The firstborn of Lucifer Morningstar. The throne is mine by blood and by birth." Sabrina looked at her.
"What are you doing." Charlotte walked over sitting on the throne with a smile.
"I'm claiming my throne. Since you won't."
"We do not except this." One of the kings shouted. "The witch lives in earth. She cannot possibly rule hell."
"You are a child not a queen."
"My sister is the child. And who said anything about me living on earth?"
"You cannot fulfil your fathers duties."
"Alone maybe not. With my sister by my side and Lilith as my adviser watch me."
"I dispute." Charlotte raised an eyebrow at caliban.
"Sabrina will still live on earth correct? She will not be fitting as your right hand. Allow me to take her place and rule by your side."
"Excuse me?" He smiled
"I caliban prince of hell challenge Sabrina-"
"It is true you can challenge it but you need signatures to do this."
"In other words back the heaven off." Sabrina smiled. She looked at her sister who's eyes had turned pure red like their fathers.
"You are all dismissed." She gave caliban a wink and they all walked out of the room. Sabrina looked at at her sister.
"You can't be serious."  Charlotte smiled.
"But I am. Go. Take nick. I'll come and visit when I can. Me and Lilith have much work to do."

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