Chapter 7: Mystery Boy

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A/n: I realized the majority of y'all didn't read the chapter before this one, probably didn't notice. SO don't forget to read the last chapter, star it, and come back!

Love you guys!


Your eyes went wide and your face flushed even turning the pink blush on your face pale. You let go of his hands still keeping eye contact.

How did he know your name?

You slowly shook your head in disbelief backing away. This right here, you couldn't do, this right here was terrifying. You unintentionally kept silent, everyone below you confused and mumbling amongst themselves. When you snapped back to reality, you gasped lightly looking down into the audience.

"Sorry guys!" You said into the mic with a fake smile. Jack was still standing a few steps away from you looking upset and concerned. "I forgot the lyrics hahaha, silly me. But I'll have to get going now! A matchmakers job is never done!" Everyone cheered for you and you turned away from Jack, wearing an upset expression on your face. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't, he just let you go.

You landed on the stage picking up the fur coat. "What was that?" Autumn asked concerned. "He knew my name," you responded furrowing your eyebrows. "Like Cupid?" Willow asked, "everyone knows your name." "No my first name," you whisper yelled, "the one I don't use."

Willow gasped. "Exactly," you said. "What if he knew you in your past life dude?" Autumn responded. "That's what I'm afraid of," you rubbed your temples, "What if he did know me? This is so random, I'm not ready to know anything or anyone connected to my past self, if I even had one. I don't even know if I want to know!" You grabbed a ukulele on the stage.

"I'm taking this, I need some fresh air I need to calm down." The couple nodded in unison, understanding why you needed to leave. Before you left, you took one glance at the boy who was talking to the tooth fairy urgently. Then you booked it, flying out the door.

You were where it all started. This was your safe place, where you woke up for the first time. Although, there weren't any flowers, just fallen colorful leaves from the really tall trees. You sat in the area that you'd first found the bow. Putting down the instrument next to you first, you closed your eyes and held out your arm.

"Come to me."

The bow flew into your hands and you observed it carefully. "Why am I here huh? If you just would've told me ten years ago, I wouldn't have been so freaked out," you looked up at the moon, "Manny please:" It just glowed down on you, still not responding. "Ughhhhh," you groaned in defeat falling down on your back, "I don't even know why I try anymore."

You threw the bow which flew off to your house and you looked to the left of you eyeing the ukulele. "I remember when I was newer, I used to sing to myself to calm me down. I haven't done it in a while," you sighed, "let's see if it still works."

You sat up, your hair getting in your face. You tucked them behind your ears before picking up the ukulele. You strummed, humming the notes.

"I don't think," you sang.
"No that's not right," you groaned. "You aren't what I'd hope for," you tried singing again. "No that's not it," you were annoyed.

You exhaled, "What's the difference between me and younger me," you asked yourself. "Ugh, that's right, I always sung about positive things." You closed your eyes and took note of everything around you. The scent, the warm wind, the feeling of grass tickling your legs.

You took a deep breath.

"Isn't this such a beautiful night woah we're underneath a thousand shining stars."

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