Chapter 2: You Can See Me?

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Everything went more or less back to normal after that night, but had given you a feeling that someone was watching you. You hated that feeling, mostly because you live alone. Trying to ignore it, you'd listen to music, or be on social media often.

This went on until that Saturday, the day you'd go to the toy store. Of course you weren't going for yourself, but for the kids at the Family's together shelter. You'd buy presents for them every year, the smiles when they opened the gifts gave you life.

It wasn't as cold as Monday and you made your way through the streets. Families weren't out today since the snow had turned to slush, so thankfully you wouldn't have to feel that stinging. You saw that the snowman you had seen being built only a few days ago, had melted and was only left with a simple carrot and sticks.

You reached the store that was surprisingly empty. The bell rang as you walked through the door and was automatically overwhelmed by the classic toy store smell (you know which one). You whipped out the checklist and read the first name.

Brianna: Bratz Doll

You had gotten every kid's name and gift they wanted, last time you visited. 'Bratz doll, Braaatz dooooll,' you repeated to yourself, walking down each isle. Barbie isle, stuffed animal isle, finally, the Bratz isle. "There's so many," you mumbled to yourself, "which one should I get?"

"Brianna wants the Sasha Bratz doll," you heard a male's voice say in a know it all tone from behind you. You jumped turning around. "Who are you?" You asked, looking at a pale, white haired teen before you. He looked to be around your age and was leaning on a...a stick? He furrowed his eyebrows, looking around, "m-me?" You rolled your eyes, "yeah you, there's no one else here. Now, who are you, and how do you know Brianna," you asked again crossing your arms.

"You can see me?" The teen completely ignored your question. "What? Of course I can see you how would I..." It clicked when you looked at the teen's sweater. " were at Keyfood Monday evening, weren't you?" He slowly nodded. "For the last time, who are you?!"

"I-I'm Jack Frost," he said hesitantly, still shocked you could see him. "Hahaha nice joke, no really," you looked at the boy, who was stone faced, "'re serious. How do you expect me to believe you?" He shrugged his shoulders "you're the first adult I've met that can see me, so I guess you're worth it. How about this?" The boy created a few snowflakes with his hands. "Oooo pretty, but no. Could easily be a trick."

Just then, you noticed a worker walk up to you. "Uh, ma'am, do you need help?" He asked, looking at you like you were crazy. That "Jack Frost" boy walked up to the worker, waved his hand in front on the worker's face, then...WALKED THROUGH HIM?! He walked around the man, looked you dead in the eye, and put his finger to his mouth indicating to be quiet.

"Miss?" The worker got your attention again. "Oh, no I'm fine...just...talking to my friend on the phone," you responded, tucking your hair behind you ears revealing wireless headphones. "Oh, sorry," the man walked away without another word.

"How about now?" Jack smirked at your shocked expression. "Yep, that- that did it," you squeaked. "But just to make sure I'm not going insane, throw a snowball at me." Jack did as you asked and you definitely felt it. "Thanks." "Anytime."

"Ya know, I'm lucky I had headphones on at that very moment because if I didn't, people would think Imma druggie," you said, putting a Sasha Bratz doll in a basket. "Yeeeah, you are pretty lucky," The boy responded fidgeting with his cane stick thing. "So, how come I can see you, but other people can't?" You asked looking at the list.

Jordan: enderman plush

"You can only see me if you believe in me. Usually kids can see me until about...eleven years old, but after that, they just stop believing. Take a boy named Jamie for example. He used to believe in all of us: Santa, sandman, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and I," he said, making the group out of snow. Snow Jack and Jamie were running around you, while the rest were riding in Santa's slay. "But...he slowly stopped believing in us, and couldn't see us anymore," the snow figures flurried into snowflakes and fell on the ground. "And that was it...."

You put two and two together. "Thats why you were at check up on Jamie." Jack nodded sadly.

"Here we are! Gaming section," you lead him, lightning up the mood. "Enderman," you tapped your chin, "which o-" "Jordan wants the one with him holding a dirt block, he thinks it's adorable," the pale teen (or not teen) cut you off. "Alrighty then," you respond, grabbing the plush. With Jack it would be much easier to find everything.

And before you new it-

Andrew: paint/paintbrushes

Lila: headphones

Chris: clay

Gwen: boxing gloves

Penelope: Harry Potter books

Luna: Anime posters

Shay: sketch book

-you were done.

You thanked the guardian for helping you and was about to leave him alone, but a thought went through your head. 'I'm lonely, I'm alone, why don't I invite him to my house?' You thought it over. 'Nobody would ever see him leave my house, nobody would get any ideas.'

"Heyyyyyyyyy Jack?" You said awkwardly. "Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. "Wanna...come to my place?" You tried sounding casual, but it failed miserably. There was a moment of silence before Jack started chuckling, "Yeah! Sure, I have nothing else to really do right now. Also, you're as red as a tomato," he winked at you, "it's cute."

You rolled your eyes. He is kind of cute tho- wait what?


You locked the door behind you and threw your coat in the closet. "Small but cozy," Jack said looking around. "Yep, want some hot cocoa?" You ask from the kitchen. "No thanks, I'm good," he answers from your living room.

"Little Christmas  tree, woah," he whispers to himself, looking at his distorted reflection in an ornament. You stir hot cocoa mix in warm milk, walk over to the living room, plopped down on your couch, then put on Miraculous. Yes...Miraculous Ladybug.
"What's this about?" the curious boy looks over from the tree to the tv.

"It's basically about a girl name Marionette who's also a superhero named Ladybug and a boy named Adrien who's also a superhero named Chat Noir. Both Marionette and Adrien go to school together, but don't know each other's secret identity as superheroes. So this is where things start to get," you clear your throat, "spicyyy. Marionette who is also Ladybug has a crush on Adrien who is also Chat Noir and Chat noir who is also Adrien has a crush on Ladybug who is Marionette. But since they don't know each other's secret identity, they NEVER GOT TOGETHER. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR LIKE 4 SEASONS-" you looked at the boy and realized he was overwhelmed.

"Do you get it?" You ask him. "Sooo Marionette has a crush on Adrien-" "mhm" "and Chat Noir has a crush on Ladybug-" "mhm" "but they're the same person?" "Exactly," you clapped. "I don't...have the patience for that," Jack laughed.

For the rest of the night, you binge watched Miraculous with You don't know what to refer to him as, but you knew it was fun.


Until next time

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