Chapter 14: Am I Dying? ....AGAIN?

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Get ready for a long ass chapter

You woke up with your face buried into Jack's chest. His arms were around you, holding you tight and his head was resting on your, rather soft, thick pink hair. You weren't freaked out or embarrassed, you were too tired for that, and honestly, he was cozy despite his cold body.

"Hey, Frost," you yawn, nudging your body lightly enough to wake the boy up. "Frost, " you whisper again after he nods off to sleep after about a second of you moving, "time to get up."

He gives a tired groan in response, pulling you in closer. He seemed to be enjoying your hair as a pillow.

"Come on big guy, wake up."

Another groan in response.

You couldn't help but chuckle tiredly, looking up at him, which made him sad since you moved his only form of comfort, your hair pillow.

Now his face was a few inches away from yours, Jack gave you a cheesy grin that looked stupid because of how exhausted he was, you giggle.

"You look like an idiot pfft."

He couldn't help but laugh too and playfully roll his eyes at you, "You're so mean Y/n."

"Who me?" you bat your eyelashes in response as if you were the most innocent person to exist.

"Oh don't do that, " he rolled his eyes once again.

"Keep up with that and your eyes are gonna get stuck, " you joked squinting your eyes playfully.

A silence fell over you, and you both just looked at each other. It wasn't awkward though, it was a comfortable silence. You scanned his entire face. From his super pale skin to his imperfect eyebrows. Then, his piercing icy-blue eyes and narrow button nose. Then, his lips.

You felt a rush of adrenaline in your stomach like a drop at a rollercoaster, much like when Jack showed up at your window saying that he needed you.

"Jack..." you felt your body start to lean in.

"Yes?" He softly responded doing the same.

And then...


You looked down and away from Jack, pulling out your phone quickly. You let out a sigh, "It's Autumn and Willow." You sit up, instantly fixing your hair, and swipe to answer FaceTime.

"Hi!" You say enthusiastically waving at the camera.

Willow was holding the phone, you could see her sitting on the couch. While Autumn peaked from the side, you could only see up until her eyes.

"Hey!" Willow responds, matching your energy, "we miss you!!!"

You pouted, "I miss you too, but I have so much I've gotta do. This could be the chance I get my memories back."

You could feel a wave of shock as Autumn's eyes widened and Willow fell silent. "WHAT?!" Autumn says loudly enough for Jack to hear clearly.

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