Chapter 9: Long Lost

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Jack takes your hand and runs through the toy factory like there's no tomorrow. You stumble, keeping up as best as you can. He walks you back to the main room and you avoid eye contact with the guardians. They were talking amongst themselves, so they barely noticed you come back.

"Tooth, I'm going to need you to bring me Y/n's memories, teeth, you know, " Jack says frantically. You look at Jack then to Tooth, your baby teeth held memories? Everything you wanted to be answered could be, just from Teeth. You didn't need Manny anymore, not like he was much help, to begin with.

Tooth looked at you and looked down at the floor. "Cupid, I will give you back your memories, but when I do, you have to become one of us. That's the only way I'll help."

You froze for a brief moment, thinking. She'd back you into a corner and knew it, not bad. This decision could influence your whole future. Either one you pick would have a major impact on you.

1. You could leave right now. Go back to your little cottage with your roommates, never looking back. Never seeing Jack again, never knowing your past.

2. Learn who you were. Get your memories back and be comforted by the thought of closure. You could see Jack again, but have a huge responsibility of being a Guardian.

Fuck it.

"Deal, " you shake Tooth's hand and smile.

"Holy...Y/n, your teeth are BEAUTIFUL, " the fairy says suddenly, putting her hands in your mouth. "They're shiny and super straight not one crooked."

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and glance at Jack. "She did this when me and her first met, it's normal, " he held in a chuckle, "alright, alright, alright Tooth, that's enough."

"Oh, right, sorry just habit, " she rubbed her neck in slight embarrassment.

"Okay, off we go." She tells the guardians that she'd be back. She walks up to North and whispers something to him. He turned to you and Jack then smiles, nodding.

What did she say? It was probably about Tooth's plan for you to become a guardian. But there was that gut feeling you'd have that kind of made your heart drop, a familiar gut feeling.

You ignored the gut feeling and fidgeted with your fingers a bit. A cold hand puts an arm around your arm and you look up at Jack.

"What, do I have something on my face?" he smirks.

"Oh, sorry, no you don't, " you clear your throat and look back down at your fingers.

"Relaaaax Y/n, it was a joke, why are you so tense? Don't be nervous, you were- are a great person. I bet the memories are going to be beautiful."

It wasn't the memories you were worried about. It was the pit in your stomach as Tooth talked to North about something that most likely had to do with the both of you. Though, you were probably just being paranoid.

You sigh and look up at Jack giving him a smile, "Yeah, you're right."

"That's what I love to hear."

He gives you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder as Tooth comes back to you guys.

"Alright, let's go."

You flew with the two to Tooth's palace. Her tiny fairy friends tagged along, they seemed to be very fond of Jack. He looked at you and narrowed his eyebrows up as if saying "help!" as they surrounded him in awe.

"Don't look at me, " you laugh, "I control love, not crushes. Those are two different things."

Jack politely shrugged all the little fairies out of his way as you flew on your back, hands behind your head, you often did. Jack flew on his stomach, a few feet higher than you, and you both looked at each other giggling. You were childish, to say the least, only mature when it comes to love stuff.

"I like that fur coat, " the boy nods his head.

"Ah, thanks, although you wouldn't really need it. I, on the other hand, am all about the warm feelings, the cold sucks to offense."

"None taken, "  he furrows his eyebrows.

"We're here!" The fairy says suddenly coming to a halt.

You take a deep breath glancing at Jack before following Tooth. He follows after you as you take in your surroundings.

The palace was beautiful and full of colors. You didn't realize how many tiny fairies there actually were and how chaotic it was. All were trying to get directions to which location to collect teeth, in a hurry to collect coins to give. You were grateful your job wasn't hard.

"Hey, " the beautiful guardian beckoned a group of little fairies, "Can you find Y/n L/n's teeth box?" They nodded and went off.

"Are you excited?" Toothiana asks making small talk. "Yeah, very. In the beginning I was scared of my past, but there's no going back."

The fairies came back looking upset and beat. "What is it guys?" the tooth fairy asked concerned and confused. Her tiny look-alikes made squeaking sounds that you couldn't make out, but she could understand them.

"What? No, that can't be right, they're all..." she looked at you nervously and smiled, "excuse me for a bit." She walked to a good distance where you couldn't hear her, but you could still see her frustration from a distance.

"What's going on?" Jack walked up to you, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't know, it seems bad though, " you respond watching the fairy speak with her little companions.

He frowned, "Don't worry, she'll get whatever's going on sorted out."

Tooth walks back to you guys with a frown on her face.

"We have...a problem."

"What do you mean?" Jack asks raising an eyebrow.

"Cupid's teeth aren't here, like at all."

You gasped and felt yourself sink into the floor. "What? No, that can't be right, it's gotta be here...right?"

Jack looks at your upset expression and makes a pleading look at Tooth.

"Um, I- well there might be a mix-up, " she slowly responds trying to make you feel better.

"Yes, that must be it," you say hopefully.

"What are you waiting for, let's look around!" Jack says encouragingly.

You split up, Tooth by herself since she knows the palace well, you and Jack together.

You both dug through piles of teeth boxes, not finding any of yours. You didn't want to give up, you were going to find your memories and no one could stop you. But despite your stubbornness, your hope did begin to fade. Right before you felt yourself giving up, you heard a chuckle.

"What, what is it?"

Jack clears his throat, still looking through the piles. "You showed me this show once, you loved it so much that we binged it. You couldn't wait until these two characters got together." His tone got serious all of a sudden, "You passed before you saw the end. But, for the next two years I continued to watch the show to keep you alive in some way. And when they, the main characters, finally got together, I felt this joy I've never felt before. In a way, you got what you wanted even when you weren't there. Sorry, I'm ranting."

"No, no it's alright...tell me Frost, about the show. I'm interested."

Jack began to explain the show in detail, and soon your hope wasn't gone. And even though you didn't find the memories that day, you weren't going to give up. You'd search beyond the palace, in places you wouldn't even have guessed it would be.

Because something sparked inside of you, something warm. A feeling you'd never felt yourself, as you listened to Jack Frost talk and talk about this show that seemed to be really important to him. How important you seemed to him.

It you had been shot with your own arrow.

Until next time

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