Chapter 3: Jack's Safe Place

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Several weeks had passed since you officially met Jack. For the first day or two, you used that time to ask him practically everything. What does he do every day? Where do the guardians stay? What do the guardians look like in real life? What's his life story? You thought by now, he'd be fed up with you, and your questions, but nope. He answered all of them in full detail without getting annoyed.

When you weren't at work, you guys mostly hung out inside on the couch, huddled together, watching horrible Netflix Holiday movies. Both of you laughed at every horrible cheesy line until you were too tired to think and eventually fell asleep, cuddled together. You never realized that had been happening every night because Jack would wake up before you, turn red at how close you were. He'd get up, put the blanket back over you, and prepare breakfast for you. You hadn't bothered bringing it up and just assumed you fell asleep by yourself.

Tonight, you had come home from work, practically RUNNING through the door. That evening was especially windy and you almost got blown away halfway there. You catch your breath, taking off the scarf covering half your face. "It's...really...windy," you say into between gasps of air. It took you a few seconds of struggling to close the door behind you.

Jack came out from the kitchen holding a box of cereal. "I know?" He responds stuffing his face. You look at him confused, forgetting that he controls wind. Then it hit you.

But why would he make it that windy? A little breeze, why not, cold wind, sure, BUT BLOWING YOU AWAY, NOT COOL. "Why on earth would you do that?!" You furrow your brows. You could've gotten home without any problem, but nOooOOooo, he just had to do it.

Jack put the cereal box down on a counter then looked back at you. "Since we're like, becoming friends or whatever we are," he started off turning red, "I thought that I'd bring you somewhere. I wanted to get there fast and needed to build up the wind for that."

You stopped for a second. "Uh- you want to bring me somewhere? Oh um okay, sure." Jack's eyes lit up like an excited child and he grabbed your hand. Goosebumps went down your body because of his cold...cold hands. "Then let's go!" He ran out of the apartment, you stumbled after him trying to keep up. He led you back into an alleyway and then told you to get on his back.

You jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his stomach and your arms around his shoulders. He gripped his arms on your thighs to keep you up. "You ready?" Jack asked looking up at you. You looked down at him, "What do you mean?"

"Great!" Jack responded, ignoring your question, "wind, take me!" And without warning, the boy started flying at high speed. If they listened close enough, people could hear the screams you were making out of shock. "WHAT THE HEEEEEEEEEELL?!" You screamed, tightening your grip and burring your face into the crook of his neck.

He only laughed, building up speed, "You're safe I swear, Ive been doing this for as long as I can remember...literally." Your body started to relax and your eyes that were originally shut tight, relaxed and you fell asleep. It was like a plane ride, but outside.

What felt like a second later, in actuality was 30 minutes, Jack woke you up landing. "We're here," he said in a gentle voice. Your eyes fluttered open and you yawned. The white haired boy put you down carefully while you stretched your arms. You took this time to look around. There were trees everywhere, tall ones, inches of snow, and a pond that had froze into ice.

"What is this place?" You ask looking around with your hands in your pockets. "This...this is where I died and started a new beginning," he responded, "This is where I come to escape. I've never brought anyone here, but...I trust you. Despite us knowing each other less than a month, there's something about you." He looked at you. "Something special about you Y/n L/n."

You felt your face heating up so you looked down at the snow. To shift the focus, you grabbed some snow, balled it up, and threw it at him. There was a slight silence after the snow hit Jack's back. He slowly turned around, and instead of an upset expression, he wore a shocked smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah? You wanna be like that?" He chuckled, bending down to collect snow, "then game on." He stood back up firmly balling the snow together, then blew on it which sprinkled a little magic on it. But you were already hiding. Cmon, Jack Frost?! Nobody could ever beat Jack Frost in a snowball fight! That's like saying you can outlive Queen can't!

You hid behind one of the many tall trees covering your mouth to stop you from bursting out laughing. Your back was against the tree while you looked up silently praying. "Your hiding?!" You heard the boy call, "good call!" Everything went silent, so with caution, you slowly turned around and peaked out from behind the tree. He was nowhere in sight, you raised an eyebrow. 'That's weird,' you thought.

"Behind youuu," a voice said. You quickly turned around and Jack was leaning on a tree across from you throwing a snowball up and down in his hand. You tried running, but not fast enough. The snowball hit your back so hard, you fell into the snow. It didn't hurt at all, but it was pretty heavy. You started to pout.

Jack's eyes widen, "Oh, oh my Manny, I am so sorry," he walked towards you to help you up, "I didn't mean to-" you grabbed loose snow and threw it at him when he was close enough. You laughed at his dazed expression. "No mercy!" "I fell for the oldest trick in the book, wow," he laughed.

You both looked up into the night sky. "The Moon is beautiful," you gazed at it. "I know right," the boy replied. He looked down at you and scooped you off the ground. He flew up as high as the trees and looked up at the moon again. "Manny, the one and only, but I already told you about him." You nodded, ignoring the fact he was holding you Lumity style (my Owl House fans will know what I mean).

Jack looked at you then smiled, you returned the expression. "Wanna go home?" You yawned, "Yeah, I think it's time."

Little did you guys know, your doom was coming.

A/n: I did NOT disappear, shush...

Until next time

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