Chapter 5: A New Beginning

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That's all you saw.
Until, you felt a warm breeze sensation on your face.

You fluttered your eyes open. You had woken up in a grass field filled with beautiful flowers and tall trees were surrounding you. It felt so...familiar.

You felt your hair, it was way longer than you had remembered...and floofy. Now that you think about it, what did you remember? You couldn't recall anything before you had woken up. You spotted a pond and rushed over to it. You looked at your reflection, you had rosy cheeks and pink hair that covered your face when you didn't tuck it behind your ears. You were wearing a purplish pink cloak with a hood and a white shirt and pants underneath.

You rested your hands on the grass, instead of being met with the soft soil, you felt a hard stick. You furrowed your eyebrows looking down at what you had just touched.

A bow n' arrow.

The bow was also pink and the arrows were red with a heart shaped point. You tilted your head in confusion as you picked it up. 'Whats this doing here?' You thought examining the object. As you did so, you heard a voice.

"Hello little one"

You gasped looking around you.

"Up here"

You looked up to only be met by the moon. Wait...was the moon talking to you?! Your eyes widened, "Hello?"

"Come closer," the big round rock in the sky demanded.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to."

"Your wings," he responded.

You raised an eyebrow taking off your cloak. You felt your back...wings. You didn't know how you did it, but your wings opened up, beautifully. They looked like Angel wings and were white with a pink tint. You jumped and your wings fluttered in the wind, you were flying.

You started to lose control and bumped into a tree, "ow" you said rubbing your head. You gained control again and flew about as tall as the trees were.

"I'm the man on the moon, you're Y/n Cupid. Your job is matchmaking."

"Why am I here? Who am I other than my name? I can't remember anything at all," you said desperately.


"...hello? Man on the Moon? Please answer me"

But he didn't answer you.

He never answered you.

10 years later

You got up tiredly and put on a pink long flowy skirt with a white tube top and pink short boots. You tied your hair in a half up half down situation so that your big hair wouldn't get in your face like the annoying think it is. You tried cutting it once and it grew back in a night, so you just stopped trying.

You walked out of your room into the cottage kitchen. "Good morning sleepy head!" Willow greeted you. She was Lady Spring, you know, the spirit of Spring. She helped flowers grow and the season stay bright. She's a tall dark skinned woman with green dreads and a flower crown she wore every day.

"Morning!" You responded, "Oooo pancakes?! Those are literally my favorites!" "I bet they are," Autumn said from the table. Autumn is the Halloween spirit, a witch to be more specific. She has a short super curly black bob with bangs and tan skin. Not to mention, she was dating Willow.

These two found you upset and confused the morning after you'd woken up and taken you under their wing. You were like...a little sister to them.

You chuckled, sitting down next to her. "So, what's the plan for today?" Autumn smirked, "Today, we're going to the Halloween party! Don't you remember? It's October 31st dummy," she punched you softly in the arm. "Oh yeaaaah, yeah I totally forgot about it." Willow approached the both of you and set a plate with 3 pancakes for each of you before sitting down next to Autumn.

"I heard that cute Jack Frost kid is coming," Willow said softly, winking at you. You raised your eyebrows, "Jack...Frost? Who's that?" You asked stuffing your face with pancakes. "Have you been living under a rock?!" The witch responded waving her fork around, "he practically controls winter! The snow, the freezing cold, the wind, dude, I've only met him once, but he's dope as fuuuuck."

"And," Willow added, "he also died when he was a about your age." You went silent. Had every magical being remembered their human life before becoming well, a magical being? What was up with that?

"Oh." You say, snapping out of your thoughts. "But I don't need a man. You guys know that I've never had a crush before! This isn't going to be any different than the other times you tried to play matchmaker on me," you said. "And anyways, I'm the best at my job Willow." The tall woman giggled, her green dreads covering her face. "Okay, okay, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to dear."

You suddenly smiled, changing the mood. "But just so you know, I'll be dancing circles around you guys," You crossed your arms and scrunched your nose. "I bet you will," Willow giggled. "As if newbie, I've been doing this for years," the short haired girl said competitively. "Is that a challenge?" You raised an eyebrow. "I guess it is," Autumn responded holding out her hand for you to shake. You reached out for it, "Then deal."


"Something's missing, what is it Cupkid?" (that's a nickname Autumn gave you a mix of Cupid and kid) Autumn asked standing at her body length mirror. You sat on her bed behind her and kicked your legs back and fourth.

"You look good in everything dude, but oh!" You snapped your fingers, "I haven't seen you wear your witch hat in a while." The girl's eyes lit up, "Oh yeah! That'd be totally awesome for the party, good call."

She quickly got the hat from her closet and put it on, "Just like old times." You smiled at her and slowly got off the the bed. "Hey Cupkid, it's gonna be cold today. Wear that pink fur coat Willow got you. I cut out the back so that it's barely noticeable, but you can still spread your wings," she winked at you.

You gave her a thumbs up before running to your room next to her's. You looked through your closet until you reached a long, fluffy, pink fur coat. You excitedly took it out the closet and put it on. See, you absolutely adored the jacket, but couldn't wear it because of your wings. But since Autumn fixed it, it was now perfect.

You left your bow n' arrow in your closet because when you say the words "come to me" your arrow will automatically come to you, like Thor's. It's pretty awesome and comes in handy a lot. The witch had a similar power but with her broom, all she has to do is hold out her hand.

Willow and Autumn were waiting for you at the front door, Willow in a flowy green flower dress.

You all rushed out the cottage excitedly, the witch and Lady Spring getting on the magic broom, while you flew with your gorgeous wings.

You thought that it would just be a normal party...BUT SHIT'S ABOUT TO GO DOOOOWN

Until next time

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