An accident.

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視線 (Shisen) — Line of sight ; Gaze

It wasn't a back to normal at all.

"Ne, I told you to stop calling me sir, right?" Yuzuru complained. We're the only people in the club today, so the whole area is pretty much empty. I can hear our voices echo when we speak, even though it's not that loud.

Apparently, I didn't stop calling him sir. I just added his name. "Sir Yuzuru is cute, so I'll stick to it forever," I answered. The boy frowned at me and had a disapproving face. "It's not! And I bet you'll eventually forget about that."

"I bet not," I said.

Yuzuru is having extra efforts in practicing because of Finlandia 2014. His win last March gave him pressure that he thinks that he also needs to win this contest. Actually, being the champion in the Winter Olympics gives him so much pressure. Like he needs to win everytime or else it won't be worth it.

Yuzuru walked towards me as I hand him his water bottle. He drank until it was half full. I tossed him a towel so that he could wipe his sweat.

"Okay, sir, just tell me if you're ready to go. I'll be waiting here." I smiled at him. Whenever he hears the word 'sir,' he rolls his eyes and snorts. He strongly disapproves the idea, but I can't stop calling him that—It's like I'm used to it.

"Hai," was his reluctant reply. He went back to the rink and played the music for his programme. I went closer and watched him behind the barriers, chin resting on the palm.

I saw him take a deep breath before gliding backwards. His actions are as graceful as ever, but he seemed to be slightly distracted. It didn't affect him that much, though. He could still land his jumps cleanly.

Except one.

I watched him as he look at his back before attempting a jump. A quad? He flew into the air, but the timing and the form seems off. Yuzuru landed on ice and stumbled down, sliding until he rammed onto the barriers.

He didn't say anything. Not even a pained yell or a cuss. Or maybe it was just inaudible? There was a loud thud when he fell and another one when he hit the hard barriers of the rink. I gasped at the scene and panicked. Yuzuru is laying down on the ice, his gloved hands covering his face.

"Yuzu! Yuzu, are you alright!?" I exclaimed, no response. He wasn't moving. I got a pair of skates from the rack and wore it with shaking hands. After that, I grabbed my phone and dialled Coach's number. My eyes were still on Yuzu.

"Yes, Aren?"

"Coach, you need to come here immediately. Something happened to Yuzuru."

"What? Okay, okay, I'll be there!"

The line got cut and I tossed the phone inside the bag. I stood in the entrance of the rink, feeling nervous. I can't skate.

My irises shifted to Yuzuru, who is trying to stand up. He failed and just managed to sit down. I could see the pain in his face.

"H-Hang in there, Yuzu! I'll get you in a sec!" I yelled as I step on the ice. My knees are trembling; I can't move my feet well. Firstly, I stepped using my right foot, then my left. Alternate. My feet are sliding away from each other, which gets me anxious. Luckily, I managed to gain my composure again.

I skated towards Yuzuru slowly. It feels like it's been minutes. Coach isn't here yet. Yuzu's distance is a bit closer now, and I can finally hear his whines and see his winces. I took one big step and slid towards him.

He extended his arm to catch me despite of the pain he's experiencing. I sat in front of him and checked his head and arms.

"Yuzu! Are you okay? Wait, of course you're not! Where does it hurt? I'll help you stand up!" Sending a chain of questions, I said with concern.

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