Sneak peek // Prologue

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"Japanese Rising Star Sawamatsu Fujio of men's figure skating is aiming to reach gold in this year's Junior World Championship. The 14-year-old, who started to make a name a few years back is confident that he'll make it into the podium with the help of his legendary coach."

"Wow, legendary?" I chuckled at the newspaper, feeling overwhelmed by the fact that they called me "legendary." Have they ever called me that while I was skating? I couldn't remember, maybe I was too focused on myself and not on the media? I shuffled through the pages until the very last one, sighing with a smile. I'm glad that Japan's figure skating is still alive as ever. Many of the newbies from other countries are really skilled as well. I stretched my back and arms, gently massaging my right leg afterwards. If I only didn't injure you that day, huh?


I turned around, grinning and waving at my student. "Ah, Fujio! You're here."

[A/N: Hello everyone! Since I was getting requests about the sequel, here's the prologue for you. It will be titled as "In Love Again" and I'll be publishing the prologue and first part very soon, hopefully! Thank you for waiting!
Edit: It has been published!]

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