It begins.

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驚き (Odoroki) - Surprise

"Aren? Ah, you speak Japanese!" Yuzuru happily stated. Maybe no one here in the FSC could talk to him in Japanese.

"Y-Yes, just a bit.." I answered. His smile suddenly fades, but another one appeared. It might be a bit disappointing to know that he still can't share things with people here in Japanese. He extended his gloved hand and I looked at it.

"It's nice to meet you, Aren!" He spoke with his accented English, partnered with a big smile in his face. I feel like my face is heating up slowly. I accepted the hand and shook it. It's cold, yet it feels warm.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir!" I forced a smile before releasing his hand. I stared at him for a while. From his cute eyes, to his nose.. then his lips. It's sculpted perfectly. If I look more closely, I could see all the details in his face.

"Uhh, Aren? Is there something wrong?"

I didn't notice that he's been trying to call me. I snapped out of it and shook my head. "What? Ah, no, no! I'm sorry, sir!" I bowed. A great time to embarrass myself. But I can't help it, I've been crushing on him for a long time, so I had to take the chance to study his face. I'm so close.

"Alright, alright, Aren," Coach Brian pulled me up. "You guys had your introductions now, so it's time for Yuzuru to practice."

Oh, yeah. He still has to practice. "Yes, I'm sorry." I bowed once again. It's too much bowing for me. "So where do I stay?" I asked Coach as Yuzuru enters the rink once again. "There in the benches. All you have to do is assist him when it's needed, you know that right?" He replied.

"Right." I smiled. Immediately, I walked to the nearby bench since Coach entered the rink as well. Yuzuru's bag and other things lie there. It was somehow messy, so I tidied it up. I noticed the infamous Pooh tissue case. I couldn't help but laugh. It's my first time seeing it in person, and I can see why Yuzuru loves it so much. It's cute. I picked it up after zipping Yuzuru's bag and placed it on top of the rink's barrier.

Yuzuru glided around the ice smoothly. I rested my head on my palm and sighed. He's so graceful. To be honest, I can't skate. The last time I tried was a failure. My butt ached for a week. But I don't have to skate in this job, which is a relief. I just have to make sure that Yuzuru will be alright, and that's it?

I'm an avid fan, though. I've read magazines and articles about him. All the trivias and facts. It feels like I've known him for years already. But I just met him today, and it's the greatest day of my life.

I once again glanced at Yuzuru. He took a jump and it was perfect and clean. I couldn't help but cheer. Yuzuru heard my scream and claps so he looked at me and laughed. I melted.

He then skated towards the gate afterwards. I rushed towards him and he stopped in front of me.

"Do you need anything, sir? Water? Tissue? Wait, I'll get Pooh for you!" I stepped back to where I left Pooh but his words stopped me.

"No, no. Don't worry, I don't need anything." He assured. "And please don't call me 'sir.' It's kinda awkward.." Yuzuru laughed and so did I. It is kinda awkward. But I thought I had to, or else I'll get fired.

"Hanyu-san," I spoke, "Is that better?"

The skater shook his head. "Yuzuru."

"Yuzuru?" I rose a brow. Of course, I can't call him by his first name. That would be disrespectful. "I can't call you that, sir-"

"Hey, I said no sir!" He pouted. He's so cute. "It's either Yuzuru or Yuzu. You choose, Aren-chan." He waved at me before going back on the ice.

"W-Wait! Sir! Hanyu-san!" I yelled, but he didn't even look back. Yuzuru or Yuzu? But the real question is, did he just call me 'Aren-chan?'

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