My Champion.

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氷の王子 (Kōri no Ōji) - Prince of Ice

February 14. Men's Single Free Skate.

I was just in time. I sat on the 1st row in the audience. Even though I could be considered as 'staff', I decided to just be the audience and let Coach take care of everything down there. I didn't manage to see Michael Martinez, which is sad. But for now, I'll focus on Yuzu. I could see him stretching from afar with his elegant, white and black ombre costume—He's performing Romeo and Juliet tonight.

Yuzuru's skate last night was amazing. His short programme made the whole stadium roar, because he just had a world record. I can't believe this boy. He scored 101.45—He's the first and only skater to score over 100 in a short programme. I've never been this proud of him! Tonight, I know that he'll do well, or even better.

So I bought this tiny Pooh in a toy store days before Yuzuru's performance. I was strolling around Sochi when I found this, so I immediately bought it. I know it's small, but it's actually a recorder. I've recorded something earlier, and I'm gonna give this to Yuzu later after the performance like the other fans do. I'm just gonna be a fan tonight.

"Yuzuru Hanyu."

The announcer stated. The crowd cheered and clapped, including me. I feel nervous but I know he'll be fine. He proceeded to the rink and skated around, doing his usual gestures. He once told me that it's to attain focus and balance. Yuzuru stopped and began with his starting pose, then the music played.

The entire place became quiet, all eyes darted on the boy below. He glided around with grace and left trails in the ice. I'd watch him for hours without getting tired of him. His moves are as smooth as the frozen floor.

And then there's his first jump. A salchow, according to the commentator.

He fell.

All of us in the bleachers gasped, but felt relieved when he stood up and continued his skate. Have I mentioned that I hate seeing him fall? But we all know that mistakes makes us stronger.

Yuzuru skated like he is Romeo. Like he's doing this for his Juliet. He's so passionate, which is the reason why I admire him a lot. He's also a strong boy. He landed most of his jumps cleanly, but some were like a stroke of luck. He did another jump and failed again, but he went up smoothly like it was a part of the plan. I forgot how to breathe. Fortunately, his last movements were flawless already. He's the type of person who makes sure that everything will be perfect in the end.

Now, his final spin. He slid into the middle, right in the logo, and had his last move done. He knelt down with force, one hand in the air, head bowed. It's over.

The Iceberg Skating Palace roared jocundly, each and every one cheering for the Japanese skater. I was speechless, all I could do is clap my hands really loud. He bowed at the audience with an inaudible 'arigato gozaimashita!' partnered with his angelic grin. I saw him look at me before heading back to Coach. Yep, I waved my hand and melted once again. Probably the best Valentine gift, even though Valentines is different in Japan.

I almost forgot about my gift. I hauled it to the rink and saw a little girl pick it up in an instant. I also didn't say my name in the recording, so he'll probably just think that it's just another fan, which is funny. After that, I still clapped my hands like the others. It's reddening, but who cares. Yuzuru deserves it.

Coach and Yuzuru sat on the seats and waited for the scores. They were too far, so I had to look at the screen above. I could see him breathing heavily like always. He waved at the camera before wiping his face with the same towel I used to hand him every practice. I couldn't help but smile too.

The scores flashed on the screen. 178.64! I got my hands together again. He ranked one in both short and free, and I'm 101% sure that he will get it. He will get the gold medal.


I was correct. The awarding ceremony was held at Sochi Medals Plaza and he did get the golden olympic medal. I'm so proud. I saw him standing in the podium, waving his hand with the gold medal hanging in his neck. The crowd cheered and clapped for him and the two others, Patrick and Dennis.

"Let's celebrate!" Coach announced, and the team exclaimed. We're all happy for Yuzuru's victory, and I can see that he's ecstatic as well. Javi didn't make it, but he's glad that Yuzu did. We all gathered in our room and it felt very festive despite of our number.

"For Yuzu!" I shouted, putting my wine glass up. Everybody else did the same and we toasted just after the Champ said "Kampaii!" We felt happiness because all of the team's efforts were worth it. Yuzuru already got his dream in his palms.

"Congrats, Yuzuru! We're so proud of you," Coach stated, patting Yuzu in the back. "Yeah, you're an olympic champion now. Japan must be really proud!" Javi added. "Thank you," Yuzuru answered with his cute accent. I smiled at them; it was overwhelming. I only became a part of the team lately, but it felt like it's been forever. I love these guys.

After the small celebration, everyone became extra tired, including me. Coach and Javi went to their room, leaving Yuzu and I alone.

"Yaaa, what a day.." I groaned and threw myself onto my bed, burying my face into the soft, comfy pillow. "I've never felt this before! It's like I was the one who won!" I grinned under my breath. It's tiring, yet it is fun.

"Congratulations to you then," I heard Yuzuru and immediately turned my head to him. A smile is still plastered on his exhausted face. "But I think you owe me one word, Aren-chan."

I sat up as he sat on the edge of his bed. I gazed at him, reciprocating the smile. "Congratulations, sir." Giving emphasis to the 'sir,' he laughed and opened his arms, so I guess it's a cue that I should hug him.

I hustled out of my bed and accepted his tight embrace. He's so warm.. He's like a walking hand warmer. The difference is, he warms my whole body. But I could feel that my face is the warmest. It feels hot, in actuality. I pulled myself away and went back to my bed.

"Thank you. Thank you for your support." His smile could brighten up the whole room. I couldn't help but smile back—his smile is contagious.

"You are very, very, very welcome, Yuzuru. Everyone will always support you." I replied. We had a staring moment with our weary eyes, and it made the both of us giggle.

"Nah, enough drama. Let's sleep, champ." I said as I cover myself with my blanket. Yuzuru did the same.

"Don't even call me 'champ!'" He complained, which made me laugh.

"Good night." I finally said, closing my eyes. My smile won't wipe off my face, and I still feel warm despite of the temperature. I don't know if it's because of my thick blanket or the heater or if it's still because of Yuzuru's hug.

"Good night." Yuzuru replied. We're facing the opposite directions. And so, after the last good night, it became quiet.

"Oh, by the way.." Yuzu called.

I thought he was asleep. "Mhm?" was the only sound I could make.

"I appreciate your gift. Thank you for the Pooh recorder, Aren-chan. Happy Valentines' Day!"

I never thought he'd greet me. And wait, he knew that it was mine? I mentally yelled "How!?" and started to get red. In return, I just covered my entire body with the blanket like a cocoon, fangirling silently inside. Well, who wouldn't?

[A/N: Hurray for 300 reads ;u; Thank you very much!! As we can see, their "relationship" is kinda advancing. I will try my best for this story to become as romantic as possible in the next chapters /shot. But for now, congrats Yuzu!! ( ・∇・) {I know it's late but I just wanted to start with Sochi so!!} Plus! I don't know how to put his short programme here so I had to skip. Sorry!! I feel like there's been too much Sochi chapters.. ( '∀`)]

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