Mystery girl.

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彼女は誰ですか (Kanojo wa dare desuka?) — Who is she?

We went back to Canada after the Winter Olympics.

But before that, Yuzuru went to Japan for interviews and parades. He had a hero's welcome (I think?), and got to meet the Emperor and Empress of Japan. He's the pride of his country. You wouldn't think that the little boy with that mushroom hair will become a world-known athlete. He must feel really happy. I didn't go with him since I know that he'll be okay, it's his hometown anyway. I sounded like a bodyguard but I know you get the point. I had to stay at home for a few days because he's not here, so I don't have a job. I missed him so much.

Yuzuru still has continuous practices. His next goal is to get the gold this 2014 World Championships. I know he will.

"Hey Aren-chan," He called out. Right now, he is sitting beside me to take a short break. It's almost dawn, and he's been practicing his programs since this morning. Non-stop.

I gave him a towel so that he could dry his wet hair. Yep, it's all because of his sweat. "What?"

"I hope you don't mind but.. is Aren your full name? I mean, your full first name? I mean–" He kept stuttering, and it's cute and funny. I laughed.

I stopped myself before answering his question. I took a deep breath; I never share my 'real' name with anyone. My family calls me Aren, so I stick with it.

"Arenella," I said. Yuzuru turned his head to me. "Are..?"

"Arenella. That's my name. I dislike it somehow though, since I think it's too girly." I released a short chuckle of embarrassment and looked down. Yuzuru's the only guy I've told about this.

"But hey, it's a secret, alright? Don't tell anybody. And don't even call me that!" I faked a frown and he chortled. "Yep!!" He said. He would always say that, and I find it really cute.

I stood up to stretch my legs. I've been sitting for hours? I don't know. "Okay, you should start practicing now so–"

"Could you tell me more?" I looked down to the boy who is still sitting with a raised brow. "Please?" He pleaded. He suddenly got in the mood to play question and answer with me. I shrugged and sat down once again.

"Why.. not?" I answered. Yuzu clapped like a child, grinning brightly. "So, I'll be asking questions, okay?" He spoke. I nodded in return.

He started. "Hmm.. Who's your favorite cartoon character?"

To be honest, since discovering Yuzuru, I've liked Pooh a lot. Before, I actually never had interest with cartoon characters. But now..

"I guess it's.. Mickey Mouse?" I answered, but it's more like a question. His eyes brightened as he reply, "Really? I think Javi also likes Mickey.."

I chuckled. I think Coach Brian's 'kids' like cartoons a lot. Yuzuru likes Pooh, Javi likes Mickey, and Nam likes Stitch. They're literally pre-schoolers.

"Oh! What about.. your favorite japanese movie?"

That was an easy one. "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time! Both the live-action and the animation. The story is really good!"

"Ah, I love that film!" was his immediate answer. "It's nice to know that we have the same favorite movie! We should rewatch it sometime.."

"Yeah! But when you're free, of course." I grinned. "Same favorites.. maybe we're soulmates.." I whispered to myself, looking down to my lap. Maybe. It's okay to think like that right?

I heard Yuzuru clear his throat. He got my attention so I looked back to him. "Okay, what about.. your favorite skater?"

I blinked. Then, I laughed. Favorite skater? "What an easy question. Of course, it's the olympic champion, Yuzuru Hanyu. He's really great, have you seen him skate?" I answered with a laugh. Yuzu laughed with me, like he was happy to hear that he's my favorite.

"So.. that means you like me, right?" He sent another query.

"Yes! I really really like–" Wait. What am I saying? What? What happened? I gulped upon realizing the question. I cleared my throat as if I was trying to get the right words out of my mouth.

"I do like you. As.. As you know, as my favorite skater. Like how I like Mickey Mouse! Yes. I admire you a lot. That's it." I gave him a nervous smile as I was trying to look as confident as I can with my answer.

Yuzuru slowly jounced his head and answered, "I.. see! The same with me. I really admire Kim Yuna and Mao-chan!"

He flashed a beam at me while scratching his nape. Why is it that when I hear him say about the women he admires, a portion in my chest feels weird. It's just admiration. Besides, his type of girl would be someone who skates. I know that. And I don't skate.

There was silence for a while.

"So.." Yuzuru muttered. A giggle forced itself out of my lips to somehow break the awkward atmosphere. "Is that all? We'll be leaving soon," I said, checking my watch.

"One more." He spoke. I returned my focus to him. This time, he had a serious look on his face. I feel like this one last question will be hard.

He inhaled deeply. Then exhaled. "Do you.. believe in love at first sight?"

My eyes widened. He never talked to me about love. Well, he's not the type of boy who likes to talk about love. But right now, at this very moment, he just asked me if I believe in love at first sight.

I found it random. Maybe he ran out of questions? With florid cheeks, I looked up, pretending that I was thinking of my answer.

"Let's see.. Half, I guess. 'Cause you know, it's impossible to just 'fall' for that person in just one blink. You probably don't even know their name that time. But at the same time, since love is unstoppable, it is possible. You'll never know when will your heart beat for a person."

I answered in a more mature manner. Though Yuzuru is older, it looked like he was really amazed by my answer. I don't know, it all just came out automatically. At this moment though, I'm really curious why did he ask.

So I gave it a go. "Why did you ask?"

He looked away, right where the rink is located. "Nothing.. I just asked. That's all."

It wasn't satisfying. I showed a mischievous smile, nudging the skater in the arm. "You're in love, aren't you? Ohhh, you're starting to become a man!"

"No I'm not!" was his response, porcelain face starting to redden. It reminded me of my answer to Javi before. Yuzuru and I had the exact tone and answer. I told you we're meant to be. But since he's apparently in love with another skater..

"In denial!" I teased. He became more flushed; I've never seen a boy this embarrassed up close. "So who's this girl? Do I know her? Perhaps a cute figure skater? Is it.. Yulia?"

Yuzuru gasped and shook his head. "I-It's not her! I mean, no, I don't have anyone in mind.. Besides, I was the one who's supposed to ask questions, right?" Afterwards, he stood up and grabbed his water bottle, chugging it until it's empty. Also, it seemed like he sweated more.

"..I'll go practice now. Thank you for your time, Aren-chan!"

He gave me a quick smile before hurriedly getting into the rink. If he only knew that his actions made it more obvious that he's actually in love with someone. I sighed heavily, smiling while watching him get into his starting pose with the similar nervous face. I don't know, I'm smiling, but deep inside, it hurts. But why do I even bother? I know that I don't possess the characteristics he likes. I should stop thinking about him and start thinking about the job.

"You're just his personal assistant." I told myself, "Plus, always remember the deal."

[A/N: Hm.. I'm thinking about using Kanako instead of Yulia but. Yeah. I have plans (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I updated yay!! Almost 500 reads, thank you!! Yuzuru is finally on ice again. I hope he doesn't injure himself again..]

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