Chapter 14

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Same warning as last time. Chapters may be shorter from now on, sorry. Sorry this took so long, I started school and was having some writer's block. Italics is something spoken in Norse.

The next five years passed quickly, fighting trolls, draugrs, dragons and other monsters. They were together through it all, Atreus had new scars on his arms and chest, his hair was long enough for him to put it into a bun, which he did so it wasn't in his eyes. Freydis was the same with new scars and now tied her hair into a ponytail. Freydis looted a better bow and arrow off a corpse and was improving in her skill, she was better than Atreus in archery. They used one of the dragons they killed to enchant her bowstring (similar to Atreus' bow in the God of War game) so that her arrow were imbued with fire. They made progress in their journey and had developed new skills. Atreus' skill with the Blades of Chaos was better and he knew how to fight with them properly.

In Midgard, Jake had explained how time works in Helheim. But the others still didn't know how they were going to get out. "Kratos left a Bifrost there in case he was stuck there, they will find it, which should take 65 years, so about a week. They have been there for two days so for them it has been 20 years." They didn't know what they would do as Atreus and Freydis might not make it out. Meanwhile in Helheim, a group of dark elves captured Atreus and Freydis, they were hung from the ceiling by their hands. Freydis had to watch as they tortured him and she couldn't do anything. They used the blades to unfreeze a lake and repeatedly shoved her into it and then pulled her out, which gave a fear of deep water. Seeing this, Atreus did something he promised never to use again, Spartan Rage. He tore the ropes binding his hands, then tore the dark elves to sheds. As he stopped, his breathing was erratic and his eye showed nothing but rage, but all that vanished when he looked at Freydis. She looked horrified at what he did but saw the regret on his face and his reason behind it. He quickly picked her up and raced out of there. All that happened to them made them stronger.

The next fourty years in Helheim caused some major damage and problems for them. They changed, physically and mentally. Atreus was more muscular and taller, he was starting to grow a beard, his hair had become long and was going down his back. Freydis was taller and more muscular, her hair was in multiple long braids. They both had developed more horrendous scars and wounds. Atreus had given up on his vengeance, all he cared about was protecting his family. They were almost at the Bifrost when they saw an army heading in it's direction. "Hel must be trying to get her army to Midgard." "What do we do?" "Get there first." He said smirking. She rolled her eyes as they started walking again.

When they reached the location, someone was there. "You're too late," they said. When they turned around, it was Loki. "What are you doing brother?" "What I'm fated to." Loki grabbed his dagger and ran forward. Atreus unsheathed his sword and blocked the strike. As Freydis grabbed her sword, Loki grabbed another dagger. They fought until Loki kicked Freydis away. "Get the Bifrost!" Atreus yelled to her. She nodded and ran to it as the brothers continued fighting. After awhile, Atreus tackled him down and grabbed one of his daggers. He stabbed Loki in the arm, the blade going through it, trapping him in place. Freydis activated the Bifrost as Atreus stood up. She walked through the portal to see all of her friends there. They looked confused as she was wearing ripped clothing, had new scars, longer hair and was taller. "As soon as Atreus gets through, we need to close it. Loki is there." Atreus ran through but so did Loki. He threw an axe at Jake and Atreus yelled, "No!" But he was too late, the axe struck Jake in the chest. Loki disappeared into thin air as Jake collapsed to the ground. Atreus had tears streaming down his face as he took the axe out of his nephew. He picked up Jake's body and walked out of the area, not saying a word. Freydis followed him, looking just as heartbroken.

"It seems that Atreus has given up all hope of Loki's redemption." Freydis told everyone, "I have never seen him act this way. With his mother's death, he was angry, but for this, all I see is pure sadness. He lost his best friend. And a part of himself." Atreus crouched on the shoreline, watching the boat he put Jake's body in and lit on fire drift off. His hair hung in a long braid. As he looked down he said, "I don't know what to do without you, my friend. I must fight my own family. You did not have to die this day but I know it was fated. You had a warrior's death, I know that Odin will welcome you into Valhalla. But I don't know if I will see you there, I have made many bad decisions. I have failed my mother, my brother and now you. But this time I will not fail. I have changed because of your death. I wish to see you again, my friend. My best friend. But this is goodbye for now." Atreus had started crying during his speech. He held a knife in one hand and the other grabbed the top of his braid, he sliced through the hair. The long braid fell from his hand as he continued to shave all the hair on the sides and back of his head.

He walked through camp, people staring at his new haircut, his new scars, his height and the tattoos on his arms. On one arm he had 'Freydis' written in Norse runes, on the other he had a Valknut surrounded by runes and other Norse symbols. He also had a large Raven tattoo on the left side of his head, around his ear. Freydis noticed the change in his behavior and that he wore a necklace. It was a leather strap with a piece of wood attached to it, the Norse rune for A carved into it. "He's wearing it." She spoke in disbelief. "Wearing what?" Zoe asked. "The necklace. Atreus carved it and made one for me and one for Jake. Jake wore his everyday. I wear mine, but Atreus never wore his, he's dong it out of respect. He's different, I just don't know how different." They gazed sadly at their friend, not knowing how to comfort him.

Tell me if there is too much crammed into this chapter, I feel like everything is a bit rushed. I may write to 19 or 20 chapters, I don't know yet. Comment if you want me to write a sequel when this book is done, I think I will. Please vote and comment. Stay safe.

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