Chapter 8

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Cordelia gripped tightly onto the reigns hooked around the skeletal muzzle of her steed as white mist plumed from its mouth. Her cloak whipped out behind her snapping in the wind as her legs gripped the body of the beast she road, its wings folded tight over them as it ran through the thick woods. It's powerful legs pumped as it gracefully leapt over fallen branches and hidden sink holes.
         Taking a deep breath Cordelia leaned in closer to the creatures neck feeling the thick muscles under leathery skin. It didn't need steering from the reins in her hands since it was trained to ride the paths to the oldest settlement in the depths of the large island. It's milky eyes focused forward as it began to slow as the forest became thinner and the sound of civilization became stronger echoing into the depths of nature.
It didn't take long for Cordelia and her mount to break through the foliage into a massive clearing at the base of a large carved cliff side. The grassy grounds were littered with a gathering of variously colored tents with people of all ages and genders going in and out of their mobile homes. The people wore similar outfits to hers with long scale woven skirts and tightly wrapped, scale torso wraps of basilisk shedding and dragon leather twisted around their bodies and threaded through the woven cloth.
Their displayed skin shifted in different shades of Carmel from a light dusting of color as if they had just started to tan from the suns rays to a dark leather aged with time, the sun and wind testing the layers. Groups of youthful men and woman carried weapons on their person displaying them with pride as they worked around the camp with lethal grace. Children ran around their parents and elders, shrieking in happiness as they played with one another expelling their seemingly endless pools of energy.
     A slight smile graced Cordelias lips as she slid off her mount and guided the strange equestrian beast over to a paddock filled with horses of all different breeds including others of her own steed. A young girl was humming happily humming a merry little tune as she shifted what looked to be a sugar quill clenched between her teeth to the opposite side of her mouth. Hanging off of one of her bare feet was a bucket full of long slivers of raw meat that caused Cordelias mount to flick its thin bony head clacking its beak at the scent of blood wafting their way.
In her hand and peaking out of a bag hanging from her shoulder were bright red apples that she was splitting in half and tossing to some of the beasts within the pen. She ran thin fingers through her short locks before flicking violet colored eyes up and towards Cordelia and her excited steed. Cordelia saw the flicker of recognition as the jewel toned eyes settled on the small circlet showing her relations to the leading clan of the tribe before giving a bow deep enough to expose her neck to Cordelia.
"Merry meet wandering one what brings you to my humble paddock this fine morning?"
Cordelia set a gentle hand on her restless steed calming him somewhat while her silvery blue eyes stayed focused on the young woman. The way she held herself relaxed yet deft fingers twirled her small knife easily slicing through her apple in a single precise slice. She could tell the young woman was used to using small hand blades meaning she was most likely not from the main warrior clan.
The people residing in the clearing are led by three main clans, the warrior, the Oracle and the scholars. The three main clans each have smaller branch clans under their umbrella of protection yet have a different field of focus. The head family of each individual clan have unique abilities pertaining to their clan general name.
The scholars head is often blessed with perfect recall and an intense thirst for knowledge. It is from this clan that the Ravenclaw family descended from so long ago when they decided to branch out from the main family to find their own place to call their own. The current head of this clan is a young colt like man with a habit at twitching at being interrupted in his quest to quench his thirst for knowledge. A little clumsy but with a good heart and head on his shoulder and a fast wand when needed. The branches of this clan contain those that focus on things like agriculture, animal husbandry and floral and fauna.
The Oracle clan are the advisors and mothers of the clans, hard to read and always parting with their knowledge of future events. The leader of this clan hold the greatest burden of seeing nothing but the future through milky white eyes. Most often the leaders of this clan are female but sometimes a male will be gifted as the next head position usually in times of strife when a fathers firm hand is needed rather than a mothers gentle encouragement. Although in their youth they are able to see like any other person when the next head is to take up the position they begin to loose sight of the present. It is this clan that is known as the elder leaders and often times are the voice of finality when life changing decisions are made for the people as a whole. The branches of this clan focus on tarot reading and using astrology to study the signs of the universe.
Last but not least is the warrior clan who are able to adapt to almost any weapon although each do have their favorites they are a terrifying force on the battle field. It is this family that Cordelias own grandmother hales from. They are the largest of the three clans and each branch of their clan focuses on specializing in specific fighting styles and weapons. Cordelias own great grandmother had a talent for wielding staff and battle ax in battle coupled with a slight gift of the sight from her mother who was a daughter of the main line of the Oracle clan making her a terror to fight.
According to the portraits of her grandfather it was that unstoppable spark on the battle field that made him first fall for her. In his own words it was "love at first blood shed especially when she turned that gold edged battle staff my direction and clocked me a good one to the noggin". Her great grandmother would often stare at her painted husband before calling him the biggest idiot in the world to fall for a woman who almost brained him to death and left him bleeding out in the middle of the plains. Needless to say as soon as he recovered from his near death experience her great grandfather then followed her great grandmother trying to win her heart. Only accomplishing such a thing when he finally showed her his battle prowess bringing down a wild Nundu to save some children.
Now the young woman sitting on the fence in front of her definitely sported a lithe body and dexterity in her fingers showing she has some training in battle like most who call the tribe their home. Yet her relaxed posture and affinity with the group of equestrian creatures hanging around her showed her to most likely to be from a branch of the scholar clan.
"I would like for you to house my thestral until my departure from visiting the far seeing mother. I am in need of her guidance and council on matters of new found family and long standing friends."
The young woman's face broke out into a broad grin as she kicked her leg against the fence causing a seam to appear right next to her and swing into the paddock with her still sitting on the now revealed door. Cordelia just shook her head in amusement as she watched the young woman make a clicking sound with her mouth and kick the bucket of meat into the paddock. This caused Cordelias mount to whinny happily before following the meal into the paddock before the door swung shut.
Nodding towards the young woman Cordelia turned and began to make her way through the maze of tents and people who all bowed respectfully in her direction. The deeper into the tent village she walked the more sights and sounds assaulted her as the people of the tribe went bout their daily chores. The sight of warriors practicing their craft, smiths toiling away at their fires and wix of all ages working on stitching scales into unique and strong clothing each with their branch crest embroidered proudly on the material.
It warmed her heart to see her grandmothers people all gathered here on Potter island peacefully going about their day. The tribe are nomads constantly being followed by those who wish for the power they once held as the rulers of the once proud and strong Atlantis. Not many know why the great city had disappeared suddenly as if it had never existed. Except for the people who were currently going about their day around her being the living breathing proof that the once great empire had existed.
After weaving her way through the masses of wix, children and small tents Cordelia finally came to the middle of the clearing where a large tent stained in blues, purples and black with swirling silvers shimmering in the morning light stood proud. The tent looked like a cosmic beacon settled on the grass with a light twirl of smoke dancing it's way out of the open flap perfuming the air with the scent of burnt wood and herbs.
       Taking a deep breath Cordelia stood in the smoke fumes for a moment allowing the power within the burning herbs to engulf her and twirl around her. She could feel the smoke dancing in her magic before finally dissipating granting her entrance into the tent. A brilliant piece of ancient magic stitched into the swirls of the tent bringing out the power within the burning herbs allowing the smoke to judge a person. If Cordelia were to enter with Ill intent the smoke would have engulfed her in a thick vicious cloud choking her in ash rather than purge impurities from her magic.
      Bowing to the drifting light gray plumes she entered into the tent with her head held high and a gentle smile quirked on her lips. Inside the Tent sat various elders all softly talking to one another with an absolutely decrepit looking woman sitting at the back of the tent on a pile of large squishy pillows. This woman held herself with pride with wrinkles etching deep lines into her face and crinkling at the edges of her eyes. Her hair is wispy and thin pulled back into a loose bun at the back of her neck allowing it to frame her face in gentle slopes. Her crooked fingers played with the fire poking at the burning embers with a rune etched metal rod as the sleeves of her thick white gown slid down her arms with each movement allowing the light to catch on the silver runes embroidered on the edges.
        Cordelia approached this elderly woman who tilted her head slightly at the sounds of her footsteps approaching. Once in front of her and the fire the elderly woman opened Milky white eyes the only splash of color being the irises which were light gray swirling like smoke in a ring around the white pupil. Bowing low to the ancient woman Cordelia spoke with upmost respect towards her as she spoke.
       "This daughter greets the present all seeing elder mother and wish to ask for her advice on another of her younger daughters of the clans."
       The elder woman nodded her head slightly before reciprocating her greeting.
     "This elder mother sees her future daughter and welcomes her to her tent. Please Sit and speak with me young one."
       Cordelia sat across the fire from the elderly woman her soft smile never leaving her lips. The woman sitting on the other side of the fire is the leader of the Oracle clan blind to the present but seeing all the different possible futures. Sitting to her right is a young man with long mousey brown hair tied loosely on the right side with small chunks hanging freely around his face. He is dressed in. Similar outfit to the elderly Oracle except for the embroidery being a darker shade of gray and a gentle almost wistful smile softening his features. The most striking part of his features though are his eyes which last time Cordelia saw them were once a dark blue yet now we're as light as a clear blue sky and his pupils a ash gray.
      She flashed him a sad smile and gave an incline of her head acknowledging him as who he was and who he is destined to become. She then turned her focus back onto the elderly woman who was giving her that same gentle smile.
      "Mother Oracle I wish to gain some guidance for my charge. She has been through something fairly traumatic thanks to a misguided old fool and this one is unsure of what to do in the next coming months."
The elders Smokey irises began to swirl more violently and the gray darkening with each twirl as her eyes narrowed allowing her gift to filter through the many paths that could be taken. It was thanks to the elder that James had demanded Cordelia take on Newts offer of an apprenticeship in the depths of the jungles. Those few years ago James to had come asking for the elder's guidance on weather or not to send his beloved elder sister off for her mastery in magi-zoology. It was through the elder that James learned that if Cordelia were not to leave she to would become a casualty of the war taking down a large chunk of he-who-must-not-be-named's death eaters with her.
During war more often than not both sides would court the Potters trying to gain their help or if they could not be persuaded the family would be hunted. The reason for this being the only requirement the potter family has for marrying. Potters marry for talent, not blood or looks although most times looks go hand in hand with talent. Potters have always been attracted to talented individuals with the power and mind to put that talent to good use making the family dangerous to leave alone during strife. Especially since their family magic is focused on protection.
It didn't take long for the elders eyes to settle back into the softly swirling light gray and focus in on Cordelia.
"The child and dungeon bat would do good with your travel plans for the summer. She will meet something very important to her on this trip and he will gain some clarity to mind and magic. It will be a good bonding opportunity and what she finds will help her grow and find comfort when not within your presence. No matter what both must not meet the clan until Samhain that will be when it will have the greatest impact on all your chargers."
Taking a slow, deep breath Cordelia allowed the sharp smell of herbs to burn in her nose and lungs and settle into her magic before exhaling slowly and bowing to the elder. She knew not to ask for more and accepted all the guidance the mother was willing to give. She gracefully got to her feet and left the tent only to stop a few feet in front of it to breath in the fresh air and watch the bustle of wix working through their mobile home.
It wasn't long before the sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention and she tilted her head slightly to see out of the corner of her eye the young man who sat to the right of the mother in the tent. His eyes were wrapped in a silk white cloth blinding him to the world at present. Small golden runes etched the edges of the cloth glowing softly with magic and the light of the day keeping it in place over his eyes.
"It's been quite some time since we've seen each other, how have you been Alden?"
Alden's brow creased as his hands tightened hidden by the long white sleeves of his robes the slight shifting being the only tell of the movement within.
"I have been fine for the most part my lady, although fear grips my heart to this day over the burden becoming heavier on my shoulders with each passing day. The second I started getting glimpses was the second we knew that the mother was going to die in the next few years. It saddens us all greatly but as the mother would often say time is ever moving and nothing is meant to remain forever."
Cordelia couldn't help but feel for the young man standing beside her. Alden is the youngest grandson of the elder mother and the only son of five born to the leading family of the Oracle faction. The gift of true sight comes with a price one being the loss of seeing anything in the present making going out amongst the people a taxing affair unless their eyes are bound in rune lined cloth. The second is the knowledge that by gaining this ability it means that the current mother of father would be dead within the next few years thus beginning the long process of creating their funeral attire and tokens to be sent off with the body when placed in the pyre. Last is the loss of their name with the people of the clan. Each new Oracle give up their given name and take on the title of mother or father to all within the clan both young and old. Although they are still allowed to marry and often encouraged to the Oracle usually pass on such a thing as wedded love and devote their lives to their job as the clans parent and guide.
Gently nudging her long time friend free of his somber mood Cordelia couldn't help but feel that Alden is the perfect choice for such an important and taxing job.
"The fact that your afraid and willing to admit to that just tells me that mother magic has chosen properly in blessing you with the gift. Don't sell yourself short my old friend just allow the mother to guide you while she is here and once she is gone trust yourself and you will be fine."
Alden couldn't help but quirk his left brow up as a slight smirk twitched on his lips while he angles his head so he faces Cordelia straight on. He couldn't tell you what compelled him to follow her out of the tent but felt is was his slowly awakening gift guiding him knowing she would say what he needed to hear. Ever since he had woken completely disoriented and dizzy as the different futures burned behind his eyes he held a deep fear for his future. To become the next mother or in his case father, is one of the greatest positions to be blessed with but also the one with the most responsibility. His heart had been frozen with fear and doubt born from having such amazing martial and magically blessed elder sisters while he was weak in body with a quiet and shy personality.
"This one thanks his future daughter for her kind and truthful words. He knows she would never be false with her words when it truly matters and he thanks her from the deepest parts of his once fear frozen heart."
Eyes shinning with mirth Cordelia gave a low nod to her long time friend before sauntering off to the paddock to make her way back to the estate. Once on her trusted thestral the beast took off towards its home it's breath coming out in thick while plumes once more as it twisted its way through the forest.
It didn't take to long for them to break through the other side of the forest thanks to the special magic within the gentle, miss understood creature. They broke the tree line near a large frozen over lake surrounded by pure white almost translucent trees with clear tear drop leaves glittering in the sun like diamonds in the sky. The sound of blades slicing through ice and childish laughter echoed across the snow laden lands bringing Cordelia's attention to the well maintained flat sheet of ice.
Dancing across the ice's surface were several humanoid figures all laughing and gliding about in various stages of upright positions. Some were elegantly twirling on the glassy surface as if they were made to glide across it on a single well maintained blade of metal attached to a boot. Others were hunched slightly and twirling their arms in the air attempting to remain up and steady as their legs butterflied apart as they moved across. There were even three dog shaped figures running and sitting on the ice causing untold havoc as they slide across and into unsuspecting victims of their play.
Only two figures were not playing on the ice one of which was tall and darkly dressed inspecting the edges of the frozen lake before casing his eyes with barely contained curiosity at the unique trees. The other person not on the ice was a small figure sitting in the snow on a brightly colored blanket with their small arms wrapped around their legs and their chin resting on their knees.
Pulling the thestral to a slow trot she angled the beast towards the sitting figure and stopped a few paces behind the hunched form of her niece.
Aster had been sitting on the heated blanket watching the red headed children play on the ice with Padfoot, Moony and their uncles the Prewett twins Fabian and Gideon. It was quite funny watching the brothers twirl one another on the ice as their nephews Fred and George attempted to mimic them only to find themselves falling on the slippery ice. It didn't help that there was a pair of fox kits yipping around their feet their two tails swirling around with minds of their own.
      The kits had arrived to the island a few days previously after being confiscated from some poachers by Newt and his fellow Magizoologists. He had contacted her aunt Cordelia asking if they could settle some animals on Potter island and after gaining permission arrived the next day with various crates of animals. The two foxes in question are a pair of nine tailed fox kits taken from their mother and litter mates to be sold as a delicacy. Their silky black tipped red fur was fluffed up and their twin tails puffed out in defense until their eyes locked with Fred and George. You could feel the warmth of familiar magic snapping between the twins and their newly bonded familiars crackle in the air calming the agitated kits.
     Mr, Weasley and Lord Weasley couldn't have been more proud of not one but two of their family members finding their familiar so young. It's not often it happens that young especially now with Hogwarts no longer offering summer internships like they had in the past. It used to be common place to see most if not all upper years in the school walking around with their familiar at their heels or riding on their person like Aquarius rides on Cordelia's shoulder.
     Aster couldn't help the fuzzy feeling the bubbled under her skin thinking about what it meant to have a familiar. A companion constantly there by your side to help defend you when your at your lowest and to protect just as fierce. Although it wasn't a true familiar bond Aster was forever grateful to the small snowy owl chick currently sleeping in the pouch at her side. All three eggs had hatched into their own small chicks hers and Bills being female and Percy's chick being a young male. Aster had decided to name her chick Hedwig while Percy named his Hermes and bill named his Hera.
       She was jolted from her musings by the sound of snow crunching behind her as she whipped her head around to see her aunt standing there watching the boys out on the ice. She scanned her eyes along the ice until she spotted the figure of Percy Weasley witting on the bank hidden within some of the winter tear drop dew trees tending to his owlet. Not far from him huddled in warm cloaks stood Septimus and Arthur Weasley talking with one another as they kept a close eye on the children on the ice.
       Looking into Cordelia's eyes Aster could see the glimmer of amusement mixed with slight apprehension as she eyed the twins and their foxes slipping and sliding across the ice. It felt like hours to Aster but was only moments before her aunts eyes settled onto her form. She then moved over to the heated blanket and gracefully sat down next to her small form pulling her warm cloak further over her somewhat skimpy outfit.
    "You know I worry for the days those two enter Hogwarts especially now that they each have a baby nine tailed fox at their side. Those creatures are known for their mischief and love of pranks. To be honest I was quite shocked that Fabian and Gideon didn't get them as their familiars although a fwooper is almost just as bad. Thank the great mother that once a familiar bond is gained with one they are able to control weather or not their song causes insanity. Although I don't think that helps our case very much with those two being bound to one each now does it."
    She had nodded her head in the direction of the still spinning twins who now had two garishly colored birds fluttering around their heads. One was predominantly orange with a smattering of lime green feathers while the other had the same colored feathers just in revers with the lime green being the more dominant of the two. It was quite an eye catching sight to see yet didn't seem to bother the brothers as they stopped for a breather and the birds landed on their shoulders.
     "I should have never taken those two with me to Africa the summer of my senior year. They just had to become paired with some of the most annoying and dangerous birds one could come across in the wild. Now don't get me wrong Foo and Whoop are well trained and polite beasts but kit if you ever see those birds in the wild cover your ears and get away as fast as you possibly can. Their song causes insanity and I quite like you how you are currently."
      Mischief sparked in Cordelia's eyes bringing a small giggle bubbling free from Asters throat as she loosened her grip on her legs slightly. The two of them sat in companionable silence watching the men make fools of themselves and Sirius gliding around the ice in his dog form like a madman annoying the living daylights out of Remi in the process. It was broken once more by Cordelia's voice coming out soft with a musing tilt to it.
     "You know if I remember correctly this lake was your fathers final courting gift to your mother all those years ago."
    Aster tilted her head curiosity shining in her vibrant emerald eyes but past fears keeping her questions silent. Noticing this Cordelia smiled nodding her head once more towards the lake before explaining.
      "You see Aster Potters don't marry for status or blood no we marry for two things and those are talent and love. Your mother was one of the most brilliant charms mistresses to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts and your father fell for her. Now we Potters as a rule have to display our own prowess with magic during our courting and this was your fathers crowning jewel.
       This became a reality when your mother has admitted to what she believed to her final breath was her greatest feat of accidental magic that she could moderately control. Lilly Potter nee Evans loved ice scatting as a child so much that her magic would bleed into the ice along her dance and paint the story being told by both her dance and the music. It was a beautiful sight to behold as her blades cut through the ice her magic sparking with each hit of the sharpened metal against polished frozen water particles. The surface would ripple with each stroke bringing to life color moving into various shapes and images until a whole story would be displayed on the ice dancing with her.
     After both hearing and witnessing the display of pure unadulterated magic in its purest form my brother, your father decided his beloved needed an ice rink to display her talents on anytime she wished. He worked tirelessly on this project for three years before he finally got it right and presented it to her after graduation as his final courting gift. The greatest display of his magical power and knowledge he could come up with designed specifically for his chosen. He sank hundreds of small rune engraved rocks into the bottom of this lake in a special pattern connecting them to the bank with seven larger rune anchors that he buried deep within the ground.
     Now activating the array was easy since it just needed him to pulse his magic through the lake and the runes did the rest. What my beloved trickster of a brother did not take into mind was the fact that he was creating this on an island with immense amount of natural magic flowing through it thus making this frozen lake permanent."
      Aster blinked her wide eyes at her aunt as Cordelia trailed off her voice once more bland as the thought back on that day seemingly so long ago when her brother sat at the edge of the frozen lake panicking about not being able to reverse his work. Lucky for him dear sweet Lily had thought of a smashing solution to James daft moment.
     "The best part was watching your father go ballistic with panic at being unable to reverse this at the time. Your mother on the other hand being the absolutely brilliant young woman she was came up with an idea."
      Cordelia then directed Asters attention to the largest trees bordering the large valley each seeming to glow with an inner light.
     "Your mother picked the oldest trees on the edge of the clearing and worked a similar rune array into the bark of the trees making them the perimeter of the ice and snow. This valley became a permanent winter wonderland thanks to her efforts which balanced the magic of the frozen lake enough to that it wouldn't cause any problems in the future. She then proceeded to experiment with plant life that could possibly adapt to this new environment and found that the special wisteria in the valley we visited on your first night here could adapt and evolve specifically to this environment thanks to the high magic from where they grow. Thus your mother bred the first and only heart of winter wisteria trees as well as created a spell to cast on the ice to help channel a dancers magic like she does naturally to any music played."
      Through the whole story Aster had slowly uncurled herself from her balled up position until she was finally sitting loosely on the heated blanket her eyes wide with wonder at the stories of her parents merits and blunders. Tears prickled are the corners of her eyes as she imagined her father working tirelessly for his final gift to her mother. They whirled to her mothers delight at the frozen lake and determination to finish her fathers work before advancing on it with a fever to create this breathtaking winter wonderland.
    "M-my father, was he, was he any good at ice skating?"
    She internally cursed at herself for asking a question but was pleasantly surprised to hear her aunts chiming laugh before her question was answered.
    "By magic No your father was as graceful on the ice as a new born deer just learning its legs. Often times he would fall flat on his back within second of his blades hitting the surface and then roll around like a log going down hill in a fit of childishness. It never ceased to amuse your mother that a man so graceful and elegant in the air would be hopeless on ice even without the skates on. It was made even better when he thought himself smart by transforming into his animal form only to find his balance even worst as a stag. Yet he was a stubborn man who continued to set foot on the ice especially when he saw it brought such a blinding smile to his beloveds face."
     Her voice had become wistful and her gaze distant as Aster watched her aunt her hands wringing as she debated if it was worth asking the next question that had settled in her heart. She wanted so badly to ask but at the Dursleys questions were bad all they got her was more time spent in her cupboard and a few stale pieces of bread and a single slice of cheese. She had quickly learned not to ask questions but this wasn't the Dursley's with their seemingly never ending list of chores and unwritten rules. This was her Aunt Cordelia a woman comfortable with who she is and who gave her a warm bed, her own room and even Christmas presents.
     Sterling her resolve Aster straightened her spine and looked directly at her Aunt who was now looking at her with one brow quirked in question.
     "Do, do you think you could teach me how to skate and maybe, I mean if your not to busy teach me something my father loved to do as well?"
    Slowly Cordelia reached out and ignoring Asters slight flinch gently rubbed her hand from the top of her head down to her cheek cupping the cold contours of her face.
     "Anytime your ready I would happily teach you what your parents once loved to do but remember kit that you are your own person and it's ok to also love things that they didn't. Learn what they loved and learn why they loved it so much by trying it yourself but love it and continue to do it if it becomes special to you yourself not because they did it themselves but because you truly enjoy it. If you can promise me this I will teach you anything you want that your parents once adored."
      Aster sniffled as a blinding smile lit up her face and she launched herself at her aunt crying tears of sheer joy and being able to learn something her parents once treasured. Not only learn these things but to not be expected to like them as well was pure relief. She was a boiling pot of emotions that were over flowing through her tears which became worst as she felt her aunt pull her in closer speaking nonsensical comforts as she hugged her tightly. It took her some time to calm down and settle still hugging her aunt tightly embarrassed by her sudden display of emotions.
    "Now that we got that all out of your system how about we set to our task of learning the pleasures or ice skating and the bruises that follow with every fall, shall we?"
     Aster gave a watery giggle as she pulled back smiling with puffy red eyes before nodding her head in agreement and taking her aunts hand after Cordelia had stood and allowed her to guid her to the ice. She knew this wouldn't be the last time she broke down like this but knew deep down that it was going to be ok that just maybe she could trust this one adult in her life. Only time would be able to tell and she now looked forward to it more than even just moments before when her world was still clouded in thick dark thoughts rooted into her heart and mind from the past four years of her young life. It was with those thoughts in mind that Aster went with her aunt to the ice to start her first of many lessons on ice skating.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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