Chapter one

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Somewhere in a cottage hidden within the depths of the Forest of Dean a young woman sluggishly makes her way through the large oak door. The cottage was built at the foot of a large tree hidden from sigh by the woods and some liberally placed wards a mile out.

It is a two stories high cottage with intricate carvings of pixies and griffins etched to the smallest detail on each log used. Each log told a different story of the individual creatures making a mural like timeline etched into the outer walls. Any who would look at the building would think it something out of a fairy tail with the gentle wisps of sunlight peaking through the foliage and the sound of a small brook nearby. Coupled with the sounds of nature and the smell of bark, mulched leaves and fertile soil made the whole thing surreal.

Yet the young woman took no notice of these fleeting fancies as she stumbled her way tiredly through the slightly creaking door into a moderate sized receiving area with a packed dirt floor and a single step into a small hall not a foot away. Off to the right side was a slightly raised patch of packed dirt where a few pairs of boots resided undisturbed By the woman who slowly wriggled her way out of her current pair of boots before placing them in the only empty spot on the shelf.

Yawning she took the step up into the hallway stopping only for a moment to sink her toes into the soft, plush caramel colored rug humming in satisfaction. She raised her slightly tan dainty hand to the top of her head where her midnight black hair was coiled into a messy bun gripping the pins keeping it in place. With a satisfying tug she released the mass of messy curls letting them fall gracefully down her back to rest a little before halfway down her back.

Sighing she ran her free hand through her hair trying in vain to bring it to some semblance of order as she cast her silver blue eyes towards a door not far off to her left side. The door was open showing a sitting room with a cozy fire that had burst to life the second she walked through the door. The room contained a cozy light brown couch with a dark red with muted gold trim thrown over the back of it. A couple of matching throw pillows were tossed haphazardly on the couch making it look inviting to the tired woman.

On either side of the couch were a pair of matching side tables made from twisted twigs of different trees found throughout the forest with a black glass top for easy cleaning. Next to each table was a squishy matching armchair one with dark red accent the other with muted gold.
Stretching the woman pulled off her cloak revealing a Shapley figure with curves in all the right place and a moderate sized bust that was wrapped somewhat tightly. The material of her wrap showing through her slightly see through white dress shirt. Over this she had on a dragon hide vest to match her dragon hide rising pants that hugged her body leaving nothing to the imagination.

After hanging her cloak up on a hook next to the door she made her way into the sitting room as she reached for the thick part of her sleeves at her wrist that cinched the shirt tightly to them. With deft fingers she unbuttoned the wrist and pulled up her sleeves to reveal the bracelet like series of rune tattoos hidden underneath. The largest of the runes was situated on her inner wrist with a small circle of tiny runes around it only to meet on the left and right side before branching off and up her wrist to the upper side. Just below the back of her hand directly parallel to her inner wrist tattoo was another medium sized rune just a slight bit smaller than its opposite. The tiny rune sequence from her inner wrist circled around this one as well completing the circle.

Loosening her best she finally made it to the couch stopping before it to stretch to her full height of 5'8" causing her bones to audibly pop bringing a pleases sigh to flutter past her bow shaped rose tinted lips. Her aristocratic features relaxing as she finally flopped down onto the couch throwing arm over her eyes while the other pulled the throw over her body falling into a pleasant sleep.

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