Chapter 6

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     Cordelia sat in the peaceful darkness of the small kitchen table down on the bottom floor of her home on Potter island. Sitting on the table gripped tightly in her right hand is a steaming mug of hot chocolate made with milk and vanilla cream and toasted marshmallows on top. It was her go to drink when the world seems to be against her in every way. Her other hand was propping her head up as she used her middle finger to rub circles at her left temple in an attempt to get rid of her growing headache.

    The trial had ended successfully and she had proceeded to drag the damn mutt of a man to the bank tossing him to the tender mercies of the goblin hoards. After he got The all clear and a list of potions, dietary needs and exercise itinerary it was then little Asters turn. The poor girl was beyond nervous and terrified of the room they had entered.

      The room was made of carved marble and looked like it had been carved of one solid slab including the door which sealed so tightly when closed you couldn't even see where it once was. Etched into the marble were layers upon layers of ancient runes each one adapted and layered in order to not interfere with one another. Some runes were newer than others and stretched  the full breadth of the room. Within the runes were various empty circles with seven lines Of runes pointing into the untouched space.

       Each pattern of runes glittered in the low torchlight the floated along the walls giving many of them an ominous feeling. Looking closer Cordelia had noticed that the runes were filled with powdered gemstones of all colors mixed with precious metals. To keep the glimmering substance in place each rune after being filled was coated with the thinnest sheet of goblin steel pulled so thin it was see through like glass. This left the particles of gemstone and metals free to shift within the individual runes assisting in gathering and storing more magical energy within them.

        The fact that these chambers are olde world runic chambers created back when magic was known and accepted by non magicals made them even more daunting. It meant that this very chamber most likely still held energy from wizards and witches long gone and drifted into mere legends. Those that had tasked the goblin hoard with protecting, preserving and residing over these chambers to be used in the most dire of need. To build upon with the original ward and rune scheme as the base and carefully expanded on until it grew into the masterpiece it was today. Just being within the chambers made Cordelias inner wards mistress itch to study and break apart but she held herself back.

     Their goblin guide led their small group, which now included Remi who had joined them not long after Sirius finished his check up, to the very center of the massive rune chamber. Looking around Cordelia could tell that this is where the first runes had been lain as the magic and energy buzzed across her skin in uncontrolled yet restrained bursts. The runes themselves were dug in deep into the very foundation of the room and gave off a subtle glow of their own as if they knew they were about to be utilized and were ready.

     The goblin had then handed a pure white robe to be pulled over Asters clothes just in case something spewed our from her scar. The robes would have to be purified by fire if that were to happen and Hecate knew what  a pain it would be to destroy the snake and dragon scale outfit considering the dragons fire resistance. He then proceeded to do and her to lay Aster within the largest circle in the middle of the chamber and to move to the northern circle just above her head as her anchor.

     Doing as told Cordelia had then calmed her niece after pulling the white robe over her clothes and laying her down. Once in position two more goblins entered the room and motioned for Sirius and Remi to stay within the observation boarder and to remain there no matter what. They then proceeded to their positions at the southern, eastern, and western points of the arrangement.

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