Chapter 1

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A/N: This chapter is pretty short compared to the rest.

Cheryl and Toni have been best friends since they were 14 years old. They met their freshman year of high school and have been attached at the hip ever since. They had sleepovers every weekend, usually at Toni's house. They drove to school together and back home. They were both cheerleaders, Cheryl being the cheer captain and HBIC, naturally. You rarely saw one without the other.

Cheryl Blossom grew up in Riverdale, born and raised. She was the heir to Blossom Family Maple Farms, which has been in her family for generations. When she was 16, both her mother and brother died in a car accident. Leaving Cheryl to live with her father and Nana Rose.

She went to NYU, along with Toni. They were roommates in the dorms their freshman year, and then got a cheap four bedroom apartment with their friends Veronica and Kevin for the next three years.

Cheryl graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business, and Toni with a bachelor's degree in Photo Journalism.

In high school Toni came out as lesbian. While they lived in their apartment, it seemed like Toni was bringing over girls every night. But, the weekends were left to her sleepovers with Cheryl, continuing the tradition from their younger years.

Meanwhile, Cheryl came out as bisexual, around the same time as Toni. During their junior year of college, Cheryl got a boyfriend, Archie Andrews. He was the perfect addition to the Blossom family, and was also from Riverdale. Archie was an architect major and the star quarterback, hoping to get drafted and play professionally. And, he just so happened to be a redhead. Her father Clifford was ecstatic when he heard the news.




Cheryl Blossom and Archie Andrews have lived in Riverdale since they graduated from NYU two years ago. Cheryl was helping out at the family business, while Archie was a professional football player for the NFL, for the Raiders (idk anything about football, but I know they're a team lol). He would be gone for games pretty regularly during the on season, which Cheryl was somewhat thankful for and training during the off season. She loved him, but she also enjoyed her time alone, doing hobbies she enjoyed.

A year into Archie's football career, he broke his leg and tore his ACL during a game. Doctors told him he would never play football again. After that, Archie got addicted to his pain medication and turned to alcohol.

Cheryl dealt with Archie's addictions. No, she didn't buy him alcohol or drugs, but she wanted to make him happy, and she wanted her father to be happy. She tried to get him to go to rehab multiple times, but he wouldn't



Toni Topaz still lived in New York City, about an hour from Riverdale. Her and Cheryl tried to visit as often as possible, but life gets busy and adulting is hard sometimes. Toni worked as a photographer for the New York Times newspaper and has for two years, since she graduated college. She was highly recommended by her college advisor and also interned with the newspaper her junior and seniors years.

Even though Toni has always been a bit of a player, her heart lies with Cheryl Blossom. Toni has never really been in a serious relationship. Her last one was her senior year of college with a girl named Brenda. They were together for about four months, before Toni ended it. Brenda accused Toni of cheating on her with Cheryl, even though they've never had sex. Apparently kissing your best friend while drunk, at a party is a no go when you have a girlfriend. Oops.

Toni didn't regret what happened, though. She would stop dating anyone to spend one night with Cheryl Blossom.

Toni has a small, one bedroom apartment about two miles from her job. She prefers to walk, but sometimes she'll ride her motorcycle. If the weather is bad, she'll get a cab or Uber, which sometimes takes longer than walking.

It was a Wednesday morning, around 8am, when Toni was walking to work. She got a text message from Cheryl.

Cher😍🤤: Hey, TT. Are still planning to come over this weekend, or should I come to you?

Toni: Of course! I wouldn't miss it! Doesn't matter to me. Which would you prefer?

Cher: 😍🤤: Here is fine. Archie's going to be out of town with his dad on some hunting trip, so it'll be me and my lonesome.

Toni: Sounds good ♥️ You want to dye my hair for me?

Cher: Of course, babe. It'll be just like old times. Can't wait!

Toni's POV:

My day just got ten times better than it already was. I'm halfway to work, the weather is beautiful and I'm listening to a really good instrumental metal playlist I found on Spotify. I really can't wait to see Cheryl. (A/N: if you're interested it's called Instrumental Madness)

We haven't seen each other in three weeks, other than FaceTime and the occasional selfies. When Archie isn't home, Cher will call me and we'll FaceTime until she falls asleep, but that hasn't been since Archie played football. Unless he falls asleep on the couch, watching TV. Lately I've been having weekend projects for work, or events to photograph, so I haven't had time to visit.

I get to work, greeting the front desk receptionist Serena. I'm pretty sure she has a thing for me, but I don't like to mix business with pleasure. "Hey, Serena. How is it going?"

"Hey, Topaz. Just the usual. Have any plans for the weekend? I was thinking maybe we could go to a new club in town?" She asked me.

"Uh, I actually have plans. I'll be out of town with a friend from high school. Sorry." I awkwardly responded, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh. Well, maybe some other time, then?" She smiled.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll see ya later, Serena. I've got a meeting to get to. Sorry." Would I actually go out with her if I wasn't busy? Probably not. Ya know, the whole mixing business and pleasure thing.

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