• Eleven •

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After Mandy left, Lip laid in bed for most of the day just thinking about the night before, how it felt like they were in high school again. But this time he knew he wouldn't intentionally fuck anything up.

Before long Ian walked into the room and sat down next to Lip on the bed.

"So... you and Mandy?"

"What about us?"

"Why'd she end up asleep in your room?"

"She said she was tired and cold down there..."

"Mhmm, sure." Ian stood up but before walking out he said, "don't break her again Lip. She doesn't deserve that."

"Yeah, you don't think I know that?" After talking to Ian, Lip headed downstairs for some water. 

Lip came down to see Carl standing downstairs in his training uniform. Ian was lounged out on the couch and Liam was watching t.v., sitting on a chair in the living room. The room was completely quiet, which was suspicious.

Normally Lip knew the reason why, but right now he was too far into his head.

"You okay Lip? Cat got your tongue or something?"

"No I'm good.." Lip took another sip of his water. "Just thinking."

"Bout?" Lip paused before thinking because he wasn't sure if he should tell Carl, it wasn't that big of a deal, but it seemed like that in his head.

"I kissed Mandy last night.."

"Figured, I saw you guys in your room cuddling." After Carl said this he made a fake gaging noise and Lip just gave him a serious look.


"Is now a good time to say the girls are coming back for dinner tonight? They don't have enough set up in their apartment to cook yet." Lip filled up his water again.

"Who's cooking and what are they cooking?"

"Debs and Sandy volunteered to make pasta, so I'm assuming that?" 

"Makes sense.. well I'm going back to my room. Come get me if you need anything or when ever dinner is ready."

"Got it." Lip just nodded as he headed upstairs and Carl walked out the backdoor through the kitchen. Once he got back to his room he pulled up his phone.

From Lip:

Hey Mans, I'm sorry for kissing you last night...

From Mandy:

Don't be.

Lip decided it would be best to just not bring it up again, unless she does. And he was hoping that he'd get the chance to talk to her again, just sober this time.

Debbie and Sandy were chasing Franny around the different lanes of the grocery store while Mandy was trying to get all the ingredients that they needed for pasta. Which isn't a lot of stuff, but with having to drag along the other three with no help, it was taking sometime.

They finally got to the last lane of what they needed, a big bag of frozen meatballs. 

"Are we sure we got everything?"

"Yeah Debs, it's just pasta. We got everything, the sauce, noodles, and meatballs? Do you think we're missing something ?" Sandy responded.

"Yeah that's everything, I just was making sure."

"I'll go check out, meet you guys in the car?" Mandy asked.

"Sure, come on Franny!" Sandy said as she lifted Franny onto her shoulders while grabbing Deb's hand. Mandy just looked at them and smiled when she saw how sweet her cousin was being for once. 

After Mandy checked out she went outside to find the others.

"Either of you want to drive? I don't feel like it."

"Sure Debs, I'll drive." Mandy replied as they all started to climb into the car and head to the Gallaghers.

Once they got there Mandy stayed in the car for a little bit. "I'll meet you guys inside in a second." They all just nodded because they knew she was probably nervous to see Lip while sober after kissing him that night.

When she finally walked into the house she didn't see Lip anyway, which gave her mixed feelings. Maybe he just didn't want to see her either, or maybe he wasn't home. So she decided to ask Ian.

"Where's Lip at?"

"Upstairs I'm pretty sure."

"Oh! Okay, thanks." Before Ian could stop her, she started to walk up the stairs and then knock on Lips door.

"Is dinner ready?"

"No, it's me. Can I come in?" Lip had to process that it was actually Mandy, because drunk Lip made that mistake before.

"Yeah, it's unlocked..." Mandy walked in and sat down next to him on his bed once he sat up. Both of them stayed very quiet for awhile, and then Mandy rested her head on his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head.

"I know I already said it, but I am sorry for kissing you last night Mans..."

"Like I said.." She turned to him and placed a small peck on his cheek. "..Don't be."

They both just stared into each others eyes and smiled, before leaning in to kiss again. But this time Lip got really into it, and started kissing up and down her neck, leaving a few small purple marks here and there.

Every once and while when he kissed a certain spot on her neck, she let out a little moan which encouraged him to keep going.

They got so caught up within each other, that neither heard the others calling them down for dinner. They had to send Liam up to tell them, which interrupted their moment.  

As the broke apart to turn to Liam, Lip said "We'll be down in a few minutes."

"Sure." Liam said as he rolled his eyes and walked out. Lip placed one more kiss on her face before whispering in her ear, "Want to go to the old park with a blanket to look at the stars like we used to do?"

Mandy smiled and laughed, because she completely forgot about the spot. How did Lip remember?

"I'd love to." She stood up, and pulled him up with her. She kissed him on the lips before saying "Come on, they're probably waiting." He nodded in agreement. As they were walking down the stairs he grabbed her hand and she just smiled.

She didn't think it was the best idea to give Lip yet another chance, but she also couldn't ignore the feelings she was getting again around him. She didn't know what it all meant, but she agreed to herself durning dinner that she'd give it another shot...

As long as Lip didn't do anything stupid again. 

Mistaken Love { Mandy Milkovich & Lip Gallagher }Where stories live. Discover now