• Thirteen •

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After looking at the stars for awhile, Mandy fell asleep laying in Lip's lap. He waited till she woke up and then he walked her home, to make sure she was safe since it was pretty late. But he honestly didn't want to wake her up because she was looking so peaceful while she was asleep.

But eventually he realized that it was getting too later, and Sandy was probably worried about her.

Once he got to the house, no one was there. Even tho it was almost three in the morning... Where was Sandy at?

"Hey Mandy?"

"Yeah?" She said in a really sleepy voice.

"Where's Sandy?"

"Probably with Debs fucking somewhere." Mandy laughed a bit at what she said, before flopping her tired body on the couch. Lip just observed her almost trip on her own feet.

"Mans, come on. Let me take you to your actual bed, this couch is way too small for you."

"But I don't wannnaaaa. I'm too tired to move." Lip thought her tired, whiny voice was actually quiet cute. For a second he thought if he should let her be on the couch, or...

"What if I carried you to the bed?" Mandy shot up and smiled.

"Yes!" Lip laughed and walked over as he scooped her up in his arms.

"Which one is your bedroom?"

"The last door on the left." He just nodded and carried her down the hall, before gently placing her down on the bed. Then he grabbed the closest blanket, and through it on top of her before he started to walk out of the room.


"What was that Mans?"

"Can you stay? I don't wanna be alone since Sandy isn't here." Mandy knew she would be fine if she was left alone, but she really just wanted to get more attention and affection out of Lip. He just smiled and nodded before climbing into the bed next to her.


"Goodnight Lip" She said while she placed a kiss on his cheek and rolled over to her other side while his arms wrapped around her. "Don't let the bed bugs bite."

When he woke up he was still in Mandy's bed, except she wasn't there anymore. He went to check the time but realized his phone died. After sitting there for a second he notice the smell of food being cooked.

He stood up, looked in the mirror, and fixed his appearance before heading down the hall to the kitchen.

"Good morning Mans, something smells good."

"Not Mans." Lip realized that voice was Sandy's, not his girls' voice.

"Oh, sorry Sandy. Do you know where she's at?"

"Who?" Sandy said, deciding she'd give Lip a hard time this morning. Lip just rolled his eyes from her being obnoxious.

"Look, I don't completely get what your problem with me is." Sandy stopped and looked Lip in the eyes.

"My problem? You hurting Mandy before, she's told me practically everything okay? I'm just being protective when it comes to her because I don't feel like picking up her broken pieces once you find someone new again."

"Our business, is our fucking business. Why don't you take your attitude somewhere else, hell any where else."

"Lip! This is myyy house!"

"I know, I know.." Lip paused for a second trying to decide how he should approach Sandy. "It's just, I want to be there for her this time... I don't wanna mess things up." Sandy went back to cooking after hearing that.

"Fine, prove it."

"Okay I will. When Mandy comes back, tell her I had to go home to charge my phone." Sandy just nodded while Lip headed out the door and left. After a few minutes she went to her room and knocked on the door. "You can come out now Mandy."

Mandy walked out of the room. "Thanks.."

"So... care to explain why you had him stay over last night, but this morning you wanted to avoid him?" Mandy had to pause for a second to justify it.

"It's just.. things are moving fast you know?"

"Well... how fast ?"

"Not your fast.. Just, I don't want him to think we're getting back together... When we snuck out of dinner last night it was cause we went to go smoke and look at the stars. And we just talked for awhile."


"How things have been since I left, how he dropped out of college.. stuff like that." Sandy nodded. She went over to the couch and sat down.

"So, what are the plans for today?"

"Well Ian and Mickey said they wanted to go to some club tonight."

"Who all is going..? Is Debbie?" Mandy just smiled at her cousin talking about Debs, because she could tell that they were starting to bond and get close.

"Maybe? I could ask if she wants to come with us."

"Oh, no. I'll call her and ask." Sandy jumped on the opportunity to talk to her. She pulled out her phone and went to Debs contact and hit call.

"Hey Sandy, what's up?"

"Are you going with Ian and Mick to the club tonight?"

"I wasn't planning on it... but if you're going I'll definitely go too."

"Okay, cool." Sandy looked over to her cousin, who was mouthing 'is Lip going?', she just shrugged her shoulders. 'Ask!' "Oh, also, Mandy wants to know if Lips going?"

"No he's not, he's going out with Tami later to spend time with Freddie."

"Oh okay, I'll see you later then. Bye Debs."

"Bye Sandy." After the call ended Sandy looked at her curious cousin.

"So ?"

"He isn't going, don't worry."

"Oh okay.. why not?"

"He's going out with some bitch named Tami to spend time with Freddie. No clue who either of them are." Mandy just laughed a little.

"Freddie is his kid and Tami is his baby momma don't worry."

"I'm not worried, but you should be.. "

Mandy sighed and started to walk to her room, "It doesn't matter much, we aren't together. But I'm going back to sleep, wake me up in a few hours to get ready for the club."

"You got it." Sandy pulled out her phone again and started scrolling through instagram waiting for the time to pass.

Mistaken Love { Mandy Milkovich & Lip Gallagher }Where stories live. Discover now