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It was already a little pass sunrise when Mandy start to open her eyes, she was confused? Where was she? She didn't recognize the room... and then she looked over..

"Oh! Shit!" She realized Lip was laying right there, curled up by her, sleeping peacefully. She smiled because the sight was really cute and it made her a little nostalgic. But how did she get here? 

After a few minutes of thinking, she decides to go find Ian to see if he knows anything. After searching the whole house and finding not a single Ian, she called him.

"Hey Ian!? Where are you??"

"I'm with Mickey getting coffee, everything alright?"

"Not really, I woke up in Lips bed.."

"Oohh shittt, so that's why you weren't on the couch."

"Does this mean you don't know what happened?"

"Nope. Try to think back, or maybe, I don't know.... Ask Lip!"

"He's asleep."

"When he wakes up then, duh. Bye M, I gotta go."

"Bye Ian..." Mandy hung up the phone and started to mentally retrace her steps. She remember laying on the couch, then before that talking to Lip... and that he tried to kiss her. And the second time she came out she thinks he kissed her and then went upstairs.

That seems like it'd be accurate? Maybe I should go upstairs, she thought. And surely enough Lip was starting to wake up...

"Hey beautiful" He said with a cheesy smile.

"Mornin Lip.. so last night...?"

"Don't worry, we just kissed. I know you drank too much."

"Oh god that means I did something huh?"

"Only fall down the stairs." Mandy laughed for a second while trying to remember it.

"That isn't so bad.."

"It is when you fall more then four times!" Mandy started laughing even harder, she knew she was drunk last night....but not thaattt drunk. She stood up off the bed and pulled her hair up, and got her shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

"I gotta go get Sandy and Debs so we can go unpack."

"Debs is going?"

"Yeah, she wants too. I think she's developing a 'thing' for Sandy. Or she's being overly friendly."

"I haven't noticed."

"Yeah!" She punched his shoulder. "Because you spent all of last night outside! By yourself!"

"Yeah I know.. but you better get going."


"Goodbye kiss?" Mandy laughed and thought about it, and decided it probably wasn't the best idea. She realized she kissed him last night, but she was also very drunk. She probably shouldn't have let any of that happen.

But it was too late now.

Mandy walked over to Debbies door and started knocking, but stopped when a tiny Liam appeared.

"Oh, Liam.. where's Debbie?" Liam lifted his arm and finger up a little bit to point to the door that was across the hall. "Thanks."

She walked over and started knocking again.

"Sandy! Debbie! Lets go, we've got boxes on top of boxes to unpack."

After a few more minutes of knocking a very sleepy Sandy and Debs opened the door, looking like they obviously had too much fun last night.

"Where's Franny?"

"Carl's taking care of her today." Debbie replied.

"Okay cool."

The three girls got into the car and headed to the apartment. Mandy walked over to all the boxes in the kitchen, and Debbie and Sandy went to the living room to unpack.

"So, how was your guys' night?" Mandy asked while giving them a suspicious look. And then the two gave each other a glance of happiness.

'"Pretty good you could say." Sandy wink at Debs.

"Gross!" Mandy fake gaged. "Get a room!"

"Oh, like you and Lip did?" Debbie said. Which caused Mandy to slightly choke on a sip of water.

"Nothing happened, we just cuddled.... and maybeee he kissed me... but lets focus on unpacking right now."

The girls spent hours making sure the furniture was lined up right, and their paintings were in perfect spots, and that everything was perfectly organized. They eventually all crashed and took a long nap, because they knew they were going back to the Gallaghers tonight for dinner.

Authors Note: What's your guys honest opinions of the story so far? What ideas would you like to see happen through out the story?

Mistaken Love { Mandy Milkovich & Lip Gallagher }Where stories live. Discover now