Chapter 13

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(POV: Y/n)
Its quiet... and dark i couldn't move and i couldn't move my arms and legs i found out that im stuck and tied up in a chair while blindfolded

I tried to call Shoto but my mouth was covered with a cloth

I sat there for a few minutes until i heard someone open the door

"Thank god, They didn't find you" a voice was heard

I recognized that voice and it must be Shoto

The blindfold was removed and i see Shoto in front of me until i realize that we were in a room that i don't recognize

"Im terribly sorry that you had to wake up here but let me explain what happened" He says as he removes the cloth covering my mouth

"Some cops came over to my house and investigated it, but luckily i had enough time to hide your unconcious body somewhere they couldn't find" He smiles

He gives me a kiss in the cheek

"But where are we? And why am i tied up?" I ask him

"You're in the hidden room of the basement and i had to tie you up just in case you try to leave the room" He replies

Im in a hidden room of the basement... So the cops were not able to find me...

What do i do? And what will kirishima do since he knows that im still trapped here

"So Y/n, I have a question for you" He smirks as he takes out a knife in his pocket

I started to get nervous and scared as he notices it and smiles

"When we had our date in the Amusement Park, Did you see someone who recognized you?" He asks as he starts to get serious

I started to get more scared since i don't know what he is going to do

"Im waiting for an answer" He says as he glares at me

"I-I Don't know..." I stuttered

"I know you're lying Y/n, I can tell" He chuckles

"Come on, Tell me the truth and then nothing bad will happen to you" He says as he puts his knife close to my cheek

I got a little more scared because i was
Tortured a lot before he started to trust me

I shouldn't have went to his house and just went home... Why did he had to kill Midoriya and Bakugo...

I wanna go home and just be with my family atleast...

Shoto may have loved me but he murdered two of my bestfriends and kidnapped me

"Answer me Y/n!" He shouts as he punches me in the face

"Ah! Okay! Okay!" I shout

"Yes, I found someone who recognized me but im not telling" I say as i glare at him

"Okay, A little scratch won't hurt then" He smirks

He grabs my right arm and slashes it causing me to scream in pain

"AH!" I scream as i feel my wound bleed as it becomes more painful

"Come on Y/n, Tell me who you saw"

"Im not telling!" I shout

He slashes my Right arm with his knife

"AH! Please stop i thought you changed!" I cry out

He flinched a little about what i said

"You're still trying to escape me during our date, I can't trust you" He glares at me

"Just accept your fate Y/n, Be mine forever!" He shouts

"Or what?" I glare at him

He grabs a picture of my family and looks at me

"Or they will die" He puts a sadistic smile on

I was shocked and i didn't know what to do

"You don't know my family" I went silent

"Yes i do, I know that your father is with your mother right now"

"Do you want to be mine or let people die because of you?"

"I- I...." I stutter as i was speechless

"Come on Y/n, Choose"

A. Accept your fate, You give yourself up to him as your family is safe and not involved.

B. You Prevent yourself from giving up and not accept Shoto leading your family to danger

C. Accept your fate but you still want to escape Shoto's House, You find a way to escape but he hunts you down

[To Be Continued]

These choices will lead to the final chapters which is based on your choice... It will either be a Bad ending or a Good Ending...


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