Chapter 11

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(POV: Y/n)
I woke up in a bed with a huge pain in my back. I realized that Shoto has been waiting for me to wake up while sitting on a chair beside the bed.

"Sh-Shoto?" I said

"Y/n, You're finally awake" He says

"W-What happened yesterday?" I asked him

"You were asleep for the whole day yesterday but we kind of did something 'Interesting' " Shoto says

I sat up and noticed that i wasn't tied up or chained. Shoto holds my hand and caress it

"Look, Im taking you out on a date today but don't try to escape or leave me or there is going to be another punishment for you" He continues to caress my hand

"F-Fine but please don't hurt anyone else anymore" I tell him with a sad tone

"Okay, I won't do it as long as you can prove to me that i can trust you" He smiles

I stand up and then we both prepare for the day today

While we were eating breakfast in the  Kicthen island but i couldn't help but ask Shoto some questions

"S-Shoto?" I call him

"Yes Y/n?" He responds

"I was wondering... What day is it today?" I ask

"Its Saturday, Why do you ask?" He says

"Oh, I was wondering what it is like at school without Midoriya, Bakugo, And Myself..." I frown

"Its a little more quiet than usual, The others are still sad about You, Midoriya and Bakugo's Disappearance" He tells me

"Why did you even kill them? You could have atleast told them that you had a crush on me so they wouldn't get in your way, Why is my love and Life even important to you?" I ask as my tone gets louder

"You're special to me Y/n, The moment i met you. I knew you were the one to make my life happy" Shoto responds as he caress my hand and gives me a peck on the cheek

"I- *Sigh* im done asking questions" I tell Shoto

"Good, Please don't try to escape or leave me, You're going to get Punished again if you do it" Shoto grabs a bite of his breakfast

I nodded in response and we continue to eat our breakfast

After we were prepared to leave the house and go on a "Date" I wanted to ask him one question first

"Um, Shoto?" I call him

"Yes Y/n?" He responds

"Where are we even going?" I ask

"Were going to an amusement park" He answers

"Oh, I haven't been there for a while" i said to myself

"Alright lets go" Shoto says as he grabs my hand as he opens the front door

All Yours~| Yandere Todoroki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now