Chapter 10 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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(POV: Y/n)
It was Dark... I couldn't see anything or someone...

I woke up opening my eyes to realize that i wasn't in the basement this time but in a comfortable bed...

I try to move or stand only to realize my hands were tied together in the bed head

"Y/n, You're finally awake.." A voice next to the bed was heard and it was Shoto

"S-Shoto whats happening?" I ask

"Its time for your Punishment,Y/n~" He says as he sits in the bed and starts to get closer

He gets closer and stops as he starts to kiss me and we both start to make out

I was still confused about what was happening so i stopped and he does the same

"W-What are you going to do to me?" I ask

"I'll give you a different punishment" He says

He pulls me in into another kiss and we both melted into the kiss as we started making out while his hands go under my shirt then he takes it off and started playing with my nipples

the other starts at my chest and then slowly goes down to my pants and he pulls my pants off

He stops making out with me and then he takes off his shirt and his pants leaving us only in our underwear

"I Love you Y/n~" He says

"I-I Love you too" I reply

He pulls my underwear and takes it off of me as i started to feel embarassed and shy

"I finally get to see it~" He says

"S-Shoto~ Ah!~" I moan as He starts pumping my member up and down

I couldn't help but moan at the feeling while Shoto smiles as he kisses me while he is pumping my member

"S-Shoto~ Im gonna-" He cuts me off

"Shh... Not yet" He says

"Im gonna prepare you so it doesn't hurt a lot" He says while i nod in response

He pushes one finger in slowly and starts to move it in and out slowly. After a while he pushes another one in and he starts scissor my insides while the pain grows slowly as he thrusts them in and out

"Ahh~ S-Shoto~" I moan

"You're so cute Y/n" He smiles

"I-i am not C-Cute" I say

After a while the pain slowly fades and the only one left is pleasure. He pulls it out and he removes his underwear and positions himself into my entrance.

"Im going to put it in now" He pushes himself in as i moan loudly

He groans softly as he enters inside me

Every inch of his entire big shaft entered inside of me as i moan. It was larger than i thought

He starts moving slowly as i held my moans back

"Your insides are nice Y/n, Its so warm~" He moans

"F-Faster~ Please~" I beg

"Beg for more then i'll do it" He says

"F-Faster Shoto!~" I shout

He starts to Thrust faster inside me as i couldn't hold my moans back and started moaning

"Ahh~ Shoto~ Its so good~"I moan as he smiles

He Thrusts more deeper and faster as he hits a sweet spot that caused me to moan loudly


"You like this spot don't you?" He starts Thrusting harder into the same spot more faster

I couldn't help but moan a lot

"S-Shoto~ Please~ Faster~!" I moan out

"Y/n, Im close" He whispers as he licks my ear

"M-Me too~" I reply

We both moan as we came

I came into our bodies while Shoto came inside me

Shoto pulls his shaft out as i moan again

We were both panting heavily until i started to pass out

(POV: Shoto)
Looks like Y/n passed out and he loved it! The cum got in the bed so i had to change the bed sheet and clean myself and Y/n

I removed the handcuffs and let him sleep peacefully

I left him at the bedroom

I hope mother will be okay with him. I've been attending school and they are still looking for Y/n and Bakugo but of course they wouldn't find Bakugo anywhere and Y/n is safe here with me

He is all Mine, No one can take him away from me!

[To Be Continued]

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