Chapter: 8

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Day: Wednesday
(POV: Y/n)
I wake up in a room and then i try to move but my hands and legs were tied to a chair. I tried to shout for help but it was muffled because i was gagged

I realized Todoroki was sitting on a chair infront of me. He had a knife on his hand as he smiles at me. I flinched and then i tried to break the rope.

"It would be best if you stop moving or else you'll suffer the consequence Y/n" He smiles as he plays with the tip of the knife

"I know you're scared because of what you saw but its okay, Im not gonna hurt you... Unless if you do something i won't like" He says as he caresses my cheek

"Don't make me regret this but i'll take your gag off but don't shout" He says as he starts to remove it

Once the gag was removed i was scared and i couldn't believe that he was the one behind all of this.

"Why? Why did you kidnapped Bakugo?" I asked him

"Its simple, Its because i love you" he answers

"What? Then why did you kidnap him?" I asked again

"Because that bastard was in my way to make you love me" He says as he glares

"W-Were you the one who murdered Midoriya?" I asked as i started to tear up

He wiped my tears as he gave my cheek a kiss

"Yes, But i have one question" He asks

"Do you love me? I did all of this for you" he smiles

"I had a small crush on you but... Why did you do this! You're insane!" I shout as he flinch

He cuts my right arm as i shout and groan in pain

"Don't disrespect me or i'll do that again..." He says as he glares at me

"I-Im sorry please don't hurt me" I plead as he smiles

"Its okay, From now on i get to keep you all to myself" He says as he caresses my cheek

"You're mine now Y/n" He adds

He kisses me on the lips. He was very dominant as i kept my lips close not even knowing what to do

He cuts my arm as i gasp and he takes the chance and enters his tongue and we start to fight for dominance

I didn't know what to do so i let him win and our tongues twirl together and i moan during the kiss.

Todoroki pulls away and we were both breathing heavily for air.

My right arm starts to hurt and bleed which caused me to wince in pain

"Sorry about cutting your arm, I'll patch it up" He says

Todoroki grabs a first aid kit and starts cleaning and then patching it up with a bandage

"You're so handsome, I love you Y/n" He gave my cheek a kiss

All Yours~| Yandere Todoroki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now