Chapter 4

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Day: Thursday
(POV: Y/n)
I woke up and tried to sit up but there was something heavy that was pulling me down

I realized that Todoroki was hugging me on his sleep and his hug was so tight that i couldn't escape

I look at his clock and it was still early for school. I try to move and escape out of his arms but i was unsuccessful then i stayed in the bed with him still hugging me while he sleeps peacefully

Waking him up would he rude but atleast i still have time to nap since i woke up really early

I began to drift to sleep as i feel his breath in my neck as he hugs me like a stuffed plushie

"...Y/n....." He says while he is sleeping

I drifted to sleep again...

"Y/n.....Y/n.....Wake up" A voice of a person tries to catch my attention

I wake up to Todoroki shaking me lightly

"Y-Y/n Its time to prepare for school" Todoroki says as he was kind of blushing because we both slept together in a bed

I sat up and got off his bed. It was really comfy though

We both went downstairs to prepare for school

Then his mother greets the both of us and prepared breakfast

I texted my mom yesterday that i'll be staying over to Todoroki's house and she was okay with it so after we prepare to school i'll head straight to school instead.

we both prepare ourselves for school and left Todoroki's house and started walking to school

"H-How was your sleep,Y/n?" Todoroki Asked

"W-Well it was really comfy and i woke up early but you were kinda hugging me and i couldn't get out of your arms so i went back to sleep again" I told him which made him blush

(POV: Todoroki)

I can't believe that i actually hugged
Y/n in my sleep! I feel so embarassed but happy at the same time

"O-Oh S-Sorry for trapping you in my arms..." I say as i blush

"Oh! I-Its okay but i gotta admit it was kind of nice..." Y/n says

"Thank you Y/n" I reply

"You're welcome,Todoroki" He smiles as he replies back

That smile is so beautiful! I want him so bad!

We both continue to make our way to the school but while on our way to school i was thinking of a plan to kill Midoriya since he is getting in my way to achieve Y/n's love for me.

we continue to walk while i think.

So i'll tell him to meet me at the rooftop after school since no one usually goes there at dismissal.

then while he waits for me i'll sneak behind his back and slit his throat then throw his body at the dumpster thats beside the school.

All Yours~| Yandere Todoroki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now