Choice A

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(POV: Y/n)
I started to tear up as i start crying

"Okay, Im all yours" I cry

He was surprised as he smiles

"Good Choice.." He smiles

He hugs me as i winced in pain from my wound

"Just please don't hurt my Family" i cry

"I won't, Now promise that you won't escape me" he says in a serious tone

"Yes, I love you Shoto"

"I love you too, Y/n" He drops his knife

He kisses me on the lips as it started to turn into a make out session

After a few minutes we stopped kissing and started breathing heavily as a string of saliva connects our tounge

He wipes it off as he unties me

After all of the ropes were untied i was still in pain since he slashed at me

"Sorry for the wound, I'll patch that up" He smiles

"Lets go upstairs" He says as he holds my hand

We both went upstairs

I accepted my fate and decided to love him to prevent my family from being in danger

(⌚Timeskip for a year⌚)

It has been a year since Shoto kidnapped me and all bad things happened

It took some time for him to trust me and had to kept me inside his house for a few months

We decided to make up a story to tell my family about my dissappearance

Kirishima was worried but happy that i was able to help Shoto turn into a good person

My Family was happy that i was back again

Shoto's mom was also happy for us that we were together as a happy couple

Shoto regrets all of what he did in the past He even admitted that he regretted killing Midoriya and Bakugo.

I was standing infront of the two graves of Midoriya and Bakugo

I prayed for them and put flowers on both their grave

Shoto approaches me and stands beside me. He was a little upset since he remembers what happened to them

"Im sorry for killing them"

"Its okay Shoto, You've changed and you know that you shouldn't murder anyone now" I smile at him which made him smile as well

"You're so cute" He smiles

"No im not" i look away as i blush

"Yes you are"

"Fine, I am cute" I chuckle

"I love you, Y/n" He gives me a kiss on the cheek

"I love you too, Shoto" I kiss him back

We walk away and walked back to Shoto's house, I had to move in with him since he always wants me to be by his side

We walked back home in peace as nothing bad ever happened

[The End]

👬 ✨Good Ending✨ 👬

All Yours~| Yandere Todoroki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now