OiHana - Relax

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1/1 - y'all I've looked back on my requests and I'm like- you guys are so creative, you could all be really amazing authors one day
{Requested by @k3ll_ay }
Warnings: stress, massage, timeskip spoilers, hurt/comfort I suppose

"Tooru?" Oikawa jumped as he heard his boyfriend's voice call out his name.

He had been so lost in his own head, thinking about life and everything else under the sun that stressed him out, that he didn't even realise that Hanamaki had come over.

"Oh, um, through here, Hun," he cursed himself out internally for stumbling over his words.

Takahiro's head popped through the door, a confused look on his face.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. C'mere," Oikawa opened his arms to his lover, offering a small smile. Hiro happily let himself be swallowed in a hug, before sitting up.

"I know there's something wrong. You're never this quiet," he gave him a few Eskimo kisses and took his hand, kissing his fingers one by one.
"Tell me,"

Tooru sighed, leaning in and letting his forehead rest against his Hanamaki's.
"I'm just a bit worked up about exams, that's all. Tournaments and scouting is coming up too, and it's hard to be ready for everything at once,"

The room was quiet for a moment, Makki's eyebrows furrowed slightly in thought.
"Alright then, this might help,"

Oikawa watched with his eyebrow raised as Takahiro shimmied to the front of the bed, back to the headboard with open arms.
"Sit in front of me, I have the perfect remedy to help with overbearing stress,"

He opened his mouth, ready to ask why, before thinking for a second and shrugging it off. It's not like he was going to tell him anything before he did as he was told.

As soon as he was in place, Hanamaki put his hands on his shoulders, causing Tooru to flinch a little.

"That's sign numero uno that you are farrrrr too stressed, my love. Here, relax," slowly, very slowly but sure enough, the brunet relaxed into his arms, his mind drifting off now and again.

Makki used his thumbs to massage the pressure points on Oikawa's shoulders and upper back, his fingers evenly spread working on different areas of tension.

"You know stress causes pain in the body too? Especially your joints. That's why massages are so good for stress," he was really just talking to himself, the boy between his legs was too out of it to take it all in.

"Hmn.." the captain murmured, eyes fluttering closed as he leaned back. Takahiro chuckled, the boy in his arms was so adorable.
"How are you so good at this?" He whispered.

"I used to have pretty terrible back pains because of an.. injury I had as a kid. These are all tips from my big sister's job in acupuncture and YouTube," his voice had also gotten more relaxing, quieter and softer as he went on.
"You doing okay, darling?"

Tooru's hand squeezed his thigh gently, letting him know it was good.

"Alright, you can sleep for a bit now. Let me do the work," with that confirmation, Oikawa let himself slip into sleep. His breathing evened out and Makki smiled, kissing the top of his head.
"My god, Tooru. You overwork yourself far too much,"

He gazed down at the brunet, lovingly rolling his eyes.
"You need to take more care of yourself. You'll ace the exams like always, and you'll be scouted easy peasy. You're so talented, love.
I'm just gonna miss you when you end up in San Juan. You still don't know you left your emails open on my laptop, do you? I'm so proud,"

♡︎ 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now