KuroKen - Sunshine's Back

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2/2 - Smut/lemon
{Not Requested}
Warnings: NSFW, praise kink, hair pulling kink and (seriously protective) Dominant! Top! Kuroo

The two of them talked for hours,laughing gently along with each other. Kenma had decided on this college, unaware that it was Kuroo's at first until he saw his roommate label.

As fate would have it, they would be dorm-mates for the rest of their time here.

"Soo..." Kuroo's voice was sly, just like it had always been. The shorter one prepared himself mentally, smiling as he leaned on his arms, that were crossed on the table of Kuroo's —their — dorm.


"Maybe... you wanna be my boyfriend?" His voice was playful, but also seemed like he was on the edge of his seat. Kenma tried to keep in a giggle, knowing that he was nervous.

Kuroo chuckled along with him for a minute, sheepishly having a hand on the back of his head.

"I would love to be," their laughter died down as Kenma exhaled a weak, curt chuckle himself.

"For real?" Kuroo asked gently, sliding a hand up Kenma's cheek.

"For real..." the younger said, leaning into the touch. "You know, this is much better than what it was like when I first came in," Kuroo raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side as well.

"How so? Did something happen?" Kenma noticed his positioning get stiff, both of his hands were suddenly on his boyfriend's face.

'Oh fuck...'

Kuroo had always been protective of the smaller boy, even in high school when other people would either hit on him or try to make fun of him. It was like he was summoned the moment something happened to him.

"Just some guys when I walked in before, most of 'em thought I was a girl so they tried to hit on me, touch my ass, that's sort of stuff," The smaller boy attempted to stay relaxed about it, not showing how nervous it made him.

However, Kuroo, even before he was his boyfriend, had a knack for telling when he was lying.

"I'm going to kill them..." his voice was slightly icy, with venom lacing it unknowingly, looking away from the boy across from him. "No one gets away with talking to you like that,"

"Tetsurō... thank you," Kenma got up from his position and went to stand by the side of Kuroo's chair, almost being the same height as him now that he was sitting down.
Kuroo smiled at him softly, scratching the back of his head.

"No problem baby," the last word came unconsciously and rolled off his tongue before he could stop. The taller boy turned red, while the other just laughed until they were both in a fit of giggles.


Kuroo's head was on top of Kenma's practically unclothed chest, except from the hoodie he was wearing. They had both spent the remainder of the afternoon talking and kissing.

"Baby?" Kuroo's voice whispered gently, taking in the caramel and honey scent that wafted off Kenma. The younger hummed in response, stroking his boyfriend's hair gently.

"Did you hear what I said to Yamamoto? On the day of my graduation?" This caught Kenma's attention a little.

"No... what did you say?" Kuroo shifted in his lap to look up at him, twirling a strand of his slightly longer hair around a slender finger.

"I asked him to make sure you were always okay... I mean, I know you can handle yourself but I just got nervous and—," a soft feeling on Kuroo's lips stopped him from talking soon enough, kissing Kenma back slowly.

Neither wanting to pull away, the taller started running his hands up and down his boyfriends sides, stopping at his hips after a while. They parted slowly, and reluctantly, panting slightly.

A hardened feeling in Kenma's trousers soon poked Kuroo in the chest, sparking his interests as he smirked at the smaller boy.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I've always wondered..." he began to prod and palm the smaller boy slowly, making Kenma sigh in pleasure above him. "How good can I make you feel?"

"Tetsurō..~ it feels so good...~!" Kenma let out a small string out quiet moans as the boy in front of him started to remove his pants.

"You want to do this with me?" Kuroo asked quietly, because to Kenma, he knew consent was probably the biggest kink.

"Please... yes, Tetsurō~" words rolled off Kenma's tongue quickly, aching to get touched. He had waited a whole year for Kuroo and now he was finally getting something he had craved from the beginning high school.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts, he didn't realise that Kuroo was already bare, a bottle of lube on his nightstand. Kenma looked down to notice something really big between his legs, just in front of his own.

"Holy crap, you're huge..." he was practically drooling as he looked at Kuroo.

'Thank god it's Friday and I don't have to do anything tomorrow...' He had managed to get everything off Kenma in a short space of time, meanwhile plastering lube onto his erection.

"Love, it'll stretch you quite a bit, so it might hurt for a while okay?" Kuroo's hand was practically glued to his boyfriend's thigh, bending down so Kenma could wrap his legs around the taller's back. As he kissed his neck, Kenma felt Kuroo insert a few fingers into him, also covered in lube.

"A-ahm~.." the smaller boy covered his mouth to stifle his moans but his boyfriend just pulled his arm back down.

"I wanna hear you..." this charade went on for a few more minutes until Kenma's thighs were shaking and he was moaning quietly.

His frustration showed as he groaned when the taller boy pulled his fingers out, giggling slightly.

He positioned himself carefully, sliding Kenma's hoodie up so he could hold on to his abdomen. The smaller boys legs were still wrapped around his waist while his arms were around Kuroo's neck.

He entered slowly, earning quiet but beautiful moans from the boy. When he was all the way in, they stayed there for a while, letting the feeling absorb the two of them.

"You ready?" Kuroo whispered into Kenma's neck, kissing him every so often.

"M-mhm..." Kenma let out a groan as he began to move, letting his hips roll backwards and forwards into his boyfriends thrusts.


The moans that were emitted that night were loud, beautiful moans. Kenma was practically screaming in pleasure by the end of it.

He woke up to the feeling of a ray of sunshine on his back, as well as Kuroo's hand in his hair.

The small boy realised that he was lying comfortably on the taller's chest and decided against getting up.

He waited another ten minutes before deciding to shuffle a bit, attempting from gently wake up the sleeping man under him.

As Kuroo opened his eyes, it took a minute to adjust his view. As he blinked the sleep out of his eyes, he jolted a little when he felt Kenma on top of him.

"Honey?" Kenma whispered quietly, pressing their foreheads together.

Kuroo's face shifted from surprise to a huge grin and he sat up, pulling Kenma in to his lap for a hug.

"Sunshine, you're back! I thought it was all a dream..." Kenma giggled slightly, making Kuroo go bright red.

"I know it's definitely real, I feel loose this morning," Kuroo laughed as he kissed the smaller boy's cheek, settling them down into the pillow.

"Sorry baby... Love you~"

"Love you too,"

♡︎ 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now