BoKuroAka - Periods Suck

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1/2 - sorry this took so long, I'm working on a book series for Haikyuu 2nd Gen! This one is a trans!Kuroo AU, one of my favourites!

I'd just like to point out that a cosplayer on TikTok got bullied into a corner due to doing a Trans!Todoroki Shoto au because they weren't trans. That's isn't okay! It's just an AU, and they weren't disrespecting or fetishising trans people in anyway. Thank you for coming to my rant ^-^!

{Not Requested}
Warnings: Trans! Closeted!Kuroo, periods.

The HighSchool student raised his bedhead from the pillow, squinting and blinking a few times. His eyes always took ages to adjust as early morning light streamed out of his window, which he internally cursed himself for not shutting and closing the curtains last night. He had just woken up, which sucked anyway, but he felt a familiar yet horrifying sensation.

Jumping out of bed, Kuroo ran towards the bathroom of his house quickly. He didn't realise what time of month it was, and considering his 'week' was always switching between the first and second week, he had completely blanked.

Reaching down into the cabinet, the male carefully looked around for his pads, only to find, to his horror, that he had two left. Two.

He left the bathroom after putting it on, uncomfortably shifting for a while before glancing back at his bed. The sheets were stained a deep red in one spot, and the bedhead groaned as he realised his shorts were probably stained too.

After getting some clothes out, he bent down after sliding off his shorts, going to pick them up before the cramp hit.

"Hngh..." the poor boy put a hand over his cramp area, massaging it gently. It didn't feel the same though, he needed a heat pad.

Kuroo sniffed, feeling water build up behind his eyes... he hated this femininity he possessed. He could get rid of everything else but this... he was cursed for life.



Bokuto and Akaashi looked at their phones nervously. Was their boyfriend mad at them? Did they make him sad? Angry?

They had originally planned to meet up at the cat cafe, Neko's Coffee, in Tokyo for their 2nd anniversary of dating, but Kuroo had yet to make an appearance and he was already 30 minutes late. Both found this extremely weird, especially since Kuroo was usually the first one to get there...

"Did we do something?" Akaashi felt himself get frustrated, searching his memory for something, anything they could've done to hurt his feelings, or set him into a mood.

"Maybe we should go to his house? Maybe his mom will explain!" Bokuto tries staying optimistic, patting Akaashi's back gently. The shorter boy looked at him, before trying a lip smile. "Don't let your anxiety get to you Keiji, I'm sure he didn't forget or anything. Maybe he just woke up late. Just stay calm,"

Said boy leaned on to the bi-haired males shoulder, sighing gently.

"I'll try,"


"Oh thank goodness, I was beginning to think that Tetsurou didn't tell you," Mrs Kuroo gushed at the two boys standing at the front door, who were a more than just a little confused.

"Actually.. we're here because he wouldn't respond to either of us when we text him, and we got worried after a while. Did something happen?" Akaashi could feel panic slowly begin to rage it's way through his veins, gripping Bokuto's hand tight.

"Oh... I see. Well, I suppose he didn't say anything then," she awkwardly stepped to the side, rubbing the back of her neck. "You two go upstairs and talk to him, I've got to go pick some things up,"

Before either of them could ask any questions, she shut the door and they soon heard the sound of a car driving off into the distance.
The two made eye contact nervously and glanced up the stairs. At almost the same time, they had the exact same thought.

'Is he hurt-?!'

"Tetsurou-?" Kuroo's head perked up at Akaashi's voice. His eyes began to water, he was so emotional and knowing Akaashi was here made his emotions go haywire.

"Sunshine? Are you okay?" Bokuto's voice saying his nickname set his tears off and down his face.
They were both here, and almost at the door. Rubbing his eyes in a swift motion across his forearm, Kuroo slammed himself into the door, wincing at the impact it had.

"I-I'm fine!" He sounded desperate... Bokuto didn't like it, and he could tell their setter didn't either.

"Baby... please let us see you," The soft voice that the bi-haired boy gave him made it worse.

"Tetsurou, you sound scared... please let us in. Have we done something to scare or upset you?" The bedheaded boy melted at Akaashi's soft voice, it sounded like he was trying his best not to panic. He internally yelled at himself for making then think they had done something wrong. The tallest boy sighed, before shakily putting his hand on the handle.

"Y-you have to promise you won't tell anyone—.. or-or get mad at me," the two outside the door made eye contact and immediately replied.

"We swear,"

Kuroo gulped, wiping his teary eyes before cracking the door open. He was met with the two boys, who looked like they were close to tears themselves.
Akaashi was underneath Bokuto's arm, nervously gripping his bicep while the said male stared right at the door.

Sniffing, Bokuto opened his arms wide as Keiji also extended an arm out as an offer to hold him.

Tetsurou choked out a sob, rushing immediately into their arms and concealing himself into a group hug.

"Sunshine..." Bokuto muttered with care into the tallest's neck, noticing how their setter had started to rub his back. "What's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you so-oner.." the taller hiccuped, raising his head out of Bokuto's shoulder. "I was so-.. so scared t-that-.." He interrupted himself with his own cries again, sniffing as Akaashi gently came out of Bokuto's arms to give him another hug.

"Scared to tell us what?"

Kuroo's Mind was a wreck, he knew he'd have to tell them but the words in his mouth were bumbling around and he had no time to think of any other way to say it—

"I'm Trans!" Akaashi felt Kuroo's shaking worsen and his knees buckle as he collapsed to the ground, sobbing. He couldn't take the pressure... the poor boy thought they would hate him for being that way, or for at least not telling them.

"Oh Tetsurou... that's what you were afraid to tell us Sunshine?" Bokuto's relived, as well as calm voice came from behind them as he kneeled down, kissing the back of his neck.

Akaashi stroked his hair softly, hearing the small hiccups calm down as sobs turned into sniffs.

"I-I thought you would think I'm.. disgusting, or-or something... for l-lying as well," Akaashi let the boy raise his head gently, cupping his cheek before gently kissing a tear away.

"Neither of us would ever think you're disgusting Kuroo, because being transgender doesn't change the fact that you're ours... our boyfriend, our sunshine," Bokuto nodded, kneeling next to Kuroo's side as he squinted the last few tears out of his eyes, clearing his vision.

What did he do to deserve the angels?

"Pro-..mise?" He sniffed, leaning on the spiker's shoulder.

"Promise. Now let's get you into bed and we'll both give you some stomach rubs, okay?"

♡︎ 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now