Chapter 10

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Important: The second half of this chapter is inspired by 'Write It on The Ice', so credits to the original author who posted the prompts to 'A Way with Words'. :)

I repeat, it is inspired from there even though I have taken only the idea. Everything else is my take on it. If the original author/one who holds copyright for the prompts would like credit/removal, please DM. Please DM. I have had enough of 'copied from here and there' comments in the past and don't want a touchdown with it again.

Write It On The Ice.

" If you write it on the ice, what you write will be impermanent, or not to be counted on–the opposite of carved in stone. "

– A way with words,
Sound Cloud,
7th March, 2014.

– A way with words,Sound Cloud,13917th March, 2014

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The next day:

"Dad, not fair!" Mia pouted at the breakfast table, making me long sigh.

"I know, baby love," I look at her, "I promise I'll make it up to you this weekend. We can have more chocolate cookies and even watch a princess movie. How is that?"

"No." She pouted, sinking in her chair further. "Today! Today! Today!"

"You have already missed school, but Papa has work today, love," Nandini tried intervening. Ever since Mia had gotten up, she wanted to spend the day with me. I didn't know what she had in mind or why, but she had been asking for the rigidly, owing to the fact that I missed spending the last weekend with her.

"Papa," she looked at me with puppy eyes, "Please?"

"Sweetheart," I sighed, looking at her the same way.

"Manik," Cabir softly called. "It's okay. I can handle work alone today. Take her out if she wishes."

"It isn't about that, Cabir," Nandini answered in place of me. "Mia is growing up. She has to understand that she can't be stubborn and expect everything to be handed to her."

My eyes flickered to my daughter who was just staring into her plate with teary eyes. The poor girl was only three and a half now. How does Nandini expect her to even understand what it means to be stubborn and what doesn't?

"But Nandini," Navya tried, "Ever since you and Manik separated, Mia has never done this. If she wishes to spend the day with Manik once, I don't think you should stop her."

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