Chapter 3

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T H R E E. Y E A R S. L A T E R.

Mia Malhotra played by Lexi Rabe. [my Morgan Stark :')) ]

 [my Morgan Stark :')) ]

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"So, Miss Murthy, what is your story?" The man in front of me asked. He was in his mid twenties, wearing black specs as he sat opposite me comfortably on the couch of his home and I shifted with his conscious gaze studying every action and expression of mine.

"Call me Nandini," I corrected with a smile, "And Mr. Khurrana, I don't have a story."

"Aryamman," he corrected, smiling, "And Nandini, everyone who comes here... does have a story."

"Not me," I reply with a tight lipped smile. "Actually, I shouldn't be here in the first place. I acknowledge that you're a phenomenal psychologist and counsellor who's great at his work... but, I genuinely don't need therapy."

"Then what brings you here?" He asked and I sighed, taking in a deep breath. Only if I knew the answer to that question.

"My Chachi," I replied a little hesitantly, "She was the one who pushed me in.. literally. Despite my everyday protests, she just wouldn't listen. Not my fault, you see?"

"Mhm-mmh," he nodded, as if in deep thought, "But there must be something right... something that ticked her off to think you need therapy?" He pried, removing the black specs that rest on his face as he hung them on his tee, rolling the sleeves of his left arm.

Concentrate, Nandini. You are not a school girl anymore.

I looked up a little and then back at him, shifting uncomfortably, "It's been three years since I and my husband parted, and she keeps setting these dates for me that are totally unwanted, and when I refuse, she asks me: If you have moved on from Manik-- my first husband-- toh problem kya hai? And having no answer to this led her to the conclusion that... I need therapy," I smiled helplessly, and he chuckled by the end.

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