Chapter 4

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Most week days are a cycle: I work, eat, sleep, and then repeat.

Honestly, it was just the weekend that mattered, when I'd drive to Nandini's house instead of mine, and pick Mia up on every Friday, and then the next three days would be colourful, with her usually talking about every single detail of the past week, from what she ate for dinner each day to how she made new friends at her preschool.

And then on Sunday, Nandini used to come, and get her back. Monday's were usually gloomy, with Mia's presence lurking around everywhere, and I'd miss her more than any works explain. I usually bury myself in work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, to get my mind off missing my daughter, and in Thursday's, I let myself get excited all over again because I'd be bringing my daughter back home on Fridays.

This was pretty much my life, on repeat, every day. Mia left two days ago, on Sunday. Today was just Wednesday, and although I buried myself in work like I always did, I missed her a little extra today.

Perhaps it was because I had called an urgent council meeting today, and because of lack of prior notice, my client who was also a single father to a seven year old daughter, brought her along.

All through the meeting, I couldn't keep my mind focused. I kept staring at the young girl, who couldn't be still for a single moment. Although she was outside the meeting room, I kept looking at her jumping around through the glass walls, remembering how Mia couldn't stay still at all, the way she kept fidgeting with every thing her hands could find and how looking out of the window fascinated her too.

It was late evening when I shut the laptop my force, grabbing the attention of the entire meeting room.

"This meeting is dismissed," I announce, standing up and buttoning my coat.

"Manik...," Cabir trailed, looking at me, unsure. I just looked at him, and I don't know what gave away– perhaps my tired face and empty eyes, that he nodded.

"We are sorry to call you on such a small notice and thank all of you for being here. I and Manik already have the details we need for the deal, which is why we can dismiss now. Thank you again," Cabir formally ended it, and everyone nodded, smiling and leaving the room one by one.

I saw my client go outside and how his daughter's eyes sparkled, asking him if he was done. The meeting had been extremely tiring, and that girl must be seven, and yet her father didn't hesitate once before picking her in his arms as they walked out from my sight.

I shut my eyes tightly, sighing deeply as I threw my head behind on the chair, resting it while it really pained.

"You okay?" Cabir asked.

"Yeah, why?" I retorted as normally as I could, drawing a small smile on my face.

"I know you, Manik; this is not the I'm-okay face. What's wrong?" He pulled his chair next to mine.

"It's nothing," I sigh, "I just... I miss her so much."

Cabir looks at me in doubt. "Nandini?" He hesitates.

"Mia," I correct him, with a small pain in my hollow chest.

"That's what I was thinking?" he raised his eyebrows, "How the hell did this man just accept he misses his wife?"

"It's been three years, Cabir...." I let me voice trail.

"Exactly, Manik," he places his hand on my arm, "It's been three years. You're miserable. She's miserable. Your daughter needs both her parents. It's time to end this little experiment of yours. Bring your family back."

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