Chapter 2

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29th April, 2014

I took the cigar, lighting it and then placing it between my lips as I sat in the lawn and stared at the stars. The sky was painted in shades of purple and blue and a hundred stars were scribbled on it, forming the most beautiful piece of art any artist could have ever painted.

I heard a shift of air and tugged behind to watch Nandini walk over and sit beside me, crossing her feet on the gras just like me. The one reason I had befriended her was that she was simple, unlike other girls our age. She could sit on the grass under the stars beside me without complaining for couches and pillows.

"Aren't you going to tell me smoking is dangerous and to you know, stop this," I ask, turning my face to my left to look at her. She simply nodded negatively. I puffed a small sigh smirk, still dumping the cigar beside me. Uncomfortableness was written all over her face from the smoke although she didn't complain.

"That's fine, I understand," she said, biting on her lower lip, "perhaps, you're the kind of guy who'd say cigarette does no harm to you while love kills."

"Touché," I nod, giving a lob sided smile, "Some people smoke, some drink, others fall in love; each one dies in a different way."

She chuckled slightly under her breath, "Well, smoking is a classic way to commit suicide."

I nod as she continues, "however, I do not recommend doing this when you're on a college trip and teachers could be here any minute. I bet you don't wanna get suspended."

I give a sarcastic sigh, "getting suspended is hard when your father owns the college."

She turned to look at me, "You don't seem very fond of your father?" It was more like a question than a statement.

"I'm not," I say in a cold and distant voice. Getting the picture of that man in front of my eyes on such a beautiful night did not really tinker well with my thoughts.

She nodded, but said nothing in return and we fell into silence. Not the awkward silence, but the comfortable one, where both stared at the sky and the beautiful surroundings around us, lost in our own thoughts.

"Manik?" She called after a while and I turned my head towards her, "What are your fears?"

I smirk, "Nothing. I fear nothing."

"C'mon, you gotta fear something," she persuaded, "Height? Insects? Cockroaches? Drowning? Flying? Blood? Injections? Sexy men? Strangers? Death?"

I gave her a weird look. "You're crazy. Why would I be scared of anything?"

"Because everyone has a fear. And I am weirdly curious to know yours," she teased.

"What's yours?" I spin.

"I fear being unwanted by the person I want the most," she whispered back.

"That's deep," I acknowledge. She nods, taking a deep breath.

After we remained silent for a long time, it started ticking me, the way I had rudely said that I'm not at good terms with my father, and all she had done was be sweet and tried to make conversations.

"My mom died when I was a kid," I said after a while. She turned to look at me. "I was young, and very naïve. As a normal kid would, I turned to my father for shelter. I expected him to be with me, to mourn my mother's death. Even when no one understood, I was sure he would. He had lost a wife too, after all."

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