Chapter 11

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If you're here, enjoy.

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A few finger snaps brought me out of my trance the next day, and I blinked rapidly to focus back on the man sitting in front of me.

"This is the third time I am finding you lost in your thoughts, and you were the one who insisted we hold a session today because you needed it." Aryamman looked at me pointedly.

I sighed, glancing at the wall clock. My hour was almost up, and I had requested my therapist to give me his time after his working hours got over, and he had.

"Nandini, what's going on?" He sighed, "This is unusual...even for you."

I gulped. "I and Manik are getting a divorce. Officially."

"Oh." Aryamman clicked his tongue, "I am sorry to hear that."

"No," I shook my head, "I am sorry to waste your time. Manik and I spent the day together yesterday for Mia, and it was a good one, and I...I let myself think of the past a little too much. When the lawyer called about the divorce papers, it was a slap from reality."

"This happened yesterday?"

I timidly nodded. "I couldn't sleep all night and that's why I asked you to see me today if you could. I.. thought I needed help processing everything, and I do, but... I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet. I'm seriously sorry I wasted your time, Aryamman."

He looked at me for a moment too long, and then pulled a little smile to his lips, "It's okay... that you're not ready to talk about the divorce yet. I know it hurts."

"Like a bitch."

"At least you accepted that you might need help getting through it. That's progress." He nodded, "Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you," I mumbled, "And I'm sorry for the inconvenience again."

"You apologise a lot." Aryamman chuckled lightly, getting up with me. It was late in the evening, and it was time for him to pack up, so I did the least I could, waited for him till he locked doors. I had made him sit beyond his working hours after all, and then wasted his time.

Walking down from the building, another sweet surprise awaited me: it was raining.

"No umbrella?" Aryamman asked, probably noticing my horrified stare at the stormy weather.

"Nope." Shaking my head, I looked at him and his empty hands. "You don't have one either?"

"The weather app is a traitor." He mused, making me laugh. "I guess I'll just have to wait it out in the café."

I frowned. "Aren't you running late already?"

"No time is late when you have no one waiting for you at home, Ms. Murthy."  There was amusement in his tone, but the sentence itself was sad. "I assume your daughter would be waiting for you?"

I shook my head. "Mia is at a sleepover. I just dropped her at her friend's place after work." 

"Hm.." He buzzed, "Well, I couldn't comfort you as your therapist, perhaps I could do it as a friend?"

My eyebrows creased as I looked at him in confusion.

"For a girl so smart, you're awfully dense sometimes, Nandini," he chuckled. "I'm asking if you'd like to have dinner with me in the café next door."

"Ouch." I pretended to be hurt, "That's not how you treat a friend."

"My friendship includes a lot of sarcasm. And insults."

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