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Dipper had been writing in the journal for almost an hour. Ford was impressed, really! But, the kid needed a break. Even though Ford would often subject himself to larger work loads, he couldn't ask that of Dipper.


"Hm?" He didn't glance up from the journal. It seemed like he was almost in a trance writing.

"Maybe you should take a break? You've been non-stop writing for about an hour now," Ford explained.

Dipper shrugged, "Maybe..." he said as he continued to write.

"You can always come back later. Surely, your hand is probably sore from writing for so long," Ford tried to persuade Dipper to take a break.

"Hm..." Dipper paused and looked at his right hand, rubbing it a little, "Yeah, I guess it's a little sore."

"Well, that's a-"

"Oh well!" Dipper shrugged. Instead, he picked up the pencil with his left hand and went back to working at the same pace he was before.

Ford walked up behind Dipper to see his handwriting. Surely, his left hand writing wouldn't be as good. However, Ford was mistaken. His handwriting seemed to be about the same with his left. Maybe even better.

"You're ambidextrous, my boy?"

This got Dipper to turn around and stop writing, "Yeah. I usually only write with my right hand though."

"Why? Just preference?" Ford wondered.

"Not exactly. You already know I was made fun of for my birthmark. I thought if kids knew I was ambidextrous then I'd be made fun of that too. I guess it's just easier to hide differences than make others learn to accept them," Dipper explained. Ford sat in silence as he listened to Dipper. No one should have to hide their differences in fear of being hurt. Not Dipper, not himself, not anyone. It pained Ford to think this kid tried to hide his uniqueness to deflect bullies.

When Ford was silent, Dipper continued speaking, "I guess that's another reason why I connected so much with your journal when I found it. I mean, your hand was on the cover! You didn't try to hide your fingers!"

Ford smiled, "I didn't try to hide my ambidexterity either!"

Dipper's eyes widened, "You're ambidextrous too? I've only seen you write with your left."

"Yes, I have a preference for my left hand," Ford confirmed, "But I have other reasons I only use my left."

Dipper closed the journal and looked up at Ford. Ford took this as a sign to continue his story.

"As you know, I was also bullied when I was younger. But it wasn't just other kids who hurt me. The school Stan and I went to, it had this weird hatred for left-handed kids. For some reason, we weren't allowed to write with our left hands. Stanley tried to beat up the teachers when he found out. He's right handed, but you know how he is, especially with protecting his family," Ford chuckled and Dipper gave a slight smile at the comments. He could imagine his twelve-year-old grunkle threatening the teachers.

"Of course, I told Stanley it was fine and not to beat anyone up. I don't know what I would have done if I was left-handed. Anyway, during high school I started writing with my left hand more. Mostly out of spite. When I graduated, I decided to use my right hand only when I needed to or if it was more convenient. Now, if I have I choice, I choose my left," Ford continued.

Dipper smirked, "You prefer to write with your left hand... out of spite of your school?"

"Well... yes..."

Dipper giggled, "Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. I just... sorry." Dipper took in a breath to calm himself down, "Wow, I can't believe we have so much in common. I mean, I can believe it because, but I mean it's, I mean-" Dipper trailed off, unable to explain himself without stuttering.

Ford smiled, "I know what you're saying," he tussled Dipper's hair lightly.

Dipper smiled and glanced at his journal, "Thanks. I should probably take that break now."

Ford nodded, "Yeah! You should take a break before things get out of hand,"

Dipper froze, "Did... did you just make a pun?"

Ford chucked to himself, "Don't worry, I don't have any more left,"

"Oh my gosh, you're worse than Grunkle Stan," Dipper started to walk out of the room, "I'm taking that break now!"

"That's alright with me!"

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