Greatest Desire

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Madieiguess Thank you for helping me with ideas for this! =)

"Dipper no!" Ford yelled, grabbing his hand. "Those are sirens! They'll kill you, boy," the elder warned.

Dipper was in a trance-like state as he walked towards the sound, "But their song is beautiful!" He exclaimed, breaking out of Ford's grip and walking towards the creatures. Ford's eyes filled with fear as the boy approached them.

The elder chased after Dipper, but by the time he arrived Dipper was unconscious next to the three sirens. He was still alive, but he wouldn't be for much longer.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" He growled, about the grab one of his guns. The sirens just giggled.

"We're not hurting him~" one of them sneered, "We're just showing him his greatest desire~"

Another one cackled, "Right before we kill him~"

"If you lay even a finger on him I'll make sure you never see the light of day again!"

"We don't need to lay a finger on him to make him bleed~"

"YOU MONSTERS!" Ford lashed out, aiming his weapon at who he assumed was the leader of the group. The three were unaffected by his threats, laughing and giggling as if it were some sort of game. In fact, Dipper's life might be just a game to these creatures. But not to him.

When the sirens noticed Ford refused to give up hope for Dipper, they relented. "You're serious, aren'tcha?" The leader smirked, "How about we make a little deal?"

Make a deal. Ford couldn't help but flinch at those words. The last time he heard them was from the dream demon himself. But, this wasn't Bill he was dealing with. The elder looked back at the boy.

"What is it?"

"We let you inside his mindscape. If you can get him out of his greatest desire, we'll let him go, no harm done~" the leader explained. That sounded simple enough.

Ford raised a brow, "What's the catch?"

The leader rolled their eyes, "Of course you would ask. You've only got an hour from the moment we make the deal~"

An hour. That wasn't enough time! Ford didn't know exactly what Dipper's greatest desires entailed. Now he'd have to convince him to leave whatever fantasy these sirens conjured in under 60 minutes.

Ford took a breath in and looked back at the unconscious figure. He turned back to the siren, "It's a deal!"

*   *   *

Ford didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. Everything looked so... normal. Besides the few anamolies here and there, but normal for Gravity Falls.

Dipper's greatest desire was... Gravity Falls? Ford knew the boy loved the town, but he had to admit he was expecting a little more. He then remembered he only had an hour. Ford began to walk to the mindscape's version of the Mystery Shack. That's where Dipper would be, he was sure of it.

He entered the building to find Dipper talking to Stan.

"Hey Grunkle Stan-"

Stan looked at him, "Hey kid,"

"Um... I-I know you're busy with uhh, Mystery Shack stuff, but um... I was wondering if m-maybe you'd like to watch this TV show with me?" Dipper questioned. Stan was silent as the boy continued to ramble, "It's uh, it's called Ghost Harassers and um... it's about these guys who like track down ghost and stuff..." he sighed, "Sorry, this is annoying isn't it? I'll get out of your way-"

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