Game Night

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Dipper scanned the bookshelves throughout the library. He was looking for the next book in "The Sibling Brothers," mystery series. This one was especially exciting. It'd be dealing with a darker mystery - a murder mystery. Usually the books covered minor crimes such as petty theft or trespassing. Although, Dipper had to admit he was starting to grow out of them. That's why a murder mystery would be so exciting!

While Dipper looked to find the book, something caught Ford's eye. On the events bulletin board, there was a flyer for a game night next Saturday. He looked throughout the pamphlet and it looked fun. Sure, it wasn't Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons, but it'd be nice to try something new. He'd love to go with Dipper!

Except... there was one problem. It was listed as a father-son game night. He wasn't Dipper's dad, and Dipper wasn't his son, despite how much like a son Dipper was to him. Ford decided to pocket the flyer, just in case. Maybe they'd end up going anyway. Probably not- but it'd be nice!

"Alright. I found the book. It's due next Saturday," Dipper said as he walked up to Ford. Next Saturday. How convenient.

"Great! Let's go home, my boy," Ford replied. What the man didn't notice, was Dipper sneak a flyer for the game night in his pocket as well.

*   *   *

"It's stupid... I mean... it's a father-son game night. He's not my dad," Dipper explained.

Mabel, who was on call with him, laughed, "Of course he's not, Dipdip! But, you do want to go to this game night, right?"

"Well... yeah! I thought it might be fun. It doesn't have our "nerd game" as you and Grunkle Stan call it, but... this sounds even worse out loud, doesn't it?" He asked.

"No!" She exclaimed, a bit too fast. "Uh... well... why don't you just ask him??" She questioned.

"Lots of reasons!" Dipper yelled, "He might think it's weird I want to go to a father-son game night! Or he might say that it's stupid or something!"

"Woah, woah," Mabel exclaimed, "Grunkle Ford would never call any of our interests stupid! It sounds like you're just afriad he'll say no."

Dipper took in a breath, "...yeah... I am afriad he'll say no... "

"Looks like you'll have to suck it up if you want to go to that game night!" She explained. Dipper sighed. He knew Mabel was right.

*   *   *

A couple days later, Ford and Stan were debating the same thing.

"I mean, I know it's a father-son game night, but, I'd really like to go with him,"

Stan looked at Ford, "Why can't you?"

"Stanley! Were you even listening? It's a father-son game night. Not a grunkle-nephew game night! I mean, Dipper's like a son to me, but he's not my actual son!"

"There you go!" Stan exclaimed, "He's like a son to you! I mean, I don't think these events are too strict," Stan stated, looking at the flyer Ford handed him, "It's not like you won't be allowed in if he's not your blood son. I'm pretty sure they don't care that much!"

"I just... what if he thinks it's weird I want to go to a father-son bonding event with him..."

Stan burst out laughing, "Ha.. ha.. Ford-" he breathed out in between laughs, "Do you hear youself? You have six fingers, Dipper has a birthmark in the shape of the big dipper, and you think he'll be weirded out by a father-son game night," Stan laughed.

Ford's eyes widened. He cracked a smile, "I guess you're right!"

*   *   *

"Hey, Grunkle Ford," Dipper greeted, entering the lab. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"Please don't judge too hard..."

This phrase got Ford concerned. He turned to face Dipper, "Of course not, my boy. What's going on?"

"Well..." Dipper swallowed, "When we were at the library they had these flyers for a game night on Saturday. It said father-son game night but I thought... maybe we could go together? I-I mean I know I'm not your son and you're not my dad, b-but I thought it might be fun," Dipper explained. "Only if you want to though!"

Ford smiled. He took the now folded up flyer out of his pocket, "You mean... this game night?"

"You took one of the flyers too? "

Ford nodded, "I was looking at it while you were trying to find your book. I wasn't sure if we would go, because as you did state, it is a father-son game night. But," Ford looked at Dipper, "You are kind of like a son to me."

"Really?" Dipper's smile was so genuine.

Ford smiled, "Why did I think you'd find that weird?" Ford laughed, "Of course, my boy!"

"So... we can go to the game night?"

Ford smiled, "Yeah, we'll go!"

*   *   *

Dipper and Ford ended up having a blast at the library's game night. Although it was stated as a father-son game night, many players showed up with someone who was like a father or like a son to them. Stan was right when he said they didn't care too much about actual blood relations. Dipper was like a son to him, and that's all that matters.

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