Time Stuck

293 13 34

Dipper thought he knew exactly where he was. The building looked enough like the Mystery Shack. But, this wasn't the Mystery Shack. Not yet at least. Although it had the same structure, the attractions were replaced with technology.

"Oh! You're awake!" A familiar, yet unfamiliar voice called. It was Ford, that was obvious, but Ford sounded younger.

Dipper glanced up. Yeah, that was Ford alright. However, the man looked to be in about his 20s. He was in the past.

Dipper had time traveled, that much was obvious, but how? And when? Judging by the man's healthy demeanor, it was before all the Bill stuff occurred. Although, it was after Ford moved to Gravity Falls, seeing as he was in what would later become the Mystery Shack.

"Greetings! I'm Stanford Pines. You were unconscious outside my house," he explained. "Are you lost?"

Dipper shrugged, "Uhhhh I guess you could say that..."

Ford nodded, "In that case, do you know your parents' phone number? They're probably worried sick about you,"

Dipper froze. His parents probably weren't even born yet, "No, I don't."

"Hmmm... in that case, do you live in Gravity Falls? Do you know your address?"

"Uhhhh...." Dipper swallowed. He wanted to get home, but he wasn't sure how to do that without messing up the timeline. If he told this Ford he was from the future, it could completely shatter the current timeline. Still, it wasn't like the man would say he was just making it up. "I'm not from here..."

"What are you doing in Gravity Falls then?"

Dipper shook his head, "I'm... I'm not sure..." he sighed, "I just woke up here.  I don't remember what happened before,"

"Do you at least know your name?"


"Yes...?" The man questioned. Past Ford probably thought he was insane. What thirteen-year-old wouldn't know their own name? Dipper glanced at the man again. It's not like this Ford had any experience with kids.

"What's a name?"

Ford cocked his head in confusion. Yep, this Ford definitely thought he was insane. How was he going to get out of this one? Just tell Ford that he was from 2013 and not ruin the timeline? If only he could get his hands on some time-tape then...

That's it! Time-tape should look exactly like measuring tape! He'd just explain to Ford he needed measuring tape and maybe the man would stumble across the device he needed to get home.

"Look, I just need some measuring tape and I'll get out of your way,"

"I don't understand-"

"You don't need to," Dipper stated, "Just, trust me on this."

Ford starred at the boy, "Alright. I trust you."

Ford looked throughout his drawers and cabinets in hopes of finding the measuring tape, unaware of the time travel device it contained. A few hours later, the two were only met with mostly empty drawers. "Do I really not have any measuring tapes in my whole house?" Ford mumbled to himself. Dipper shrugged.

"I know you said you'd be out of my way when you found a measuring tape, but I could really use a break. We've been searching for hours," Ford complained, going to sit down. Dipper followed. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a box. Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: 1st Edition. That gave Dipper an idea.

"Do-do you maybe want to play D, D, and More D?" Dipper suggested, starring at the box. Ford glanced at him.

"You know that game?"

"Mhm," Dipper nodded, "Just for a little bit, because I need that measuring tape, but..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" Ford exclaimed, grabbing the box and setting up the pieces, "What class do you play? I play a lawful neutral rouge,"

"Chaotic good paladin," Dipper responded.

"What's that?"

"Hm?" Dipper was confused at first. Shouldn't Ford know what a chaotic good paladin was? Then he looked down at his hands, "Oh! It's called a knuckle roll. My mentor taught me how to do it," he explained as he rolled the D38 across his knuckles.

"That's really cool, son. Could you teach me?"

Dipper starred at Ford, "You want me to teach you how to do a knuckle roll?"

Ford rubbed the back of his neck, "Uhhh if it's not to much to ask."

"No, not at all!" Dipper exclaimed, "I just thought you would already know. It's probably easier with six,"

Ford was silent, "This is the first time you've mentioned my fingers. You're not weirded out by them?"

Dipper gave an awkward chuckle, "I've seen way weirder stuff. It is Gravity Falls after all."

Ford laughed, "That's true."

"Alright. So, for beginners it's probably easier with a coin. Quarters work well-" Dipper began.

*   *   *

"I think it's time we go back to looking for that measuring tape," Ford mentioned, as he stretched. Dipper glanced at the time. He didn't realize they played their game for so long.

"Yeah, you're right," Dipper complied.

"Why do you need a measuring tape of all things?"

Dipper shook his head, "It's... well, it's not just any measuring tape. It glows and emits sparks. I just... need it to get home..."

Ford perked up, "That? Son, that device is dangerous technology!" Ford exclaimed.

"What? You know where it is? I need it to get home! I know how to work it, I need to go home! I want to go home!" Dipper cried out, frantically. He couldn't be stuck here!

"Do you even know what it does?"

"Do you even know what it does?" Dipper refuted.

Ford was silent, "Well... no, but-"

"That's what I thought! I just need it to get home. Please, I know how to work it!" Dipper begged.

Ford sighed, "Alright..." he gave in. Dipper watched as the man entered the basement, and then returned with the time-tape.

Dipper looked at it, then back up at Ford, "Hey, thanks for playing the game with me," Dipper pulled on the tape, "I'm sure we'll meet again some sunny day," he released, causing him to return to 2013.

*   *   *

"Grunkle Ford!" Dipper called.

The man turned around and beamed, "Mason!" He called, hugging the boy. "I'm so glad you're okay,"

"What happened?"

"There was a time rift... emphasises on time," he chuckled, "Anyway, you must've got caught up in it."

Curiosity got the best of Dipper, "Have you ever met a time-traveler Grunkle Ford?"

Ford thought for a moment, "I swear I met a time-travler when I was in my 20s. I think we played Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons together..."

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