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Tw: Brief descriptions of injuries

Ford was resting in bed after one hetic adventure. Dipper and himself had went out to get more information on the Hawktopus. Originally, Ford had deemed this creature as "too stupid to study." However, after Dipper did some more research into their species, they decided to study this anomaly after all.

One thing the creature was not lacking in were talons. After accidentally invading the Hawtopi's personal space, they decided to strike Ford. It was nothing against the man himself, it was his fault for getting too close. That didn't change the fact the talons hurt. A lot. And those talons caused scratches and injuries. Many of them.

On the bright side, Ford had some help. Like all of his adventures, he brought Dipper along as part of the apprenticeship. It was Dipper who helped Ford get out of that situation. The boy had blocked some of the talons and helped Ford stumble back to the Mystery Shack. Ford smiled to himself. Dipper had come a long way since becoming his apprentice. The boy had helped discover dragons, found out about the real Gobblewonker in the lake, and was the one to find out more about the Hawktopi's specific intelligence. He was truly proud of Dipper.

Ford's peaceful rest was interrupted by a creak at the door. He spotted eyes trying to peer into the room.

"Dipper? You know we're done for the day right?"

Dipper nodded, "Yeah... I just wanted to see if you needed anything," he explained.

"Well, I'd still like to jot down some notes on what we saw today, and your observations are just as important as mine," Ford explained. Dipper smiled and grabbed their shared journal. However, as Dipper got up to grab the object, Ford noticed a limp in his walk.

"Dipper?" Ford called out. Dipper turned around "You're not hurt too... are you?" He questioned.

"No, not that badly anyway!" Dipper exclaimed. Not that badly? Ford didn't even think to consider Dipper could also be injured. However, before the author could question his nephew about it, he already left the room.

Dipper returned with the book in about 10 minutes. Ford smiled, but the excitement of new notes was downplayed by Ford's concern.

"Dipper, my boy, if you're hurt then-"

Ford was cut off by Dipper explaining the anomaly. Ford sighed and listened to the boy explain his theories about the creature, occasionally interrupting by explaining his own theories or asking questions about Dipper's. Distracted by the findings, Ford momentarily forgot about his concern for Dipper. That was until, Ford noticed something.

"Dipper, what happened to your arm?"

Dipper looked at his arm to notice the wrapped bandage he was wearing showing. He quickly rolled up his sleeve.

"Nothing!" He exclaimed, a bit too fast for comfort.

"Dipper, please let me see," Ford asked. Dipper sighed and rolled up his sleeve.

"It was just a scratch," he tried, although Ford wasn't too convinced. The wound was definitely more than a scratch, however it was already patched up. There was nothing more Ford could do.

"Stanley help you bandage it?" Ford questioned. Since Ford had no idea Dipper was hurt in the first place, the kid must've went to Stan.

"Uhhh...Stan doesn't know..."

"What?" Ford shot up, "You did this yourself?" He questioned, tracing his fingers over the bandage.


"Dipper, I... I don't know what to say to you..." Ford realized he was speechless for the first time in a long time, and not in a good way. Although he was relieved to find that Dipper seemed to know basic first aid, enough to take care of himself, he was concerned the boy didn't tell anyone.

"I... am glad you know how to bandage a wound. However, if you get hurt again please tell Stanley or me," Ford sighed out. Dipper could sense Ford's tired and somewhat disappointed demeanor.

"I will Grunke Ford. I should probably go to sleep, it's getting pretty late." Dipper started to leave. However, he was stopped by Ford.

"I noticed you limping earlier. Did you hurt your leg too?" Ford question.

"I... yeah..." Dipper rolled up his pant sleeve to reveal a black and blue ankle. "It wasn't bleeding or anything, so I figured I'd just get some ice for it later."

Ford inspected the bruise himself, "Besides this bruise and the cut on your arm, is there anything else I should know about?"

"Nope, I'm good" Dipper exclaimed. Ford smiled tiredly.

"Go get some ice for your foot, then get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," Ford explained.

Dipper seened confused, "Um... I don't know if we should go monster hunting tomorrow... you're still pretty hurt."

"We're not," Ford smiled softly, "We're playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons. I'm too exhausted for anything else, and you're too hurt to be adventuring," Ford smiled and ruffled Dipper's hair.

"Alright, Night Grunkle Ford," Dipper replied as he left.

Ford looked over the journal. Dipper's notes were somehow more detailed than his own and, like earlier, he was amazed by his nephew's skills. Although he was a bit dejected Dipper tried to hide a few injuries, he could understand. Ford just had to hope Dipper would trust them enough in the future to be honest about his injuries.

A/n - I know this isn't my best work. I've had this in my drafts for about a week and I really wanted to finish it. As promised, the Mabel chapter will be next.

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