Chapter 14

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Oliver put money down on the table to cover all the drinks. "You sure?" Diggle asked. 

"Of course I am" Oliver said. 

"Oh no" Felicity said, staring at the screen of her phone. "There is a robbery at the blood bank". 

"Seriously?" Oliver said. "The blood bank? Dig, you have my stuff in your van?" 

"Yeah" Diggle said, and the three of them headed out towards the vehicle. . 

Immediately, entering the blood bank, Oliver heard lots of noise. The culprit was not making a point to be stealthy. The noise was coming from the refrigerated room that stored the bank's entire inventory of blood. 

As Oliver made his way towards the door, he notice the hallway leading there was full of carnage. every square inch. Whoever was behind that door had not just killed, but obliterated the guards in pursuit of the blood. The hallway smelled like massacre. 

Oliver placed his hand on the door's handle. "It's frozen" he whisper to Diggle and Felicity through the comms. 

"A cluster bomb arrow should help with that" Felicity said. "But caution, you'll lose any element of surprise". 

Oliver nocked the said trick arrow into his bow and fired at close range. The door slowly opened. 

The man stood there, staring at Oliver and Oliver felt something that he hadn't in a longtime wearing that suit, fear. "Where did you - where did you get that mask?" Oliver choked. 

The mask the man wore was the same mask that haunted Oliver's nightmare for seven years first worn by the sadist who had tortured him, sliced him up mercilessly. Then by Slade Wilson, his friend turned foe. 

"Slade?" Oliver whispered in a somewhat fearful tone. The man wearing the mask kicked the cooler he had been planning to transport the stolen blood in aside and charged towards  Oliver.

 Oliver was prepared but it didn't matter. The man was of smaller stature than Oliver,  but terrifyingly strong. He threw Oliver straight  against the wall. The man came charging up to land kick, which Oliver blocked with his arm. The man yanked Oliver up again and and tossed him right into the opposite wall, face-fist. Oliver felt blood begin running from his nose. Hitting the wall, he stumbled back a few steps. The man grabbed Oliver with an arm around his neck, trying  to choke him. 

Oliver grabbed the man's thigh, digging his fingers against his leg. It barely seemed to even bother the man, but he let go. Oliver turned around and managed to get one punch in. Oliver's assailant pushed him and lost his footing, hitting the ground again and rolling a few feet away. 

Oliver heard as the man made away with the stolen blood samples. 'Hel-help" he whimpered into his comm. 

Caitlin ran the standard tests on Oliver as he sat on of the beds in the Star Labs med-bay. "You don't know who was wearing the mask? Nothing you saw could help identify him?" Felicity asked. 

"The only thing I recognized was the mask" Oliver said. 

"Sorry" Caitlin said. "But Oliver really needs some rest right now ".

"Of course" Felicity and Diggle agreed. 

Oliver grabbed onto Felicity arm. "Will check on Laurel for me?"

"Yeah" Felicity agreed

"Whoever Oliver went against really did a number on him" Felicity explained to Laurel. "It wasn't normal. Are-are you okay?"

Laurel snapped  out of deep thought. "Yeah. Yes, of course, I am. How is he?" 

"Honestly, he seems... scared" Felicity said. "I think you should talk to him"

"I will, but Caitlin is right. Ollie has to rest" Laurel said. "In the meantime, we should focus on the  guy that did this". 

"What do you mean?" Diggle said as he joined the ladies. "You're not chasing after him" 

"Of course I'm not. I'm pregnant. But that doesn't mean that I am going to do nothing"

"What are  you doing? Oliver asked Caitlin

"Swabbing underneath your fingernails" Caitlin explained.

"DNA..." Oliver mumbled. 

"Exactly" Caitlin confirmed. "Cisco and I have access to federal database. Were going to figure who was under that mask" 

"Good" Oliver said, tension thick in his voice.

Awhile later, Laurel walked in to see Oliver. "Come here" he said and she leaned down and they kissed. "You look good".

Laurel touched Oliver's battered face and then leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

"I'm okay" Oliver said. "You okay?" 

"Worried... about you. Otherwise, I'm great" Laurel replied. Oliver frowned, but he didn't press the issue. "Felicity mentioned the person you fought um- they weren't normal"

"They were wearing this mask... I've seen before, on Lian Yu" Oliver divulged. Laurel nodded her head.

"Slade Wilson's" Laurel guessed. Oliver nodded. Since Laurel revealed that she knew Oliver's other identity, he had revealed to her more of his story than anybody else knew, including Diggle and Felicity. Laurel was the only person who knew that Oliver had not been on the island all his five years missing. "I thought you said you killed him"

"I did kill him" Oliver said. 

"So what, somebody happened to have have that same mask here in Starling City" Laurel said. 

"I don't know. I don't know how he had that mask" Oliver said. 

"Is it possible that the arrow through the eye didn't kill Slade like you hoped" Laurel asked. 

"I don't know, but he drowned" Oliver said. "And I destroyed every last drop of Mirikuru".

"What does Mirikuru have to do with this?" Laurel asked. 

"Whoever I was fighting couldn't have been Slade, even if  Slade was alive, this guy was small in stature, a little bit lanky..."

"So if Mirikuru wasn't involved-" 

 "Mirikuru is the only thing I have ever come across that could explain how that guy... " Oliver's voice trailed off. Laurel reached out and touched Oliver's hand. 

"Is it possible someone is making it?" Laurel asked

"I don't know if anyone who knows how to make the stuff is still alive" Oliver wondered. 

"A strong sedative is required to be taken before being injected with Mirakuru. If something is going on with Mirakuru, I need to know where this guy is going to hit next" Oliver explained. "Will you ask Felicity for me?" 

Laurel nodded and kissed Oliver's forehead before exiting the room. 

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