Chapter 8

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Laurel had been comatose for a few days, Oliver had been by her side at Star Labs as much as he could. He didn't sleep much, spending most night in the Arrowcave, doing any and all research to track down. Xavier Reed. Reed had seemingly disappeared all together which grinded Oliver down to his core. Reed took a lot of innocent lives.  Sebastian Blood had clung to life at Starling General for nearly two days before succumbing to his injuries.  

"William misses you" he said to her, as he ran his hand over hers. "But don't worry, I'm doing everything you have always done for him. You're a good mom, Laurel, much better than I am a father. I hate that William has to go without you. I hate being without you. Especially now. Starling City is seeking the death penalty against my mother. I'm so used to having you around when I need you. You're always there for me. I miss you". 

"Hey, um, sorry" Caitlin said, walking in on the monologue. 

"Please, this is your lab" Oliver said, playing it cool. "So, uh, anything". 

"Actually, yes. Laurel's blood. It's special" Caitlin exclaimed. 

"Excuse me" Oliver asked. 

"Well, I ran test after test only to become more and more puzzled. I brought my boss in and he ran a complete analysis. His findings suggest a theory that is only believed by some of the most forward thinkers in our field. However, it has never been proven" Caitlin said. Responding to the confusion on Oliver's face, she continued. "Laurel's blood sample suggest that she has a special hidden gene, something that has been coined a metagene".

"Okay, a metagene... Is that what is making her sick?". 

"Sick, sure. But she really isn't sick at all" Caitlin said. 

"Caitlin, I'm sorry, but she is very clearly sick" Oliver argued. 

"The polymer that Laurel swallowed was not purely polymer. Something that Barton Mathis put in there woke up Laurel's meta-gene. Since the typical human body doesn't recognize this gene, her body is attacking it as if it were an enemy. The rest of her system will accommodate, but will take some time". Caitlin said. 

"How long?" Oliver asked.

"Hopefully not much longer" Caitlin said. "But when I wake her up, it would be best for her to stay here for a bit". 

"And why is that?" Oliver asked. 

"There is a bit more to this theory... having an active meta-gene, in theory of course, gives a human being, special abilities" Caitlin revealed. 

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked 

"Well, it can be anything, when Laurel wakes up she could've acquired enhanced strength, speed, energy control..." 

"Excuse me, what?" 

"Again Oliver, it's a theory, but it is looking extremely probable" Caitlin said

Oliver entered the mansion to find Thea in front of the TV, and William cuddled up to her. 

"Hey, you guys look comfortable" Oliver said. "Whatcha watching?" 

"We were watching a superhero movie, but William fell asleep, so I'm watching the news" 

Oliver sat down next to Thea and watched the news coverage about Sebastian Blood's assassination and what that meant for the impending mayoral race. "So no one is running for mayor?" Oliver asked. 

"No not right now" Thea said. The siblings sat in silence watching the coverage until Thea said: "You home tonight?" 

"No, I don't think so" Oliver explained. "But if you aren't either, I'll get Raisa to watch William" 

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